"Mr. Fang, you should know the purpose of my coming this time?" The contract that Shang Mu Nan is handling now is the most indispensable one for Fang.

Minggenzi is held by Mou Nan. President Fang also had to bow his head. Just want to Shang Mu Nan don't put forward too much request, he can only try to meet.

Shang Mu Nan first complained: "surely you know how much trouble your daughter Fang Yu has brought to me and my wife Zhai Tongxin? Two days ago, he tried to murder Zhai Tongxin. "

President Fang is very nervous and sweaty. He knows what his daughter does. He didn't stop her before because he also wants Fang Yu to marry Shang Mu Nan. In this way, he will have more help in the future. But I didn't want to be like this.

"Yes, it's our tutor girl Wufang who has brought you so much trouble. I apologize to you and Zhai Tongxin instead of her. I'm sorry, it's our fault."

But Shang Mu Nan pressed him step by step and said, "since you all know that the goddaughter is useless, why don't I give you a move to send her abroad to study and improve yourself?"

When he heard that he was just sending them abroad, Mr. Fang put his heart back a little bit, but he also heard that Shang Mu Nan added another sentence slowly.

"No money. Let her be on her own. How about it? "

Fang Yu was sent out of the country without knowing it, and Shang Mu Nan was still at the airport watching her get on the plane, so she was relieved.

Fang Yu, who fled to foreign countries, did not come to a good end. After all, he did not go out in the wind and scenery. Therefore, there are not many effective resources abroad.

He has suffered so much humiliation at home, but it is the same after he fled abroad. After all, he has no enough living resources and background. He is just a small one in a large building abroad.

Fang Yu has no choice but to work abroad to earn a little money as living expenses. What makes him very helpless is that Chinese people are generally not well treated abroad. If they don't have the strength, their natural life will not be so good.

After applying for several meals, no restaurant would use her. In fact, not only that, but also because she was not willing to bear hardships.

"People who work in restaurants are dirty and tired. When they think of working so late and working so hard every day, they end up with only a small salary. No one will tolerate it, let alone themselves!"

This kind of thought continued to be recalled in her mind, but it only lasted for a period of time. After all, no matter what, it would be very difficult to face the foreign life with her own attitude.

Fang Yu has no choice but to go to another Chinese restaurant to dress up when applying. After an interview, Fang Yu was successfully applied.

This is a very happy thing for her. After all, compared with other restaurants, this Chinese restaurant at least has the flavor of native people, and it is not so troublesome in the communication between people.

But after all, working as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant is only a small salary of several thousand yuan, plus the habit that I have already formed, such as this kind of monthly salary is not enough for my own use.

After going to work formally, Fang Yu somehow has some insights. Working in a restaurant is not easy, and money is hard won, although life has gradually begun to stabilize.

What you can find is that your money is only half of your usual pocket money. If you buy a bag or go out to eat, it's not enough.

Working in a Chinese restaurant has at least a stable period. After a lot of summary and training, Fang Yu can't help but find that although he is a waiter, he often has some troubles among the guests.

Sometimes, if you accidentally break your job or the service is not in place, you will be complained by the guests. Once you are complained, you are likely to be driven out of the restaurant.

This is the last place she wants to see. After all, it's hard for her to apply for this Chinese restaurant, which can be regarded as all the pillars of her life.

She never thought that she would live such a life. Every night, she had to figure out how much money she had in her pocket. Even the division and use of money were well planned, which was totally inconsistent with the name and identity of the first lady before her.

"Life is so tight now that it's not as good as ordinary people. What a shame

The first lady's name and identity have brought her too much affluent life, so that he can't cope with the trivial things in life and the related interpersonal communication based on attitude.

Perhaps in this experience, he could not help but have some insights, so that in the service industry, he gradually began to recover, and all the mistakes he had made began to offset.

But in the end, this kind of life is the most unpleasant. Fang Yu is not willing to live such a hard life when she goes abroad. She knows that she is a respectable young lady in China. If she comes back to China and is known by others about her life, she will have no face to meet them.Fang Yu began to look for a suitable bracket among people from all walks of life in the restaurant. This bracket is a road that is likely to let him return to China.

The reason why Fang Yu has this idea is that he was bullied by some special guests when he was a waiter.

Maybe she can take advantage of this and go the way she wants to go. Although it's a bit dirty, it's the only way. She doesn't want to stay abroad.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu has just come up with this idea. In the process of working, he even began to prepare some guests for harassment.

Fang Yu is also very understanding of taste, deliberately shirk, but did not clearly show his attitude. Because of this, the rich foreigner thought that Fang Yu was playing hard to get and deliberately left contact information, and then they met in the later period.

"I appreciate you very much, miss. If we have a chance, we can have a drink together! "

All the routines were carried out under Fang Yu's plan. After all, they didn't meet each other. After all, this is Fang Yu's first time to do such a thing, which is somewhat difficult to accept.

I don't know why, the rich foreigner seems to be persistent. He always goes to the Chinese restaurant for dinner every once in a while, and always looks for all kinds of opportunities to contact Fang Yu.