Chapter 166: Hitting Two Birds With One Stone

Chapter 166: Hitting Two Birds With One Stone

When asked what are the essential qualities for becoming a celebrity, most people answered like this:

-It's definitely looks. The world revolves around beautiful and handsome faces. Just look at the results.

-Singers really need to focus on singing over dancing. In the end, it’s the talented vocalists who survive. Yup.

-Acting skills! In this age where CG ironically does everything, it's still a shining talent!

-What are you talking about!? For celebrities, it's all about charisma.

However, this was only the external perspective. Lacking looks could be fixed with surgical procedures and poor singing could somewhat be covered with Auto-Tune.

There were also plenty of strategies to avoid acting controversies, such as only choosing roles that were easy to act out.

Historical dramas typically allowed actors to be easily pitted against acting masters and as such were absolutely forbidden. On the other hand, sitcoms allowed actors to compete against rookie actors and were highly welcomed.

Beyond all else, the initial challenge confronting the actors was mustering the courage to face the public. Though it may appear trivial, this seemingly simple task proved profoundly daunting and required significant adjustment.

Expressing emotions and acting in a scene where dozens were bustling and hundreds of onlookers were watching was no easy task.

For that reason, established entertainment companies ran adaptation programs to help their hard-found rookie actors get comfortable and be confident.

Some companies called it a Confidence Enhancement Program, where they sent rookie actors to subways to sing or to places like Hongdae to do busking, to develop what people might call guts.

This was the reason why I brought Haru to the Cheonho-dong Healthy Senior Center—to develop his guts.

This Healthy Senior Center, where Jung In-Ji usually volunteered at, was another name for the Cheonho-dong Senior Green Hall.

And it was also where Yoo-Jin was observing the elderly for her role of Manshin Wol-Ah under Kim Soo-Hee advice.

" I really have to do this?" Haru asked anxiously.

"Absolutely," I replied.

Haru looked at me with an anxious expression when I told him to sing in the living room of the Healthy Senior Center.

I explained the purpose of doing so. "It's not about doing it well. It's about getting used to being in front of people."

"But I'm bad at singing..." Haru added in a soft voice.

"It's okay. Just think of it as easing the elders' loneliness."

In the spacious living room of about 30 pyeong, the elders had already gathered around in a circle. They were waiting for Haru to start singing with the karaoke machine powered on.

To help the hesitant Haru, I deployed a secret weapon I had prepared in advance.

"Miso, can you help out?"

"Of course!" Miso exclaimed as she rushed forward and grabbed Haru's hand.

"Haru oppa! Let's sing together!" Miso said with a huge grin.

Just like her mother, Yoo-Jin, Miso had no aversion to the camera whatsoever.

'Well, there are occasionally kids like this,' I thought to myself as I looked at the excited Miso.

The idea of stage fright and needing to adapt to the public eye were alien concepts to the rare few children who were naturally stage-inclined, like Miso. Thanks to Miso, Haru unknowingly overcame his most difficult first hurdle without realizing it. Normally, just standing on stage itself would require a tremendous amount of courage.

"Haru oppa. Find a song by the Cherry Blossom unnies!" Miso hollered.

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Haru picked up the karaoke book and pressed the numbers for Cherry Blossom's 'Hurry Up!.' Soon, the instrumental for 'Hurry Up!' began to flow from the machine.

Miso pulled out two microphones and handed one to Haru with an excited expression, then she joyfully started singing first.

『Hands up~ Hurry Up!』

"Miso's pure and innocent smile began to permeate the room like dye spreading through paint.

The elderly clapped their hands continuously at Miso's dance.

"Oh, look how sweet her voice is."

"How can someone be so cute?"

Encouraged by the lively atmosphere, Haru began to gather courage. With the microphone in his hand, Haru started to sing with a clear voice.

But I was soon startled by the unexpected surprise.

『Hands~ up~ high~』

'Did I hear that wrong? What the heck is up with his pitch and rhythm...?' I wondered in shock.

I had assumed that he could sing well because he had a good voice, but it seemed I was mistaken.

Then, a sudden realization hit me. 'So that's why he didn't sing before the regression.'

In my past life, Haru was known as an actor with great acting skills and excellent delivery of lines. However, he had never sung on variety shows.

I finally knew the reason.

'He's definitely tone-deaf and lacks a sense of rhythm,' I thought to myself.

But that didn't mean I could just tell him to come down the stage. Developing the mental strength to endure such unexpected situations was the main purpose of this program.

'Hang in there, Haru.' I cheered Haru on silently.

Contrary to my concerns, the reaction from the seniors at the center was warm.

"Ha ha ha. How can they all be so lovely?"

"I wish he could be my grandson-in-law."

Since the Healthy Senior Center was just five minutes away from Yoo-Jin's house, I quickly entrusted the ladies who had come to volunteer with the remaining tasks and hurried home while making sure to turn on the recording function on my phone.


Upon returning home, our group met with a stern-faced middle-aged woman.

"I'm a family court investigator, Oh Min-Jung."

Her twinkling small eyes behind gold-rimmed glasses and the deep wrinkles on her forehead indicated she was not someone to be taken lightly.

"If you are not present at home during the next scheduled investigation period, I will record it as non-compliance," Oh Min-Jung stated coldly.

"I'm sorry, I was not aware of your visit today," Yoo-Jin apologized.

"You could have checked on the court’s website," Oh Min-Jung retorted.

"I checked yesterday, and it clearly stated that it was scheduled for a week later. The registered document I received last week said the same," Yoo-Jin replied in defense.

Oh Min-Jung smirked and replied. "It seems there was a mistake by the computer team. And a change in the registered document was sent, so please check it. It seems you didn't receive it because there was no one to receive it."

Yoo-Jin shook her head. "I haven’t received any new registered mail."

"Well, I don't know about that. Anyway, the records I have show it was already sent. And since I'm here now, the investigation will proceed. Lead the way, guardian," demanded Oh Min-Jung.

Oh Min-Jung maintained a brisk attitude as she moved with Yoo-Jin and Miso to the second floor.

Watching this, the landlord asked anxiously.

"Assistant Manager Jung, what should we do?"

"Don't worry too much. I’m here," I assured her.

The landlord sighed with relief. "Right. What is there to worry about with Assistant Manager Jung here? Alright then. I'll stay downstairs with Haru and prepare some snacks. Maybe if we feed her something tasty, that lady's mood might improve."

"Ha ha. I feel like having some japchae today," I said jokingly.

"Joking around in this situation, huh?"

Jung In-Ji headed into the kitchen on the first floor with a slightly more relaxed face.

In the meantime, I rushed upstairs, taking three steps at a time.


Family court investigators dispatched for custody disputes typically visited once or twice a month and conducted around four to five visits in total to complete their investigation. Their main focus was to assess the living conditions of the child involved in the custody battle.

However, Oh Min-Jung's actions were different from what I knew.


Oh Min-Jung was taking pictures around the house, specifically targeting areas that were messy.

'Just as I thought...'

Only then did I realize there was a reason she rushed to change her schedule and visit. This investigation seemed intent on finding faults by any means.

After she finished taking photos, Oh Min-Jung asked an unexpected question.

"How many hours does the child watch TV on average per day?"

"Um, I'm...I'm not sure exactly. But I make sure it's not more than two hours a day."

"So you don't know precisely?" Oh Min-Jung questioned.

"Well, it’s..." Yoo-Jin stuttered, shocked by the question.

Oh Min-Jung noted something in the file she brought. "Signs of neglect..."

At that moment, Miso quickly responded. "I don’t watch TV for more than two hours! Mom says it’s bad for my eyes!"

Oh Min-Jung frowned. "Miss Miso, it's rude to interrupt adults when they are talking. It seems you haven't been taught proper home manners. Where did you learn such rudeness? Tsk. That’s a deduction!"

Miso shrank back and Yoo-Jin immediately apologized on her behalf.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Oh."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I am just going to report what I see to the judge. More than that, can I see the child's bag?"

'Did she seriously just accuse Miso of rudeness?' I thought to myself.

The absurdity of the situation brought an involuntary laugh out of me. It seemed watching was no longer an option. If the investigation was going to be conducted illegally and unethically, there was no reason to continue tolerating it. And clearly, this must be the work of Jin So-Mi, manipulating things within the legal system.

'Jin So-Mi. You really dared to ignore my warning not to mess with Miso and Yoo-Jin, huh?' I seethed with anger.

I was determined to make her pay for interfering. But right now, dealing with the current situation was the priority.

I composed myself and stepped in front of Oh Min-Jung and questioned her, "What exactly are you doing right now?"

Oh Min-Jung glared at me. "What does it look like? I'm conducting a family investigation."

"Rummaging through a child’s bag and deliberately searching for the worst parts of the house to photograph is part of a family investigation? Are you joking?"

Oh Min-Jung frowned deeply and started scribbling something on her clipboard. "Non-cooperative during the investigation."

"This is ridiculous."

At that moment, She stopped writing and raised her voice at me. "What did you say? You seem to think little of an investigator. I am following the judge's instructions and directly reporting back!"

"Oh, is that so? Then I guess I'll need to file a motion to recuse the judge. A proper judge would never have allowed such an investigation."

That's when Oh Min-Jung began to fume. Clearly, she had not expected such a strong response from me. But I had prepared for all eventualities ever since the lawsuit with Jung Hak-Jae began.

Thanks to that, I was ready to stand my ground and press on.

"So please. Leave this house immediately, Ms. Oh Min-Jung."