Rong embroidery said a word a nail, no change, little tea had to restrain the words in the heart, in the side of good service. In the evening, it snowed again in Yunzhou. It was the season of salt and snow. It was clear that the sunlight was still on the wall. With the blink of glasses, the weather changed.

Seeing the thin snow in front of her, Rongxiu took a small pot and put it in the corridor. If she could get boiling snow to cook tea, how beautiful it would be. When Rong Xiu imagined it, she heard a cry.

It's not like being in your own yard, it's like a other garden outside. Zhou Yi'an is not a pet in Zhou's residence. He usually lives in the worst room. When he goes to the other garden, no one goes there for a long time. It is said that there is a dry well. In the past, someone drowned in it.

When Rong Xiu was curious for a moment, she followed the cry. She saw the grass in the courtyard. It looked like no one had cleaned it for many years. When Rong Xiu saw this, she could not help but walk past. There was a well in the courtyard, but a woman with dishevelled hair was sitting beside the well crying.

Hearing someone coming, the woman suddenly raised her head. Her face was full of wrinkles. There was a lot of soil in the crevices of wrinkles. She looked like a madwoman.

"You are Who is it? " Step by step, Rong embroidery approaches.

The woman suddenly showed a few white teeth, a little inexplicable smile, let life cold: "new lady! New lady

With Zhou Yian every day, Rongxiu has been used to this way of speaking. It seems that this person is also lost in his mind.

"It's too dangerous here. Don't stay here."

Rong Xiu stepped forward, she has always been afraid of heaven and earth. Although this woman seems a little strange now, people are human beings, and they are definitely not crazy, which will arouse people's fear.

Unexpectedly, the woman pushed Rong Xiu forward, grabbed her wrist, and bit her head.

After a while, Rong xiuxin read the electric switch: "my hands are poisonous."

If the person is really crazy, naturally will not understand this sentence, then the action will not slow down. But if this person is not crazy, then her action will be hesitant.

As expected, the woman stopped her hand and looked at it in surprise. For a moment, she froze.

"You're not crazy at all." The corner of Rong Xiu's mouth was filled with a smile: "so what are you pretending to be crazy and foolish for?"

The woman shrank back. Looking at that, she wanted to come over and push Rong embroidery again. Unexpectedly, this time, Rong Xiu quickly dodged her hand and pulled up the messy cloth strips on the woman's clothes.

"You are dressed in excellent silk and satin, which shows that you have a high status in the past. However, you are trapped here and pretending to be stupid. It shows that someone is attacking you outside. Am I right?"

Rong Xiu gently tore the cloth down: "the clothes are so brittle that it seems that you have been here for a long time."

The woman pounced forward again. It seemed that she wanted to take back the cloth in Rong Xiu's hand.

"Wait a minute. I'm not a bad person. You can see that I'm a new woman who just joined the Zhou family. You can tell me what you have been wronged."

After these words, the woman's action finally stopped. She bit her lower lip and looked up and down at Rongxiu. She did not know how long she was silent, and then she slowly said, "you You are really... "

"I am Zhou Yian's wife. If you don't believe me, you can also believe Zhou Yian."

This is also Rong Xiu's wish to gamble. In this mansion, Zhou Yi'an is the only one who has been harmed. This shows that he is the weak side. Now he meets such a woman who pretends to be a fool. I'm not sure. She and Zhou Yian are inextricably linked.

At the mention of Zhou Yi'an's name, the woman's face changed. Her silly expression just now faded away. She gently adjusted her clothes. Although she had reached such a point, she was still so concerned about her appearance that she was not willing to do so.

"I didn't expect that my daughter-in-law had already married." The woman said in a slow voice: "at that time, the times changed and the stars changed. Now, it has been seven years."

Rong Xiu suddenly remembered that Mrs. Zhou married the Zhou family seven years ago, when Zhou Yi'an was still very young.

"You look like you already know something, don't you?" There was a light in the woman's eyes: "I have been dormant for so many years, just to let that Xiao Suqin get its due end."

Rong Xiu also vaguely remembers that Mrs. Zhou's maiden name is Suqin. It seems that this woman has a great connection with Mrs. Zhou before.

"I don't know what Mrs. Zhou has done to make you hate you so much." Rong Xiu sat down by the well.

"She has harmed my mind, robbed my husband, and injured my son. Can't I hate her for such a heinous crime?"

The woman patted the table fiercely: "Xiao Suqin and I have no common feelings."

"You..." Rong Xiu's eyes trembled. In everyone's mouth, Zhou Yian's mother was seriously ill and dead. He was also the only son of master Zhou. Listening to the woman's meaning, she was Zhou Yian's mother.Seeing the shaking eyes of Rongxiu, the woman said with a smile: "you should not have thought that I was not dead at all. I was just crazy. I was just trapped here. But Zhou Zhongfu has been saving my life, just want to get the property of my Xiao family!"

I didn't expect that so many things were involved in this, and Rong Xiu lost a lot of memory. Therefore, she was groping for the world, but now she felt that the human heart was terrible and still more poisonous.

"Seven years ago, Zhou Zhongfu and I were a loving couple. Although he took two concubines and found several concubines, he still came to my house most often. If he can do this all his life, he should be satisfied."

A trace of sadness suddenly flowed through the woman's eyes.

But Rong Xiu slowly shook her head and said, "I don't think so. Although as a woman, there are many things that can't be done, but it's only limited by the outside world. If you want to, you can accomplish some great things, not to mention husband and son, but also tolerate your husband and son and marry others."

In the view of Rong embroidery, the love between men and women can't be shared. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you can't give in. The woman fixed her eyes on Rong embroidery. It seemed that the idea of Rong embroidery was too fresh for her to hear.

"Do you really think so?" The woman suddenly bit her lip and said, "over the years, am I wrong?"