Although Ma Chunni was unhappy, his face was stiff for a few seconds, and then he smiled.

"Aiyo, it's the Sis Cuihua! Why did you send breakfast over to Little Jun? I was just thinking about letting Little Jun come over to our place to eat. "

Ma Chunni was carrying a wooden bucket with a mask and a cleaning cloth. Zhang Cuihua was very clear that this woman was here to help Little Jun clean the house, and was a little jealous.

However, she was not the kind of person who put her temper on her face when people greeted her with smiles. Thus, he smiled and replied, "Sister Chunniang, you brought all these things here to help Little Jun clean up, right? As the village chief, you have nothing to say about your family's business."

The meaning behind her words was that she was asked by the river to come and help. Of course, Ma Chunni understood what she was saying.

"Our River only cares about Xiao Jun. It's been almost four years since the death of Grandma Jin, and Xiao Jun is the only one left in our family. Since he's back, we must help each other out in the village, don't you think?"

"Right, Spring Ni-jie is right."

Mao Xiaojun was also dumbstruck when he saw the two girls flattering each other. He clearly saw that jealous look on Cui Hua's face. He really wanted to hurt her, but right now, it seemed like nothing had happened.

He was too lazy to care about that. Most importantly, his stomach was in a mess right now, so the two of you should stop chatting. Let this daddy fill up his stomach first, then you guys can flatter me.

After chatting with Ma Chunni for a while, Zhang Cuihua finally realised that she was here to deliver breakfast to Xiao Jun.

"Aiyo, sister-in-law is so engrossed in chatting that she forgot to bring out her breakfast." Saying that, she took the basket to Mao Xiaojun's side, and opened the lid, "Xiao Jun, you must be hungry, eat quickly. "Since sister-in-law doesn't have much to eat at home, I've fried some homemade pickled vegetables for you. You can eat it with porridge."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

Mao Xiaojun was indeed hungry, but regardless of anything, he picked up his rice bowl, picked up his chopsticks, picked up the pickled vegetables and started to eat.

Seeing Zhang Cuihua being so close to Little Jun, Ma Chunni felt awkward, so he pretended to clean up the cloth in the bucket and turned around.

Zhang Cuihua took out a boiled egg from her pocket and secretly stuffed it into Mao Xiaojun's pockets.

"Sister-in-law cooked it when she boiled water in the morning. When you're hungry, take it out to eat."

Zhang Cuihua's voice was extremely soft, she did not forget to peek towards Ma Chunni's direction, afraid that she would listen carefully.

There were only five eggs left in her house. She couldn't eat them without saving them for her daughter, Niu Niu. In the morning, when she saw the vat of water, the apples on the table, and the neatly chopped firewood, she thought of cooking an egg for Little Jun to eat.

"Sister-in-law, you …"

Needless to say, Mao Xiaojun knew very clearly that Zhang Cuihua's family's current condition, was that she could cook an egg for him. He was so moved that he wanted to rush forward to hug Zhang Cuihua and kiss him ruthlessly.

"Stop talking, hurry up and eat the porridge." "Alright, I'll help you clean the house."

"Mm, thank you, sister-in-law!"

Mao Xiaojun quickly gulped down a big bowl of porridge and pickled vegetables. Only then did he feel much better.

"Sister, take the bowl back first. I'll help you clean the house right away."

"Thank you, sister-in-law!"

Mao Xiaojun put the bowl back into the basket, and Zhang Cuihua left with the basket. Because the wound on her buttocks still hurt, he twisted and twisted as she walked.

Ma Chunni then turned around, "Xiao Jun, let sister-in-law help you see if your house's well can still be used. If you can use it, we will start cleaning the house with water from the well."

She turned her head to look in the direction that Zhang Cuihua had left in. Eh, it was as if Cui Hua had twisted her waist, and her buttocks had twisted as she walked, looking at her, she seemed to want to seduce a man.

She thought about it carefully. Zhang Cuihua's husband, Hua Qigang, had left home yesterday morning and stayed for a total of two days. This guy hasn't been home for half a year, she must have had a few concubines these two days and made her family's Cui Hua look like this.

Thinking about it, Ma Chunni laughed.

"Sister-in-law, what are you laughing about?"

"Sister-in-law laughed at you for being so popular the moment you returned home. Jadeflower is the flower of Zhang Villiage, even she personally brought you breakfast, which man in our village would be so lucky? Even when her husband was working in the field, she never brought a basket to feed him. "

Mao Xiaojun was a little embarrassed from what he said, Ma Chunni was clearly jealous. Fortunately, he did not know that he had almost burnt the flower last night.

"Sister-in-law, stop joking around." My family is a poor household in the county, the Sister Cui Hua took pity on me, seeing that I had no place to eat, she kindly brought me food. "

Speaking of a poor family, Ma Chunni immediately thought of the mission his husband gave him. He must think of a way to take Mao Xiaojun down and make Mao Xiaojun testify in front of the county leader that Tao Gui had swallowed his family's allowance.

"Aiyo, look, we're busy chatting. The sun is about to rise. "Sister-in-law, let's see if this well still works."

Ma Chunni carried the bucket to the well. The bucket was tied to a long rope, she took out a cloth and a new lock from the bucket and placed the bucket on the ground, then threw the bucket into the well.

"Bang, bang!" The bucket touched the water in the well, and when the bucket was full, Ma Chunni pulled the bucket up.

"Aiyo, Little Jun. This well in your house is really good. It's been four years since you last used it. The water in this well is so clean that not a speck of it remains."

Mao Xiaojun walked over to the water bucket and looked at the water in it, feeling that it was strange.

In the morning, when he was fetching water from Tsui Hua's well, the water in the well was not as clear as it had been in the past four years. Instead, it was so clear that he could even see the bottom of the bucket.

"That's right, it's really clear."

Ma Chunni had a mission to complete, so he wanted to get on good terms with Mao Xiaojun. He did not chat anymore and handed over a mask and a large cloth to Mao Xiaojun.

"Little Jun, in a while, you and sister-in-law will be wearing masks and cleaning together. The two of them would probably be able to finish cleaning in half a day. In the evening, you come to my sister's house for a drink. Your Brother Dajiang wants to have a drink with you to reminisce about the past. "

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

Mao Xiaojun had not finished eating two meals today, so since Ma Chunni had invited him over, he agreed without hesitation.

Ma Chunni picked up a large brick from the ground and knocked on the lock on the outer door forcefully twice, smashing the rusty lock.

She took out a new lock and gave it to Mao Xiaojun.

"Little Jun, take this. Your Brother Dajiang specifically went to the town to buy this lock yesterday. From now on, you will use this new lock to lock the door. "

"Thank you, sister-in-law!"

Mao Xiaojun received the new lock with the two keys, and felt very grateful in his heart. Hua Dajiang's family really thought of him, Hua Dajiang was really a village chief.

But what he did not know was that Ma Chunni had long secretly prepared a spare key. He didn't know that ever since Ma Chunni saw him yesterday, she had already taken a fancy to him.