Rongxiu loves beauty. On her white toes, she is dyed with scarlet Cardan. She steps into the embroidered shoes and takes a lotus seed from the basket and chews it in her mouth.

The lotus seed was bitter and sweet. As she was eating, she put another one into Su Chengxi's mouth.

Su Chengxi wanted to talk. The lotus seed was very unique in his mouth. He chewed it a few times and swallowed it down: "it's very refreshing."

When she saw that the little couple ignored her, she felt uncomfortable. She couldn't help stamping her feet.

GUI Fen Ao a voice: "Niang, what do you step on me for?"

"If you didn't have the ability, you couldn't get a good family, and you didn't have a bride price, would it be so difficult for your brother to become a relative?" Mrs. Wang is referring to mulberry and locust.

Su Chengxi naturally understood the meaning: "Niang, my younger sister is still young. Moreover, I remember that my second younger brother earned a lot of silver in a layman's business. Besides, there should be money for betrothal gifts in the family."

When his father was still alive, the Su family was one of the wealthiest families in the village because of his clear mind and good management. He could have moved to the town, but before he had a good plan, Su Chengxi's father died of illness, leaving Wang's wife and two sons.

Mrs. Wang is a shrewd person. Although she has no business talent, she has not suffered any losses in recent years. Therefore, there are still many fields in her family, and she has a good life.

"No matter how rich my mother is, I also want to see your brothers and sisters and help each other." Wang Po Tzu did not know where to learn the words. She used this high hat to suppress Su Chengxi, which made her famous.

"Mother, we can't get 30 Liang silver." Su Chengxi's tone is very calm: "you hire a wife for me, before and after, the cost is not more than 50 Liang, my brother now married, we take out five Liang at most."

"Well, I know how poor your family is." Wang's mother-in-law still spread out her hand and said with a sneer, "five Liang, then five Liang."

Su Chengxi looked at this shameless appearance, and sighed in his heart that his mother loved his young son. Such a thing happened to him all the time, and now there is a growing trend.

"Mother in law, my brother-in-law is a businessman, but my husband only knows how to read. Even if I have a little money left in hand, I have to give it to my husband for the exam. I can only take two liang of silver if I tell you the truth."

Rong Xiu put the broken silver into the hands of Wang Po Zi and said with a smile: "this is our intention."

"A few days ago, you were able to buy such good green bricks and build such a good house, but now you tell me that you don't have any money. I think this is a lie to me." "It's OK to lie to me. Now that your brother is married, you can't take out anything. Isn't it shameful to say it?" she said

"The whole village will only think that my mother-in-law is a disgrace to my husband because her mother-in-law treats her harshly, but not because my husband has paid for it." Rongxiu's petite body is protected in front of Su Chengxi, with an extremely serious look.

Su Chengxi's heart, is a touch of warmth: "Niang, since you want us to pay more money, this is not a difficult thing, dozens of acres of good farmland at home, you only divided us two acres of the thinnest mountain shade, then we will calculate the price of this field, according to this proportion to give money, how do you think?"

"You! I really didn't think that you and your brother are so concerned, I really sent you to study for nothing Seeing that she could not pry any silver out of Su Chengxi's mouth, Mrs. Wang was already very angry. As soon as she brushed her sleeves, she left the beach.

Su Chengxi looked at the Rong embroidery, and the more he saw it, he was more and more happy. He suddenly picked up the Rong embroidery and carried it from the river beach to his home.

When she got home, Rong Xiu took a needle and picked out the lotus seed. She said with a smile, "let's have lotus seed and mung bean soup today to eliminate the heat."

These days were really peaceful and peaceful, and she suddenly became curious: "the younger brother-in-law is going to marry Cuihua girl from the next village, isn't it?"

"I heard the villagers say it was her." Su Chengxi put the lotus seeds in order: "I've heard about that girl. She's a very clean girl."

Rong Xiu vaguely remembered that she had a face-to-face with Cuihua that day. It could be seen that Cuihua's family had spoiled her, so she was a bit delicate and shrewd. If she really married to the Su family, she and Cuihua would be very lively.

At the thought of this place, Rong Xiu couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid the days after my mother-in-law will not be so peaceful."

"Why do you say that?" Su Chengxi had never seen Cuihua, and his face was puzzled.

"You'll find out later." Rong Xiu took some lotus seeds to make soup today, and the rest was left in the sun on the table outside the door.

Although the business of tea stalls is still on display these days, as time goes on and on, these people come and go, and the business gradually declines.

Rong Xiu gave up at the right time. The sun and shadow were shining on the earth. A woman in white came from the village. Rong Xiu looked at it from a distance. It seemed that she was not from the village.When the woman walks in, Rong Xiu knows that this is the woman who was rescued from the bottom of the road last time, but her mother-in-law is dead now, and the child in her stomach is unfortunately gone.

After listening to the villagers' comments, the woman has been staying in the village, but it is also a miracle. Now, the woman moved away from the village head's house and found a hut at the entrance of the village, where she lived temporarily.

After drying the lotus seeds well, Rong Xiu looked at the woman from a distance and said to the house, "my husband, the woman I saved last time is going here now."

"Is it?" Su Chengxi put down the book in his hand and joked, "maybe I came to thank you."

"I don't think so..." Rong Xiu looked at the graceful shadow, but saw the woman, and went to the river.

"Not good." Rong Xiu ran to the direction of the woman. She lost her soul. The water had wet her skirt.

Su Chengxi saw that Rong embroidery was such a reaction, and quickly followed up. The husband and wife grabbed the woman. She was full of tears. Obviously, she was determined to die: "don't touch me, let me die!"

She was so desperate. Seeing that the situation was not good, Rong Xiu cried out: "wait, this pond belongs to my family! If you really die here, who dares to buy the little fish and shrimp in my pond! You are not harming us

So, the woman really stopped, she reluctantly raised a pair of whirling tears, straight Leng Leng looked at Rong Xiu and Su Chengxi.