Besides the border area, there were also corpses all over the country. In this war, the northern people didn't get much money, and many people died. Because of the vast territory of the Northern Kingdom, it was inevitable that they would lag behind when they wanted to send troops. This is also the reason why the Northern Kingdom reluctantly agreed to make peace with their relatives.

At the moment, Rong Xiu only felt sad in her heart. Naturally, she knew that if she went on like this, she would inevitably suffer from heart disease. Therefore, she looked out from time to time, and most of the time, she suppressed her fear in her heart.

After a few more days, we can see the bitter wind and rain all the way, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Even if we cover the quilt at night, we feel cold and Tianjin. After careful calculation, we can see that Rongxiu has left Wangdu for more than 20 days, and it has been ten days since the border.

Before Yin Shi passed, Rongxiu was awakened by the cold. She put on her clothes and left the carriage gently. The horse snorted. However, Rongxiu saw hule standing on the edge of the motorcade with a rare smile on her face.

"General huller, where are we now?" Rong Xiu deliberately put her own pace a little heavier, so as not to doubt her.

"If I'm right, we'll be in the king's camp in ten hours." Hule didn't fling his face to Rongxiu this time: "you are a smart man. You didn't ask me anything on the way. I believe that the king will like you."

This is really a new saying. Rong Xiu couldn't help but smile bitterly. She seemed to think of something suddenly: "general hule, where are these slaves going?"

"Naturally, they will stay in the camp to serve. Ha ha, but they will not live long. Before that, we have captured many light cavalry as slaves. When the slaves fight, they will not be able to survive for half a day."

"So the vanguard general you mentioned before is also a slave?" Rong embroidery pretends to be very curious.

Hule is a rough man, he naturally did not hear the implication of Rong Xiu: "that man is a secret, we can't lightly indulge him, now he is still in prison."

Perhaps he has already regarded Rong Xiu as a canary that cannot escape, so he has no scruples.

"In a few days, the king's mother and sister will also come here, and then it will be really lively." Hule suddenly picked up the wine bag beside him and took a deep drink. Suddenly, he approached Rongxiu.

Rong Xiu found that there were several wine sachets on the ground. Obviously, the man had drunk a lot of wine this night. He grabbed Rongxiu's wrist: "you are a good Princess of southern kingdom."

The strong spirit of wine suddenly pounced on the face of Rongxiu: "I have made so many military achievements. I think the king will reward you to me. It's better for me to have a taste of it now!"

He was like a bear, and directly pressed the Rong embroidery on the ground.

Rong Xiu kept kicking her legs: "hule general, are you crazy, are you crazy?"

"Huller, what are you doing?" A roar of anger hit, only to see an old general appeared in the camp.

Hule suddenly came back to his senses. He looked back and felt a little uneasy at once: "it's old general Budu. Who am I! The king already has so many wives. What's the matter if you don't have one. Besides, this woman is only a palliative chip. Everyone knows that the war must continue! "

The old general winked, and the guard next to him pulled hule up. Rongxiu brushed the veil on his face and stood on the side: "you can kill me, you can't insult me. Hule is not only insulting me, but also insulting the king. No matter how to say, I am also the king's woman. Even if I want to reward him, it must be allowed by the king. If he does so now, it is an insult to all the people in the northern kingdom! "

She said this in order to arouse hostility towards huller, so as to stir up relations. However, the old general said, "princess, you can calm down. Hule is drunk. He is just ignorant."

This is so light, but Rongxiu also understands the meaning. No matter what she says, the old general will not enlarge hule. And hule is also on the side, showing a very terrible smile.

"In that case, I have nothing to say." Rong embroidery a brush sleeve, then back to the carriage.

Budu was sent by the king of the northern kingdom to welcome Rongxiu. It was also a mistake to save Rongxiu. At the moment, Rongxiu was in a state of shock, leaning on the soft couch and breathing heavily.

Aro comforted her hand and put it on the hand of Rong embroidery: "princess, don't worry, the king will be the master for you."

She was still young and didn't know what was going on here. Rong Xiu opened her lips and said with a smile: "it's OK. Don't worry about me. I'll be OK."

The young man sat in the door of the car: "don't worry, I will protect you."

After getting along with each other these days, Rongxiu knew that the young man was cold outside and hot inside. Perhaps he was more reticent because he witnessed his relatives being killed. To this day, Rongxiu didn't know the name of the young man.

"What's your name?" Rong Xiu saw that he was very willing to talk to himself today, so he followed up.

"My name is wood." The boy answered at will.

It seems that this is just a young man's response, and Rongxiu will no longer ask more questions.As hule said, ten hours later, she saw the huge Royal City standing on the cold Gobi.

The royal city is like a cheetah crawling on the Gobi. It can attack at any time and kill other people.

Even at night, the wedding procession can enter the city. Soon, the gate is opened, and there is endless darkness inside. Rongxiu's eyes are half closed. From this moment on, everything can't help herself at all. She has no choice but to let her destiny crush herself mercilessly.

"I'll have a rest in the princess's mansion outside for one night." Cloth was arranged quickly, and several well-dressed maids led Rong Xiu into the room.

Rong Xiu was restless this night. She couldn't sleep at all. She was thinking about her own fate. What if she was killed by the king of the Northern Kingdom tomorrow.

"Can't the princess sleep?" A maid dressed a little different looked at Rong Xiu quietly. She said in a slow voice, "if you can't sleep, I can talk with you."

It seems that she is the steward of a group of maid, Rong Xiu slightly side head: "tell me about your king?"

"The princess is curious, too." The maid smile: "princess, you can rest assured that our king's character is a little rough, but he is very good to the ladies in the palace. As long as you can get the king's favor, you can keep yourself in the palace. "

This sentence seems to imply something. Rong embroidery can't help becoming more nervous.