Su Chengxi was stunned. He really didn't expect that the shopkeeper actually meant this, but he couldn't delay any more, so he went back quickly.

Before they got to the banyan tree, they saw a group of villains walking in front of them. They even carried tung oil and torch in their hands.

However, the old man and Li Zheng were all covered with white masks: "a few people, if you want to blame, the God won't let you live. I don't mean to kill you."

As soon as this was said, the patient's crying became even louder. As soon as the old man's face was cold, the country braves threw tung oil on the ground.

But Su Chengxi suddenly stopped in front of those brave villagers: "elder, Lizheng, how can you do such a thing as you two are famous people in the town!"

He said sharply: "these patients are all the people, and they are also the people under your control. Why should they use such cruel means to kill their lives?"

The old man shook his head and sighed: "you, a scholar, don't interfere with it. These people are ill. We can't cure them. If we don't kill them, we will all die at that time. Understand?"

The threat of death hangs over everyone's head. Just now some hesitant villagers heard this, and their eyes were more determined.

"If you want to stop, we will have to deal with you." Li is cold drink a: "you good think, you a scholar, great future, can be buried in today together?"

Su Chengxi shook his head and said, "here is my wife. She has never lived a good life since she married me. Today, if I can't live and die with her, what's the use of being a high official in the future?"

As soon as he said this, many women were moved. His voice was loud and loud: "are there no relatives among the sick people?"

All of a sudden, everyone's movements were frozen. Of course, there were some. Even a few village braves were still biting their lips. It could be seen that they were engaged in the struggle between man and nature.

"What my husband said is very true. Besides, I had a prescription to treat this disease. Even the medicinal materials were bought by my husband." The voice of Rong embroidery suddenly rang.

She came out of a crowd of shivering women, children and old people, her eyes moving: "I think you don't know the terrible place of this disease. For a day or two, you can't see the disease, but if you don't take medicine, it will happen."

Her eyes from the elder Li and the faces of the villagers slipped: "do you dare to guarantee that you must not be sick?"

This matter is not allowed to gamble, the precious life, also let these people for a time no voice, we looked at each other.

The old man was stunned for a long time. He was puzzled for a long time. Could you guarantee that these drugs are effective

"I'm not sure, but if you will listen to me, I will protect your lives." Rong Xiu said this very firmly.

"Old man, it's better to listen to this little lady. Since she and her husband are willing to gamble on their lives and stay with these people who are infected with the disease, I think they have some confidence in what they are going to do." For a while, the elders of all ethnic groups also comforted.

The old man finally nodded and said, "well, you can try."

"In this case, I have a few requests. First, those who have died unfortunately must be burned with fire before they can be buried in the soil. So, I would like to express my sorrow. Second, if you are sick, you can stay here. If you are not sick, you can go home, but you can't go out of town. You can come to get the soup and medicine and go back to take it. "

Rong embroidery arranged all the affairs in order.

They all went down, and Rongxiu was relieved. She quickly took the herbs apart and divided them into parts, so that some people who had no obvious symptoms of epidemic disease could help themselves to cook the medicine.

A lot of stoves have been set up, and the sweet and bitter taste of medicinal materials will gradually escape.

Su Chengxi was not idle. He borrowed paper and pen and wrote the prescription on the paper and distributed it to the ordinary villagers who did not have symptoms. Many people took the prescription and went to make the medicine themselves, which saved a lot of effort.

After the medicine was boiled, Rongxiu stopped for a while. Relying on Su Chengxi's shoulder, she said in a gentle voice, "my husband, why are you so determined to live and die with me?"

These four words are easy to read, but the deep feelings contained in them make her eyes sour for a while.

"It's nothing." Su Chengxi wrote the last prescription: "life and death is a big thing, I just want to live with my wife."

He covered the past as lightly as his affection.

However, Rong Xiu secretly made up her mind that the man was so reliable that he could be entrusted with life-long service.

In the evening, many people came to fetch the juice and went home. Obviously, Rongxiu and Su Chengxi could barely sleep under the banyan tree.

But this night, both of them did not close their eyes. On the one hand, there were still many patients. On the other hand, in case some villagers who were afraid came to make trouble, it would be bad.

Fortunately, the night was still quiet, and the villagers outside changed shifts regularly to guard them.

On the next day, Rongxiu was asleep, but she heard a sharp voice rising: "my child wakes up, my child wakes up!"She suddenly woke up from her sleep and saw a woman with a little baby in her arms and rushed over.

"Look, is my child all right? I think the black spots on his face are gone

Rong Xiu looked down at the baby and couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect that the child's recovery ability is very strong. It's really OK, but he still has to drink medicine today to completely eliminate the root of the disease."

With such an example, everyone's spirits were suddenly uplifted, they helped each other and took medicine well. As time went on, people were more and more full of confidence.

After four days, Rong Xiu and Su Chengxi were confused only when they were very tired.

Most of the time, they are cooking medicine, medicine, has been overdrawn their own body to persist.

In the afternoon of this day, most of the people who suffered from the plague were recovered, and some of them were better. They just had to insist on drinking medicine, and other villagers were not infected. The epidemic was finally contained.

The town gradually returned to its original appearance, and those who had been well raised returned to their homes. The elder and Lizheng naturally believed what Rong Xiu said.

On the sixth day, all who can be healed will recover.

Only a few unfortunate people, who had lost their lives since the beginning of the epidemic, had to be cremated and buried in the ground.

In this way, the epidemic has been eliminated, and Rongxiu and Su Chengxi are relieved.

At the moment, they just want to come back as soon as possible, take a good bath, sleep, eat a good meal, and go to get rid of the gas.