"What would you like to eat, sir?" Yunpei called out.

I didn't expect that one of the strangers actually reached out to hold her hand: "the hand of the little lady is very white and tender."

And forced that hand to smell a circle by the nose: "Oh, there is still wine."

Yunpei, who had experienced such a thing, was so frightened that he could not move.

"What would you like to eat, sir?" Su Chengxi handed over the dish, just separating the man's hand.

The stranger was a bit unhappy at the moment, but he did not attack. Instead, he leaned heavily on his chair: "burn a hot pheasant to taste."

Judging from this man's crude manner, Su Chengxi could see that he was a participant from outside the pass. He had just come down from the snow mountain. There were many precious medicinal materials in the leather bag beside them.

"Dear guests, there is no pheasant in the shop." Su Chengxi bowed his hand, seemingly unintentionally pulled yunpei to his back: "it's a hen with stew. It's very mellow. Do you want to try it?"

If you just want to have chicken soup, Su Chengxi is more than happy. It's ready to stew. Let rongxiusheng have a bowl of it.

The participant sitting on the west side of the table, with a dark face, suddenly showed a look of displeasure. He was about to attack, but was pressed down.

Holding him down, there was a wound on his face from the brow bone to the nose. His eyes were like hawk falcon, with a sharp look: "it's better to have chicken soup. Let's give some to our brother first."

"Brother, I want to drink." The man in the West was held down. He was not happy, so he wanted to hide his embarrassment with wine.

"Yunpei, go and get two jars of wine." Su Chengxi quickly put yunpei aside and said, "I'm going to serve soup for some guests."

When he turned to the kitchen, he saw that Rong Xiu was holding her head with her hands. She was already asleep.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Rong Xiu suddenly woke up. She quickly shook her head: "my husband, is it going to close?"

"Not yet. It's snowing today. It's getting dark faster. If you're tired, go inside and have a rest. Some people want to drink chicken soup. I'll serve them." Su Chengxi had already taken a large pottery bowl and was ready to scoop it out of the pot.

Rongxiu slightly lifted the curtain, and saw the several rude attendants. There was a small knife bag in their waist. It seemed that there was a weapon in it. She quickly got up with the spirit of twelve points: "Xianggong, these people don't seem to be from here, sir?"

"They're all visitors from outside. They're here to dig them." Su Chengxi had already filled a bowl full of chicken and chicken soup and took it out.

"We must not make any mistakes this time." The guests seemed to be talking about something, so Su Chengxi stopped at once.

Or west of the ginseng guest teeth a show: "small white face, are you eavesdropping on us?"

"My guest, I didn't hear anything." Su Chengxi put the bowl on the table.

A few people began to eat and drink. They were fumigated by the warm fire in the tavern, and they could not help sweating. The guests took off their fur clothes, but the knife bag and leather bag around their waists were reluctant to take off. This shows that this is a very important thing for them.

"There's not enough to eat, just a little more!" East of the guests will bamboo chopsticks on the table a fall: "how do you open a shop?"

Su Chengxi's face is indifferent: "a few people come at a bad time, this only has these things to eat."

"Second brother, don't make trouble. What's the hurry now? When we've finished our work, there's still something to eat?" The leading participant waved his hand and said, "go to the back and let's talk happily."

Su Chengxi didn't stop much and went straight back to the back hall. Looking at the appearance of these guests, he must have suffered a lot in the mountains.

"My husband, you also have a bowl of soup." Rong Xiu used a very delicate porcelain bowl to hold a bowl of soup: "I asked yunpei to have a rest. It's enough for us to deal with it."

Even if Rong Xiu and Su Chengxi go home to have a rest tomorrow, they can't delay anything.

The guests drank some wine, drank all the chicken soup, put silver on the table, and went out directly in the snow.

Su Chengxi closed the door directly, turned off the light and held the Rong embroidery. He was a little tired this day, and he soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Su Chengxi opened the door as usual. Rongxiu got up very early and wrapped a large wooden plate of wonton for the craftsmen who went to work.

"Look, my husband, what is that on the ground?" Rong embroidery has sharp eyes and a touch of vermilion in the snow.

She was a little surprised to go over, gently opened the snow on the ground, only to see that under the snow is a thin layer of ice, and what flesh white things.

"Don't move, lady!" Su Chengxi slowly swept away the snow with a broom. It turned out to be a finger with a fresh cut. Obviously, the snow fell last night and was cut off in this place.

Rong Xiu also realized that she lowered her voice: "my husband Look at this finger... "There was a lot of dirt hidden in the fingernails of that finger. That is to say, the master of the finger did the work of digging food in the soil. But now it is winter, who will dig the soil?

"The three guests." Su Chengxi remembered that under the dim light last night, the fingertips of those participants were all gray black. It was obvious that they had been digging ginseng for many years. That's why they were like this finger.

Last night, I met three drinkers, that is to say, they left the house.

The bloodstain on the front showed that they did not die, but fled forward.

It's hard to hide the fact that I found my finger broken. For a time, people in the town were in a panic. Someone had heard of the wind outside. The city had been fighting for dozens of miles. We all wanted to save a sum of money and moved to live in Qicheng. We didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Don't panic, gentlemen." Su Cheng comforted the people when he came to Xi Deng.

"What do you know?" Immediately someone roared in the back: "it is said that there are many mountain bandits in the mountains who sneak into the villages and towns to kill people at night. I heard that Qicheng will be occupied within a few days."

It was natural that such a thing had already been reported to the official, but after a long time, the elder and Lizheng didn't come, only a few rural braves came and took the things on the ground together, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent and broke up. On this day, the business was still the same as before. However, Rong Xiu clearly felt that there was a look of weariness on the faces of the people coming and going, and most of them were absent-minded when eating.