Chapter 668: he came!

Yueli looked at Xiao Zheng's face close at hand, only feeling that her heart was about to jump out!


It's just a ghost!

Xiao Zheng was still that big mountain face. In this dark and windy night, a very faint light hit his face. It was far more frightening than the three tigers below!

"It's cold in the mountains this night, my wife, let's go back to wash and sleep..." Xiao Zheng quickly clicked on Yueli's acupuncture point, wrapped her waist with one hand, and led her to move quickly. Go down the mountain.

If it hadn't been for Yue Li to hold the baby just now, maybe people would have been left on the mountain by the perverted Xiao Zheng at this moment!


"Child, hold me tight."

The little guy was very obedient and grasped Yueli's clothes tightly, and glanced at Xiao Zheng uneasyly. When he touched his glaring gaze, the little guy shrank his neck subconsciously and buried his small face in Yueli's arms.

A gust of wind blew quickly.

The Asan and others who were investigating the surrounding situation were stunned.

Just now...

If he read it right, it seemed that someone flew over their heads just now, but because the other person was so fast, they didn't even see who it was!

After searching around, Ah San and the others returned to the cave where Xiao Zhan was.

"Master, the subordinates have searched and found no one. But..."

Xiao Zhanjiang's cloak was placed on the two sleeping children. "But what."

"But just now, my subordinate saw a man with extremely high power flying through the forest."

Ah San is Xiao Zhan's close guard. Although his martial arts hasn't ranked among the top ten in Canglan Continent, it is definitely not bad. It is not easy for him to say the word extremely high.

There are still martial arts masters in this barren forest.

"Take someone down to the mountain to have a look. Be careful and don't be alarmed."



Yue Li held the child in her arms tightly and looked at Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zheng walked forward with a smile and took off her ring and bracelet.

"Daughter-in-law always likes to do unexpected things, so it's better for me to pay attention to some things carefully!"

"Now that the things are taken away, can you unlock my acupuncture points?" Yueli looked at him, her eyes low, instead of her emotions, calm and surprising.

Xiao Zheng raised her eyebrows and moved her fingers slightly to unlock her acupuncture points.

Yue Li moved her hands and feet, but still held the child in her arms.

"I'm hungry, what do you think of the next noodle supper?"

The calm look and faint tone were the same as every day before, as if nothing happened tonight.

Xiao Zheng just looked at her and smiled without speaking.

"What does the daughter-in-law want to add, human flesh, or...wolf flesh?"

Yueli's expression shrank!

Human flesh!

She slowly looked out of the courtyard. Only a faint oil lamp was lit in the room, but this was enough for her to see the situation of the courtyard outside.

In a corner of the yard, there was the dead wolf that Xiao Zheng brought back today.

Beside the dead wolf...

Yue Li took a deep breath. Although she couldn't really feel it, she really realized that it was a shadow of a person!

"You, did you hurt the villagers again?"

"Injury?" Xiao Zheng shook his head tsk.

"How could it be just an injury if you made a move? Of course...a kill is the most enjoyable!" After speaking, he suddenly laughed, and the gloomy laughter was only a faint oil lamp. In his room, it looks extremely gloomy!

The little boy shrank into Yueli's arms in fear.

This person looks more terrifying than the mother before him...

"Xiao Zheng! You perverted!"

"Pervert!?" Xiao Zheng's eyes suddenly turned red, and he stepped forward to pinch Yueli's chin.

"Baby, I warned you, don't challenge my bottom line, if you dare to have the next time, I will kill the entire village and divide the body!"

After speaking, Xiao Zheng laughed suddenly, and quickly dropped a soft kiss on the tip of her nose, and stood up straight before Yue Li resisted.

"Daughter-in-law wants to eat noodles, I will cook it for you now!"

Yue Li sat on the bed in a daze and watched Xiao Zheng leaving behind, only feeling a wave of evil and daring to attack. "vomit!"

"You, what's wrong with you?"

The little boy jumped from her arms in shock and looked at her worriedly.

Yue Li shook her head weakly. As long as she thought of the heavily decomposed corpse of Zhen Dashan under the rice jar, she felt sick and nauseous!

All night, Yueli sat motionless on the bed, holding the sleeping child in her arms and confronting Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zheng didn't move her, just sat in a chair and watched her all night.

Really... never get tired of...

Sure enough, it was the woman he Xiao Zheng liked...


Outside the house, there was a crowing that was higher than that of a rooster.

She turned her stiff neck and looked out of the courtyard.

At this time, the yard has become clean, as if nothing happened last night.

There are no wolf corpses...and no human corpses...

"Ah... my son... who the **** is doing this..."

After a while, there was a cry of crying outside.

The cry was piercing, like tearing her eardrums apart with bare hands.


Xiao Zheng opened the door and walked in, holding a large bowl in his hand, and steaming porridge in the bowl.

He stepped forward, put the bowl on the table and smiled honestly. "Are you tired after sitting all night? Let's have some porridge first."

Yueli sat still, and Xiao Zheng looked outside and smiled: "Did you hear this cry? This is the eldest son of Aunt Tian's house next door. He sneaked into the water by himself last night, but he was not careful. I was caught in the water and drowned. It was discovered by the uncle who went to wash the clothes today. Only then did I find someone to salvage the body."

He is the eldest son of Aunt Tian next door...

Yueli only felt the buzzing in her ears, she could not hear what Xiao Zheng said afterwards...

Aunt Tian, ​​sorry...

The cry of mourning kept coming from next door, but Xiao Zheng smiled comfortably in the room.

"We'll also go over and take a look in a while. Aunt Tian is a good person, and she always takes care of you. You can comfort her in a while." He said and stood up. When he was about to walk outside the door, he suddenly stopped. "So I said, your daughter-in-law must be obedient, you see, Aunt Tian is sad. I hope not to have it again..."

Yue Li gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Zheng's back, and stood up with her fists clenched. Put the child on the bed and put on his shoes. Now she doesn't let the child leave her for a half step, because she is afraid that Xiao Zheng will attack him!

Just when she got up to go out, Xiao Zheng suddenly turned back and grabbed her who wanted to go out.

In shock, Yue Li looked out of the wooden window and found that familiar figure, she opened her mouth and called out!

Xiao Zhan!