Chapter 178

It's already half past ten when Huangfu Yuyang returns to Shengtian. It's already past the time he agreed with Huangfu. If it was normal, he would not disturb him any more, for most of the time huangfusheng had rested.

But he didn't want to wait another night. He didn't want to dream too much. He wants to know what he said to Su Leyao? Is a person's birth really that important? Why did he stop him from being with Su Leyao again and again?

He has made his stand so firmly. Why does he still want to step in? No, he always felt that the reason why huangfusheng objected to his being with Su Leyao was not simple. It's not just family opinion. There must be something he doesn't know.

Huangfu Yuyang knocks on the door of huangfusheng's room. To his surprise, uncle Zhong opens the door quickly, as if waiting for him all the time. And huangfusheng is also a suit, is ready to talk about things.

Black eyes flash and the surprised color quickly disappeared, long legs into, drooping head, apologized: "sorry, grandfather, I'm late."

"Sit down." Huangfusheng didn't pursue it, but he was ashamed of his dignity. Businessmen should pay special attention to the concept of time. Abiding by time is not only a matter of one's integrity, but also a matter of self-cultivation, respect for others and strict requirements for oneself.

"Thank you, Grandpa." Thanks and sit down on the sofa opposite him.

In fact, the momentum of Huangfu Yuyang is similar to that of Huangfu saint. Huangfu was noble and gentle, but he was not decisive enough.

Shopping malls are changing rapidly, which requires not only keen observation, but also determination to kill. You can't procrastinate in doing anything. Maybe Huangfu Haoran was smart when he was young, and he was born in a comfortable age. He was less fierce and murderous.

"Tell me, you have something to do with Su Leyao." Light mouth, not questions, but affirmative sentences.

Huangfu Yuyang was not surprised by huangfusheng's prophet, just as he knew that he had only one purpose to find Su Leyao.

"Grandfather, I have made it clear that I will only marry a woman in my life. She is Su Leyao. Why did you go to her? Are there not enough tragedies found in us? " Huangfu Yuyang never spoke to Huangfu Sheng in such a stern and disrespectful tone.

When Uncle Zhong wanted to stop him, Huang Fusheng waved to him: "did she complain to you?"

"Just because she didn't say anything, I had to have a good talk with you." He is not afraid of the majesty of Huangfu saint.

"Your conclusion is that I forced her to leave you?" From the beginning to the end, huangfusheng was calm and calm, and even that strong force no longer existed.

"Isn't it?"

"Yes." Huang Fu Sheng Dafang admitted that he did not need to worry too much about his age, fame and status. It can be said directly and done calmly.

Because he has no fear.

"Why?" This question is a bit superfluous. Huangfu Yuyang asked it.

"You can't be with Su Leyao." Huangfusheng was straightforward and no longer beat around the bush.

"Please give me a reasonable explanation." A slight frown.

Huangfu gave uncle Zhong a wink. Uncle Zhong nodded, went to the drawer, took out a piece of information and handed it to Huangfu Yuyang respectfully: "young master."

Huangfu Yuyang took it and opened it. There were two appraisal reports in it. One is his, and the other is Su Leyao's, which is too professional. He has a headache, so he just looks at huangfusheng.

Zhongbo said: "young master, this is a comprehensive physical examination report. You and Miss Su are both in good health. It's just that Miss Su's chromosome is abnormal. We asked the most authoritative experts to verify that such chromosomal abnormalities can lead to lifelong infertility

Huangfu Yuyang's brow was so wrinkled that he could kill flies: "don't you think it's boring to do this, grandfather?"

"Young master, this has been tested by several authorities. Of course, you can take Miss Su to check in person. " Zhongbo answered for huangfusheng.

Huangfu Yuyang seized the report and stood up: "I will definitely verify this. However, grandfather, even if what you say is true, I will be with Yaoyao. What if there were no children? We can adopt. " The last few words were very heavy.

"It's your responsibility to carry on the family line." Huangfu Saint cold mouth, eyes have just no longer indifferent. Become sharp and dignified. If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would have been frightening and shivering.

But Huangfu Yuyang is different. He is never afraid of Huangfu saint. Even, he hated him and blamed him. If he had not forced his parents to elope and given Huangfu Yan more and more power, maybe he would not have the courage to kill his parents.

It is precisely because of huangfusheng's various mistakes that this tragedy has been caused step by step. I thought that he would be touched and changed if he revealed the true face of huangfuyan. However, he was wrong. It's hard to change a person's idea, especially a self righteous person like huangfusheng.

"No, I have no responsibility for the Huangfu family. Don't think you give me everything. If it wasn't for my father's constant mention when I was a child that I should be filial to you when I grow up, I wouldn't go back to Shengtian Aoyu. If I didn't want to expose the true face of huangfuyan, I would not have entered QK. Now I'll give you everything you have. " Huangfu Yuyang turns angrily.Zhongbo chased after him and yelled: "young master, young master, calm down. You can't be impulsive."

"Zhong, come back." Huangfusheng stopped Zhongbo's attempt to catch up.

"But, master..." Zhongbo wants to say something more. Huangfusheng stands up and suddenly shakes his figure. Zhongbo quickly steps forward to help him: "master, are you ok?"

Looking at the back of Huangfu Yuyang, Huang Fu's sharp eyes gradually became chaotic. His face was not as cold as before. He was just an old man after all.

When he was his age, he should have lived a long life and never cared about the world. Looking for a place of peace and tranquility for the rest of my life. His life is full of twists and turns and magnificent enough. He doesn't need to worry about the marriage of his descendants in his later years.

The Huangfu family had enough money and power, so there was no need to marry another famous lady to add to the cake. Maybe God made fun of him. He was destined to be a villain in his life. He was resented by his son and hated by his grandson.

However, the century old family mission can not be destroyed in his hands. Even stepping on the nail board, he has to go through it step by step.

Zhongbo helped huangfusheng to sit down on the sofa and gave him a cup of boiled water: "master, why don't you tell the truth to the young master. He'll understand you. "

Huangfusheng looked at the door, but his eyes were very empty. He seemed to go through the door and look at a distant and unknown place: "now is not the time."

"The young master has grown up. People over there will find him one day. He'll know that, too No one knows more about Huang Fu Sheng's good intentions towards his family than he does. He values his family more than anyone else, and does not pursue fame, wealth or money.

If he can, he is willing to exchange everything for the happiness and well-being of his family. However, fate has planted a bomb in his life from the beginning, which can not be removed and must be passed down from generation to generation.

Such pain and pressure, he can only hide in the appearance of fortitude and majesty.

"It's a day if it can last a day." At this moment, huangfusheng is no longer the legendary figure who is superior, highly respected and respected. He is just an ordinary old man, an old man who yearns for peace.

"Master, why don't you bother?" With him all his life, only he can see his privacy and pain, but he can't help it.

"I'm tired. Help me to rest." Huangfusheng obviously didn't want to continue this topic. No matter how much Zhongbo had, he could only swallow it back.

Huangfu Yuyang impulsively left Shengtian Aoyu that night, and even Liubai didn't stir. And he went to a place nobody knew, the cemetery.

The cemetery in the middle of the night is colder than the place even in summer. The night was deep and the porter was asleep. Huangfu Yuyang had to climb over the wall and enter. It's ironic that he played a fake over the wall play for Su Leyao, but now he is really over the wall.

The night wind, moonlight, falling leaves flying, dim light, can not see the color of the fallen leaves falling on the stone, as if to comfort a soul. Let them rest in peace, no longer sentimentally attached to the world of mortals, rest assured to sleep.

It's been more than two months. The tombstone where his parents were buried together is full of fallen leaves. Huangfu Yuyang simply poked it with his hand, but he didn't care about the dirt and leaned on it wearily.

It's a secret he doesn't know. Whenever he is in a bad mood, he will choose a person to sit at his parents' grave. Sometimes I vomit my mind, sometimes I just sit and empty my mind without saying a word.

Maybe he is a mature man both in appearance and in heart, a capable man who has been praised countless times. A man with broad shoulders and big heart can support the rise and fall of his family.

However, in his mature body, hiding a small soul. I didn't grow up. I stayed at the age of ten. He does not often appear, but also can not be ignored, with him.

When his mature body is too hard to bear, the vulnerable villain will run out and dominate his behavior. And his favorite place to stay is in front of his parents' grave.

No matter how strong he is now, it is difficult for him to heal the wounds he suffered when he was ten years old. No matter how old he is, his parents are always the safest and warmest.

Here he can completely relax, no need to disguise, no need to be strong. He can be himself, a big boy who yearns for love, warmth, family and coquetry.

The wind poured into the thin summer clothes. It was very cold. Huangfu Yuyang gradually curled up, his head on his knees, which was the most vulnerable protective posture.