"This Rong xiuniang is really extraordinary." The prince's voice gradually disappeared behind the Rong embroidery.

For more than a year, Rongxiu only felt that she had experienced more things than other people's life.

Although the person is not old, the heart is already old, she walked back to her room step by step.

She clearly has made the best choice she can make, but she still has to go to this step today. If she can, she would like to return to the small mountain village outside Qicheng, regardless of anything, as long as she can live well

When she closed the door, Rong Xiu sat by the bed. These days, she had nothing to do, so she embroidered a square of handkerchief with bamboo poles and flower trellis at the door of her house, which was the most beautiful and warm place in her memory.

On the tenth day, Rongxiu was placed under a secret door of the palace city. The chariot had already set up a mechanism. The chariot would have to rest here, and then he could exchange beams and pillars.

More leakage, Rong embroidery at the moment in the underground city, she saw that the people here are mediocre, years have consumed all their courage, to be able to live is their greatest gift.

Suddenly, there was a stir in the market, and a few people gathered around a stall. Unexpectedly, someone committed suicide, and the blood flowed into the yellow mud on the ground, but it was just a momentary commotion. No one cared about what happened here any more. We went back to live a numb life.

Another person died. These people are suffering here. It may be a relief to be able to die. Rongxiu was suddenly frightened by her own ideas. She was a strong person all the time. In order to survive, she had endured too much pain, but now, she did not feel half a pity for the passing of her life.

"Rong xiuniang, it's coming soon." Today, it is not the crown prince who accompanies Rongxiu, but the steward of the prince's house.

However, it seems that it is more difficult to deal with this matter. Rong Xiu converges back to her eyes: "don't worry, I'm ready."

These days, the whole process, she was in mind, not a bit forgotten.

"Nature is the best that you remember." The housekeeper chuckled strangely, but he heard two taps on his head. Rong Xiu opened the door at a very fast speed. Zhang Xinyue, who had seen her a few days ago, ran down the steps with excitement on her face. Without even looking at Rong Xiu, she ran to the back and ran to the back of the small door.

And Rong embroidery, can only step on this step she does not want to step on. As expected, there was an empty sedan chariot above. Rongxiu came to the sedan chair and closed the board below.

From now on, all her destiny will be changed. However, Rongxiu looks calm. It can be said that she has already predicted.

After a while, the sedan chariot was lifted up again and walked slowly. Rongxiu was so sleepy that she took a nap. She did not know how long she had gone. The chariot stopped. It seemed that someone outside said in the harsh Southern Mandarin: "we have left the inner city."

Soon, there were sounds of rites and music outside. It was as high as a burst. Rongxiu got up and soon someone came to the chariot: "princess, when you get here, you have to take a carriage, not a chariot."

Rongxiu raised the curtain, and her face was covered with a veil, so it was natural that others could not see her appearance clearly.

Outside the car was a girl with a little dark skin. She looked full of vitality. She must not be from southern China. Rongxiu secretly thought that the girl helped Rongxiu out of the carriage and into the carriage: "princess, we can eat in a moment."

Rong Xiu casually cope with a, these people do not know what the princess looks like, so she does not have to worry too much. Now it was dusk, and the horse team of the northern kingdom was out of the capital of the king, and was camping out for a night.

The girl sat by the fire and played the pipa gently. The voice was dumb and not clear. She sang a song that she didn't understand. However, she sang it very affectionately. To Rongxiu, she didn't feel a little sour. When the song was over, Rong embroidery could not help but say, "where are you from?"

"Princess, I am a hermit. Later, I was captured by the Northern Kingdom and became a slave." When the girl talked about it, she didn't even have a sad look: "ah, by the way, my name is arrow."

"You sing very well, but I don't know what the beginning means." Rong Xiu looked at the girl who was only 14 or 15 years old.

Arrow teased again: "this is the song my mother taught me, but I haven't learned it completely. My mother left me, so I don't know the meaning of the song."

It seems that the girl also has something to worry about. Rongxiu sits by the fire. As soon as she sits down, people around her get nervous. Obviously, they don't believe that the southern "Princess" will follow them.

"Don't be nervous. I won't do anything." "I just want to listen to the music," said Rong Xiu slowly

All of them relieved their hostility. Rong Xiu said with a smile to arrow, "then can I try this Pipa?"

"Of course." Arrow said with a smile: "princess, you may try."

To tell you the truth, before Rongxiu passed through, she had learned guitar for three minutes. She just dialed a few times at will, and only a few dumb voices flowed from the string."I don't seem to be good at it." Rong Xiu chuckles.

"Eat it The guard next to him brought a bag of freshly roasted meat, which looked very oily and tasted good. Rongxiu slowly took the meat and put it in his mouth to chew. Add a little salt, very tasty, and very northern style.

After eating a few pieces of meat, Rongxiu felt that she was full. These days, she had taken care of her body to ensure that she could persist. After eating a few pieces of meat, she also felt that she was still in good health, and the stone in her heart was gradually put down. When arrow saw that she had eaten, she dared to eat a few pieces.

In the next ten days, there was nothing special about it. Soon we would come to the border line. However, Rongxiu saw the bitter grass and the cold weather. It seemed that autumn was raging. I think the temperature should be low all the year round in northern China, so we can see such a scene because of the material.

As soon as Rong Xiu raised the curtain, he heard the people outside shouting coldly: "what are you going out for? Go back!"

At the moment, many officials in the South were taken as slaves, and they were treated as slaves by the people of the south.

"General huller, are you going too far?" "These people are just ordinary people! Why did you arrest them? "