Rong Xiusheng porridge out: "eat quickly."

"That's how you usually live?" No. 7 could not help frowning, which was quite different from his past life. He was used to the life of licking blood with a knife edge. Occasionally, he was able to clean up. He seemed to have a different understanding in his heart. However, the more turbulent he was in his heart, the more light it was on the surface, as if nothing had happened.

A bowl of porridge was put on the table, and Rong Xiu said with a smile, "is this a bad life?"

In fact, she had thought about why other people's passing through was always wonderful. She passed through and became a rural woman. But now she is a little grateful for such a life. At least, because of this, she met Su Chengxi.

"What are you thinking?" No.7 caught sight of the smile on the corner of Rongxiu's lips. It was like the light of the sky breaking through the clouds. He couldn't help sighing in his heart. Fortunately, she was just a peasant woman. If she had a higher status, I didn't know how many waves would be set off.

After dinner, Rongxiu took out a piece of paper and spread it on the table top. She hesitated for a moment and made a big decision: "OK, let's make an equivalent exchange. You tell me your organization, and I will tell you what I know. How about this exchange, it's fair."

It can be seen from No.7 that this is the biggest concession that Rongxiu can make. He can choose not to say it, but as long as he doesn't say it, he won't want to know the map from Rongxiu.

"Well, it's a fair exchange." No. 7 no longer hesitated: "we are the secret guards of the royal city. We are born for the whole royal city. We must be neutral during the Taiping period. That is to say, even if there is something wrong, we can't do it as long as there is no trouble. "

"It sounds like you can't decide anything at all. On the contrary, you are constrained everywhere." Rong Xiu pondered for a moment and drew the first line on the paper.

"You can think so." No. 7 looked calm and frightening: "but now something is wrong."

"What trouble?" Rong xiuleng for a long time: "is it the emperor?" As soon as she spoke, she saw the face of No. 7 suddenly change.

"The Lord is no longer the one of the past." No. 7 said slowly, "the holy master of the past was full of ambition and imagination of the future, but now the emperor is addicted to refining alchemy every day. He is bewildered by Yao Yao Yao's demon. He has a beautiful dream of rising in the sky and never pays attention to the government any more."

This ancient alchemy, most of them used cinnabar. Once this herb was added, it was likely to cause heavy metal poisoning.

Rong Xiu sighed in her heart that even if she was a king, she wanted to live forever. Of course, she could not say that it was bad, but she still hoped that these people could live in reality, do not have delusions, and make some unrealistic spring and Autumn Dreams.

"Yao Yao was very good at controlling people's hearts. He had won over most of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. There was no other opinion around the emperor." No. 7 saw Rong Xiu did not speak, then said: "if I, there are other ways will never come to you."

"But what does this have to do with this map? Even if you can get the treasure hidden in this map, it will not change the fate of the whole dynasty. The king will not listen to you. He will only see what you do Rong Xiu's voice is still very quiet, but her heart has set off waves.

Looking at the number seven in front of her, she hesitated for a moment. She still drew a line on the paper. This time, the line crossed the one just before and folded into a cross.

No. 7 Mu showed gratitude. For him, as long as he could draw the map he wanted according to the real exchange conditions, he was willing to tell Rongxiu everything, even the deepest and darkest secrets.

"Well, should you tell me the origin of this organization now?" Rong Xiu stopped writing and looked at number seven with a smile.

"After Yao's rebellion, the crown prince came to us. He promised us that as long as we could help him to calm down Yao Qi's rebellion, we would be prosperous in the near future." No. 7 has a deep thought in his eyes.

However, Rong Xiu secretly thought that the prince's ability to manipulate people's hearts was no worse than Yao Yao's, and he even understood the development trend of the whole thing, so that he could control the whole organization so easily.

"In this case, what's the matter with the five color Zen smoke? Is it just your signal? " Rong Xiu said in a soft voice: "and once you see the five color Zen smoke, even if it's a vicious person, you won't come after it. It's such a magic thing. What's the relationship between King Qichun and you? Aren't you the prince? Hiding in the secret room of Qichun, is the grain and grass haggling heavy, also related to the prince? "

"You have too many questions." Seven and a half closed his eyes. "I can't answer these questions."

This is probably the deepest secret contained in it. Once you know these secrets, I'm afraid I'll die soon. Rongxiu doesn't bother to ask again. She draws a few lines on the paper with a smile: "OK, the map I remember. You take it. "

She pushed the Xuan paper forward: "if you stay here again, I'm afraid my reputation will be damaged."

After that, Rongxiu stood up, and she had other plans in mind. Even if the crown prince likes to play tricks on the people's hearts, what's the harm of giving this treasure map to them as long as he does something beneficial to the people?On the contrary, it is a person like the king of Qichun, whose treasure map falls into his hands, which is unthinkable.

After thinking about it, they will be able to ensure the safety of this treasure map on the 7th. This is Rong embroidery's own choice and is willing to be responsible for such a choice.

Although there are some rough lines on the paper, No.7 can see that it is a real treasure map. He hesitated for a moment, and then he said with difficulty: "in fact, your appearance is very similar to the first Dark Lord in our organization, especially your eyes. Maybe we will meet again later."

No. 7 jumped out of bed: "I'm leaving. Don't worry, I won't implicate you." Since then, the fate of No. 7 has no longer been managed by Rong embroidery. It may be a good thing, or it may be a bad thing, who can say it correctly.

After leaving on the 7th, the days had passed. He even left a ding of silver for Rongxiu.

As of these days. If you don't charge for accommodation, you don't have to pay for it.

One day the wind outside. One day after another, a few days ago, someone found several bodies on the mountain road, all of which were the bodies of Qi Chengwei. It seems that the war between Qin Hu and Qi Chengwei is getting worse and worse, and Rongxiu can't help sinking in her heart.