Chapter 145: Theres No Such Thing As A Permanent Number One (6)

Chapter 145: There's No Such Thing As A Permanent Number One (6)

'What the heck? People call me Star Jung the Fortune Teller?'

I wondered how this story came about and then, I saw Kim Sung-Woon chuckling.

'So it was you.'

But still, it was important to give Kim Myung-Hak the answer he was looking forward to. Since he wasn't expecting anything logical anyway, I figured I might as well make him feel good.

"It's going to be a huge hit!" I exclaimed.

"How much of a hit?"

"It feels like it will be the best drama of the year!" I cried out.

Kim Myung-Hak seemed satisfied and smiled brightly.

Then he said, "Well, with Assistant Manager Jung's guarantee, I've decided to take responsibility for the change in the production company."

"Excuse me? What do you mean by my guarantee?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

'Why are we talking about guarantees? Nothing is guaranteed in this world, not even among family members!'

I couldn't help but feel pressured.

"Why? You just said it would be successful, right?"

"Well, it has the potential to be successful. But..."

"Never mind that. Since we're on the subject, do you have any other production companies to recommend?"

"Hm, I can't think of any off the top of my head. But what about Blue Dragon, the company that made Blue Sky?"

Kim Myung-Hak chuckled upon my inadvertent recommendation.

"Got it. Then we'll go with Blue Dragon for the production company."

Kim Myung-Hak said he would share this information with the higher-ups and stood up from his seat.

I quickly grabbed Kim Myung-Hak's arm, worried that I might end up solely responsible and even blamed should anything go wrong.

"Mr. Kim, perhaps we should give more thought to selecting the production company before making a decision..."

"No way. If it goes wrong, it's all on you, Assistant Manager Jung."

Kim Myung-Hak chuckled before disappearing.

At that moment, Kim Sung-Woon, who was seated on the sofa, smirked annoyingly.

"Come on, Mr. Kim. Is this really a time to laugh?" I looked at him and said in a defeated tone.

Ignoring my comment, Kim Sung-Woon turned to Kim Chan-Sung instead and said, "Mr. Kim, could you give us a moment? We have something to discuss privately."

"Sure, I'll go grab a coffee."

Kim Chan-Sung patted his belly and left the room.

When we were left alone, Kim Sung-Woon reassured me.

"Actually, I've already seen the financial situation of Red Moon that Mr. Kim passed on. We decided to change the production company after seeing it, so don't worry too much."

"Phew, that's good. I was worried..."

"Perhaps Mr. Kim was hoping for a bit of your magic touch after he heard about your nickname, Star Jung the Fortune Teller. Honestly, everything you've been involved in has been successful, hasn't it? From Miss Yoo-Jin to Cherry Blossom, and even Mr. Lee Tae-Poong. I heard you've even reached out to Mr. Kim Jong-Hoon recently."

He was amazed by the rumor that Kim Jong-Hoon of SJ Entertainment was now interacting with Hoop Entertainment.

"You're truly impressive. My first project as a PD failed, but you've achieved incredible results in your first year," Kim Sung-Woon added.

"Oh, come on. How was that a failure? You were successful until you were replaced. Besides, I'm in my second year now."

"Well, it's all the same."

Kim Sung-Woon chuckled, then relayed a message from Lee Ji-Yeon.

"By the way, Ms. Lee had something interesting to say."

"What did she say?"

"She said to look forward to Miss Yoo-Jin's portrayal of the shaman Manshin Wol-Ah."

Kim Sung-Woon couldn't hide his excitement as he asked, "How good is it supposed to be?"

I was about to answer but then decided to get back at him for teasing me earlier.

"You'll see when you watch it."

The clearly eager Kim Sung-Woon stomped his feet but eventually gave up and chuckled.

"You're quite mischievous, Assistant Manager Jung. Fine, I'll wait. But who else knows about Miss Yoo-Jin playing dual roles?"

Within the broadcasting station, only Kim Sung-Woon knew about Yoo-Jin's dual roles.

"Ms. Lee Ji-Yeon, Mrs. Kim Soo-Hee, Mr. Gu Seong-Cheol, and Special Effects Makeup Artist Miss Yang So-Ri from our agency are the only ones who know."

Kim Sung-Woon nodded with a serious expression. "Make sure to keep it confidential until the end."

"Of course."

While chatting with Kim Sung-Woon, he received a call.

"One moment, please. It's a call from the president."

"Sigh. Alright, alright!"

Choi Sang-Byung then spoke to Jiang Wei with a troubled look. "Mr. Jiang Wei, thank you for your generous offer, but it seems this isn't the right time. My apologies."

"Hmm. Is that so? It seems I've overstepped, not knowing the broadcasting station's circumstances."

As Jiang Wei backed down, Choi Sang-Byung, looking a bit frustrated, turned to dismiss me.

"Then please just make sure that Miss Yoo-Jin prepares well for her role."

"Yes, sir. We'll give it our best."

"Alright, you can go."

Choi Sang-Byung waved us off, not being able to hide his disappointment.

When we exited the room, Kim Sung-Woon shook his head in disbelief at me.

"Wow. What gave you such courage? My legs still shake whenever I stand in front of the president, but you really stood your ground."

Kim Sung-Woon clapped and applauded my bravery.

"Well, it's my job to speak up for my actress even if it means facing backlash. But are you okay, Mr. Kim? You also stood up to the president as well."

Kim Sung-Woon clasped his head as he started to regret his actions.

"Did, did I? I guess I got carried away. Oh no..."

I joked that Kim Myung-Hak was on our side, so hopefully the fallout wouldn't reach us. After chatting about the drama for another 20 minutes, Kim Sung-Woon received a call.

"They're looking for me. Let's catch up later."

After finishing my business, I stood in front of the elevator to head to the annex studio where Cherry Blossom was recording.

At that moment, Jiang Wei, accompanied by his bodyguards, approached the elevator.

'Well, it's said enemies often meet on a narrow path.'

"Haven't you left yet?"

"Ah, not yet, sir. I was discussing the project with Mr. Kim Sung-Woon."

"Ha ha, I see. One interesting fellow you are," Jiang Wei remarked as his face revealed an undeniable curiosity.

"Is your promise to Ms. Lee Ji-Yeon that important? Important enough to give up such a large sum of money?"

"Absolutely, sir."

Jiang Wei grinned at me. "If you're feeling slighted because I haven't personally looked after you, you have misunderstood. If things had gone through, I could have changed your fortunes."

Despite his reputation, it was true that Jiang Wei had built Hwayeon Media Inc. from the ground up. He was certainly adept at reading people. It seemed like he had seen through my earlier excuse.

For this reason, I laid out the truth without beating around the bush.

"Thank you for the offer, but Yoo-Jin is the ace of our company."

Jiang Wei laughed heartily. "So are you suggesting she's not just another actress to be paraded at entertainment venues?"

Jiang Wei immediately grasped my point.

Top actress candidates were carefully managed by their companies. Even if they were offered hundreds of millions, it could not compare to the money a well-trained actress could bring in.

"That's why you wouldn't even allow me to have a meal with her."

"We're cautious about avoiding any controversial situation."

Jiang Wei chuckled. "Your company's director doesn't seem to think the same. But you, on the other hand, are confident in actress Jung Yoo-Jin's future."

"I am, sir."

"It seems like I've made a big mistake. Let's forget this happened. Till next time, young talent agent."

Jiang Wei laughed and headed into the elevator.

"Till next time? What next time?" I muttered to myself as the elevator doors closed.

He was the last person I wanted to encounter again. My angry reflection glimmered on the glossy elevator doors.


Inside the elevator, Jiang Wei instructed his secretary, Ryu Shin, "Look into that guy."

"Are you talking about Assistant Manager Jung?"

"Yes. He doesn't seem like someone who's only been in this industry for two years. It's all because of him that our investment fell through, isn't it?"

Ryu Shin nodded. "How deep should I dig?"

"Everything. Even what he was doing before entering this industry."

"Understood. I'll get someone in Korea to start digging."

A deep smile spread across Jiang Wei's face.

He had indeed been curious about the actress Jung Yoo-Jin. But at this moment, his interest shifted towards Jung Yoon-Ho who had faced him without flinching even once.

Even the president of MBS was timid in his presence, yet this young man in his twenties showed a boldness that matched his own.

Moreover, the depth in his eyes seemed far beyond his years. Jung Yoon-Ho was definitely an enigmatic figure.

No matter how young, Jiang Wei couldn't just ignore such an opponent, especially with his ambitions to eventually dominate the Korean entertainment market.