When Chen Sanqiu chose to buy a lucky necklace, the song creation super robot created more than 30 songs at a time, and the style of each song is different.

Chen almost threw the song creation super robot on the ground.

My sister, this creation is too fast. Chen Sanqiu can't get used to it. I feel that the super robot of song creation is deliberately fooling himself.

How long does it take to buy your own luck necklace? So many songs have been created.

Chen Sanqiu and the song creation super robot stare at each other, until Chen Sanqiu feels that his eyes are a little dry. Chen Sanqiu grins and rubs his eyes, and says to the song creation super robot with a speechless face: "you are too fast."

"I'm a super robot for song creation. Writing songs is like drinking water. Only when I'm slow can I feel ashamed." Song creation super robot pink pink tender said, the voice showed disdain, let Chen Sanqiu have a kind of feeling to be crazy.

Grinning, he tried to hold back his anger.

Then I put on earphones and listened to more than 30 songs created by the song creation super robot just now. With Yue ling'er's voice, Chen Sanqiu

Which capital is very nice.


Chen Sanqiu grins. Sometimes, he can't refuse to accept the existence of super robot for song creation. People can create songs so fast. What should we do?

Envy, envy and hate.

Chen Sanqiu thinks that when Yue ling'er entered the final four, he was singing and dancing songs. In this case, in this finals, Chen Sanqiu decided to let Yue ling'er sing a very touching love song.

One of them is selected: "love."

Then let the song creation super robot get the words, music, sample and soundtrack of this song.

After thinking about it, Chen Sanqiu asked the song creation super robot to print out the words and songs of the other four songs.

I promised my husband, 32lang, Yingjie and Chunni that they would write songs for them. Anyway, this time, the song creation super robot produced so many songs that it would be better to give them a low price.

After the song creation super robot has finished all the lyrics and songs of the five songs, Chen Sanqiu stretches a little, then calls Yue ling'er in. In Yue ling'er's shocked expression, he gives Yue ling'er the sample of the love song and the manuscript of the lyrics and Songs: "you can sing this song in the finals."

"Oh, by the way, when you go to brother Chunni, you can give him these four songs and let him choose which one he likes." Chen Sanqiu said flatly.

That's the most powerful skill to match.

The more insipid it is, the more powerful it is.

Yue ling'er is stunned when she looks at the five songs in her hand. When Fang Mengdie screams and rushes in, Yue ling'er comes back to herself. She rushes into Chen Sanqiu's arms excitedly and kisses Chen Sanqiu on the cheek.

Full face Jiao red excited to Chen three autumn said: "three autumn elder brother, you are the best, the most powerful."

Fang Mengdie sees Yue ling'er pounce on Chen Sanqiu's arms and kisses Chen Sanqiu on the cheek. What's worse is that Chen Sanqiu, a son of a bitch, doesn't look embarrassed at all. On the contrary, she hugs Yue ling'er more tightly.


Fang Mengdie's heart suddenly rose a sour force, and immediately went to pull Yue ling'er out of Chen Sanqiu's arms. She muttered to Yue ling'er and said, "sister ling'er, don't let Chen Sanqiu eat your tofu. Chen Sanqiu is bad."

Yue ling'er's face turned red instantly and ran out with a whimper.

Fang Mengdie hummed and said angrily to Chen Sanqiu, "those five songs you just created?"

Chen Sanqiu's face was not red and his heart was not beating. He said solemnly, "I didn't create it, or did you create it?"

Fang Mengdie doesn't believe it.

Chen Sanqiu grinned and said to Fang Mengdie: "I'll go to Fang Menglong. The vegetable greenhouse base over there has been built. I'll go and have a look and get some vegetable seeds to plant. I can't leave the vegetable greenhouse empty all the time."

Without waiting for Fang Mengdie to say anything, Chen Sanqiu immediately ran out.

Fang Mengdie gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Sanqiu's escape. She stamped her feet angrily: "is my mother so scary? Didn't you just catch your little Chen Sanqiu? Damn it, I didn't know that you would be so miserable if I grasped that thing hard at that time. "

Seven days passed quickly. Chen Sanqiu spent most of this time in the vegetable greenhouse base in the suburbs of Beijing, watering these vegetables with super pesticide. Seeing that all the vegetables in the vegetable greenhouse grew well, Chen Sanqiu was relieved.

Soon, it's time for the finals.

Because Fang Mengdie had something to do with the military region, he went back to the military region. Without Fang Mengdie's entanglement, Chen Sanqiu was relieved.

With tiger, Yue ling'er went to the bird's nest finals.

Because this time is the finals, even the family members are not allowed to go backstage, Chen Sanqiu took Yue ling'er to one side, reached out and mysteriously handed Yue ling'er the luck necklace, and said to Yue ling'er, "this necklace, when you go on stage to sing, do you know?"

Yue ling'er didn't know that the necklace was a luck necklace, but thought it was a gift from Chen Sanqiu.

Happy to link the item, you need to wear it.

Chen Sanqiu was startled and said in a hurry: "don't put it on now. When you go on stage to sing, when the final result is issued, you come back and I'll give you a necklace."

Yue ling'er

"All right." Yue ling'er waved her hand to Chen Sanqiu and walked towards the backstage.

By 8 p.m., the live broadcast of the finals officially began.

Li Qianqian, deputy director of Beijing TV station, also came to the scene in person and found Wang Hao, chief director of the program group. They looked at each other. Wang Hao nodded with a wry smile and said to Li Qianfu, deputy director of Beijing TV station: "leader, everything is ready, and I have already said it on the technical side. If Yue ling'er sings well, he will lose to others by one point, so, This time, Yue ling'er will never be the champion. "

Li Qianqian nodded his head with satisfaction and said to Wang Hao, "well, this time Yue ling'er must not win the championship. We must kill Chen Sanqiu, the little son of a bitch."