Back in the village, it was already the early days of youth. The scorching heat enveloped the entire village.

Soong Xintong walked towards the shabby thatched cottage at the end of the village under the sun with the basket on her back. From afar, she saw Da Bao and Little Treasure standing on a small path by the side of the fields, looking towards the direction of the Hee Family house.

These two little guys, aren't they afraid of sunstroke even though they're so hot outside?

"Sister, you're back."

"Sister, Sister."

The two boys shouted at the same time as they ran towards Soong Xintong.

"Don't run, don't run!" Soong Xintong was afraid that these two children had fallen into the water. Little Treasure's body was weaker, so he wouldn't be able to withstand the cold.

The two kids ran in, pulling each other aside with one hand. "Sister, you're finally back. I'm hungry."

"Didn't I boil sweet potatoes in the pot?" Soong Xintong pulled the two of them towards the middle of the road, afraid that they would be pushed down.

"I've finished eating." Little Treasure said.

Dabao held Soong Xintong's hand and asked, "Sis, what are you carrying on your back?"

"I bought the meat you want to eat the most." Soong Xintong said with a smile.

"Meat?" Da Bao and Xiao Bao's eyes lit up. They could not help but swallow their saliva. "Really?"

"Really, we'll do it." Soong Xintong pushed the door open and put it down inside the kitchen. She then took a deep breath and rubbed her shoulders, feeling very tired.

The two children opened the leaves on the basket. "Bones."

"It's down there." Soong Xintong put the bones in a wooden basin and then took out the fat meat, liver, black noodles, and crushed rice.

"Wow, there's so many." The two kids screamed as they spun around in joy.

Big Treasure swallowed his saliva. Next to Soong Xintong who was slumped on the small stool, he whispered, "Sister A, how much money does it cost?"

"It's fine, sister will make money." Soong Xintong patted Big Treasure's little head and a sense of disappointment flashed through her heart. To be able to calculate for her family at such a young age, she was truly sensible.

Big Treasure stubbornly asked, "How much did you spend?"

Soong Xintong immediately changed the topic, "I sold yesterday's wild vegetables for 84 yuan today."

"So many." Big Treasure widened his eyes. "Then we'll dig again."

Little Treasure also joined in. "I'll go too."

"There's no hurry. We'll dig it up again tomorrow. We'll sell it when the market arrives in the future." Soong Xintong pounded her back as she bent down to pass the pastries she had gotten from the restaurant to Big Treasure and Little Treasure. "These are from the restaurant that bought our dishes, hurry and eat them."

Xiaobao bit down and muttered, "Ahh, it's delicious."

Soong Xintong wrapped the leftover pastries up and said, "But we can only eat one piece. We'll leave the rest for tomorrow."

Little Treasure blinked his watery eyes. "But it's delicious, I still want to eat it."

Soong Xintong patted Xiaobao's flat belly. "It's almost time for dinner. Do you want to save some of your belly for the meat?"

"Alright, I'll only eat one piece." Little Treasure sensibly agreed.

"Big Treasure, take it and put it away." Soong Xintong passed the pastries to Dabao, "Look at Little Treasure, we can't let him eat them without permission."

Big Treasure carefully accepted the pastries, then proudly looked at Little Treasure before loudly replying, "En!"

Soong Xintong looked at the sun on the edge of the field.

Who cares? It was already early in the morning. He would cook dinner, take a bath after eating, and it would be dark by then.

Soong Xintong quickly washed the pot clean and put the bones back into the pot. Then she put all the bones and liver into the basket and hung them in the well.

The well at the back of the house was dug by the original owner's father. Because it was at the end of the village, near the stream in the village, there was a lot of water nearby, so after digging for a meter or two, the well water would rise.

After hanging the bone and pig liver in the well, he once again covered the wooden well lid with a stone weighing over ten jin and walked towards the vegetable patch next to the well with a relieved expression on his face.

Most of the sweet potatoes had been planted by the original owner. The rest of the rows had been planted with a few common vegetables. However, because they couldn't be helped, they didn't look too good.

Soong Xintong casually pulled out about ten cages of unsightly looking garlic seedlings and used them to stir-fry fat. She then looked around to see if there were any dishes that could be used for stewing soup or fried pork liver.

After looking around, she realized that she found some Bloody Vegetables in the grass. Soong Xintong was extremely excited as she thought, "This is the perfect place to fry pork liver. Furthermore, this piece of meat should be able to pinch around ten catties, right?" Would he be able to sell it when the time came?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became!

Soong Xintong was squatting in the grass, pinching the red grass. He pouted. He already had meat to eat at home, so why would he eat wild vegetables? Did Ah'jie lie to him again?

Soong Xintong took a pinch of the Bloody Vegetables and walked back. She immediately saw Big Treasure standing there, looking at her with an expression that made her heart ache. She ran over and asked, "What's wrong? You want some pastries? "

"No." Big Treasure forced himself not to cry.

Soong Xintong was puzzled. "Then why?" Little Treasure hit you? "

"Nope." Big Treasure lowered his head and played with his fingers.

Soong Xintong did not understand. "Then why?"

Dabao pointed at the bloody vegetables in Soong Xintong's hand. "Sis, I don't want to eat meat anymore. Don't eat weeds."

"Hey, this isn't a weed, it's something that can be eaten as well." Soong Xintong reported the treasure to him. "Big Sis will make it for you to try. If it tastes good to Big Treasure, we'll sell it for money, alright?"

"Won't they be poisoned?" Da Bao remembered that his father had said that the brighter the mushroom, the more poisonous it would be.

"It's not poisonous, don't be afraid." Soong Xintong carried Dabao into the kitchen. When Little Treasure saw this with his sharp eyes, he rushed over as well. "Sis, I want to hug too."

"Sister can't carry it anymore." Soong Xintong put the treasure down, "Let big brother hug you."

"No, I want Sis." Little Treasure was unwilling. His brother was so young, how could he carry him?

"Stop messing around, Ah'jie is tired." Dabao walked up behind Soong Xintong and pressed her shoulder. "Are you feeling better?"

Although she didn't use much strength, Soong Xintong still praised, "It's better now. Great treasure is truly obedient."

"I want to give Sister a back massage." Little Treasure was also unwilling to be outdone.

Soong Xintong added more firewood as she said, "Thank you very much. You guys are so nice."

"We are all good to sister, and will be the same in the future." Big Treasure and Little Treasure said together.

Half an hour later, Soong Xintong stewed a pot of bone-thick soup, then simply made a garlic seedling and fried the meat. She also made fried pork liver. Although there was very little seasoning, it was very fragrant and the three of them couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Little Treasure gulped and stared at the meat, not moving. "Sis, when can we eat?"

Soong Xintong scooped up a bowl of soup for each of them. "You'll be able to eat after drinking the soup."

Just as he finished speaking, the two kids picked up the bowls and started drinking. As they drank, they said, "Mmm mmm mmm mmm, delicious, delicious."

After dinner, the three of them sat in the yard with full stomachs. Looking at the sunset glow in the sky, they burped in satisfaction.

"So happy." Little Treasure suddenly said, "It would be great if he could be like this everyday."

Great Treasure also had the same thought, and he turned to look at Soong Xintong.

Soong Xintong smiled and patted his head. "I will."