Hua Qigang's house was currently lit up with a 30 watt incandescent lamp.

Under the dim light, Zhang Cuihua sat on the side of the bed and lifted her shirt as she watched her two year old daughter, Little Niuniu. "Tsk tsk tsk", the little girl took off all her clothes long ago, causing Hua Qigang, who was only left with a pair of underpants, to become extremely anxious.

Hua Qigang laid a bamboo pillow on his butt, and leaned on the wall of the bed as he complained, "I say, my wife, don't be so preoccupied with giving food to a child, you have to consider the feelings of a husband like me. Why don't I have two as well? "

"How shameless, and you're even getting jealous with that kid?" She's your daughter! "

Although Zhang Cuihua said it like that, how could she not be anxious?

Hua Qigang this damned brat never came back in half a year, every time he called, he always said that there were a lot of things that needed to be done at the construction site, and that he wanted to earn more money for the Little Niuniu.

But as a normal woman under thirty years of age, her body needs to be at its most vigorous. If her husband doesn't return home for half a year, isn't that the same as staying alive for half a year?

"Wife, you're making me sick. How about I pinch you for fun?"

Hua Qigang had just reached out his hand when it was slapped away by Zhang Cuihua, "Fuck you, Little Niuniu doesn't like to be disturbed by others while drinking milk!"

"How many glances do I have to show you?"

"Your head! Why haven't you come back to see us for the past six months?"

At the moment, Zhang Cuihua was still angry in her heart.

Remembering the happy married life when they were newlyweds.

Since the Little Niuniu was only a year old, Hua Qigang had lost all of his majesty. It wasn't easy to get married again, but the place had to be transparent.

Hua Qigang said that it would be hard to do at the construction site. Bringing this thing along would also be a safe way to prevent her from being pregnant again. Zhang Cuihua thought that it was reasonable, so she endured it. However, this damned thing was always done in two or three times. It was neither warm nor hot, and it made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

He could still use the bamboo pole and the rifle, but he hadn't been back for half a year.

In this half a year, Zhang Cuihua brought along a milk baby who was not even two years old, and every time she had a request, she would just stealthily inflate his face, forcing herself not to think about it.

Thinking about the grievances she had endured in the past few months, how could Zhang Cuihua not be angry?

"Wifey, am I not earning money for the Little Niuniu's dowry? "As soon as I finished my work at the construction site today, I was thinking about you guys and would be back soon to visit you guys." Hua Qigang felt that these words were not good enough, and immediately added, "Wifey, I bought a gold ring for you. I forgot all about it when I wasn't back yet, I'll bring it back next time."

Women loved to hear clever words, and Zhang Cuihua was no exception. Hua Qigang's words were still effective.

Zhang Cuihua's expression clearly calmed down, she thought about how it wasn't easy for her husband to have worked on the construction site for the past two years, he still thought about the two of them.

He had helped his family chop firewood and fetch water as soon as he came back, so he could be considered a diligent man.

Actually, in her heart, she was also thinking about how she would live a married life with Qigang today, and not taste that feeling for half a year.

"We can do it again later. I'm afraid that the head of the village will pass by our house and if he sees that our house is lit up, he'll listen to the wall!"

"Hehe, that's easy to do. Let's turn off the lights before we do anything."

Hua Qigang said as he extinguished the light, and the black mass rushed towards Zhang Cuihua.