Chapter 135: Recruiting Kang Ha-Na (5)

Chapter 135: Recruiting Kang Ha-Na (5)

The day after signing with Kang Ha-Na, I went to see Ahn Jun-Hee at KNET to get her out of Global Produce 47.

Ahn Jun-Hee frowned as soon as he saw us.

"I heard from President Na that you're taking her out of the show?"

Sensing Ahn Jun-Hee's tense mood, Lee Dong-Min immediately took a humble approach.

"We're sorry about this. We should have discussed it with you first, but things just moved so quickly. Besides, Ha-Na is too old to be an idol and her dance skills are F-grade. If you could just treat her as having forfeited the show, we'll handle the rest..."

Ahn Jun-Hee raised his hand to cut off Lee Dong-Min. "Hold on. Let me take a closer look at her first."

Then he looked Kang Ha-Na up and down. As his snake-like sly gaze slithered over her, Kang Ha-Na bowed her head deeply. New n0vel chapters are published on

"Hmm. She's not that impressive even on a second look. What do you plan to use her for?"

When Ahn Jun-Hee made a rude remark right in front of Kang Ha-Na, Lee Dong-Min's face was slightly flushed with anger. However, he restrained his anger and continued. After all, it was easier to get her out of the show if Ahn Jun-Hee perceived Kang Ha-Na as worthless.

"We're not planning for her to be an idol, but to develop her as a singer. We thought adding another female solo artist to the Cherry Blossom lineup would be a good idea."

"Is that so? Female solos don't do well these days. But you always seem to go against the trend, don't you, Chief Lee?"

Ahn Jun-Hee appeared contemplative.

"Hmm, I did have one plan for using her..."

Although it was frustrating to see Kang Ha-Na undervalued, showing any displeasure here could ruin everything. So we had to keep our composure no matter what.

After some thought, Ahn Jun-Hee began to smirk unsettlingly.

"Alright. Hoop Entertainment owes me a big favor this time. You got that?"

Lee Dong-Min awkwardly smiled and nodded. "Of course. Then can we terminate the appearance contract right now, PD Ahn?"

Ahn Jun-Hee smirked and fiddled with his lips. "Ah, it's not that simple."

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't something we should discuss in front of everyone."

Lee Dong-Min nodded and asked us to wait outside.

"The two of you, please wait outside."

Clearly, he was expecting something in return. While I could guess what Ahn Jun-Hee's conditions might be, it wasn't my place to intervene.

"Yes, sir."

After saying goodbye to Ahn Jun-Hee, I left the PD's office with Kang Ha-Na. While passing by the employees of KNET outside the PD's office, I spoke to Kang Ha-Na.

"Ha-Na. You know how this industry works, right?"

Kang Ha-Na nodded. "I know. I've been a trainee for six years, after all."

"Don't take what PD Ahn said to heart. You're going to be a singer too, not just an idol."

Kang Ha-Na's complexion brightened a bit. "Thank you, oppa."

"Don't mention it. And let's start working on your songs as soon as we get back. You said you have some compositions of your own, right?"

"Yes. I've made some as a hobby."

Worried she might get discouraged, I suggested recording her compositions as soon as we returned to the company.

Kang Ha-Na opened her phone's notes to show me the lyrics of a song she composed—and my heart almost stopped for a moment.

"H-Ha-Na. What's the title of this song?"

As I tried my best to contain my excitement, Kang Ha-Na replied calmly, "It's called 'New Beginning.' It's almost complete, but I plan to revise the lyrics and get Mr. Lee's endorsement."

"N-New Beginning?"

"Why? Do you not like the title?"

"I love the title. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. So let's definitely go with that title!"

Kang Ha-Na's debut song, which would later achieve 100 million views on MeTube, was already complete.

I spoke hurriedly, hiding the smile that was about to break out. "Let's not practice here. There are too many people around and we need to be careful about leaks."

'What if someone passing by heard it and copied it?'

Kang Ha-Na quickly turned off her phone and nodded. "Ah, okay. Got it."

However, Lee Dong-Min seemed to be taking longer than expected.

"Oppa, do you think something might have happened inside?"

"No, it usually takes some time to cancel and confirm a contract."

I was anxious as well, but I kept a poker face. It was clear things weren't going smoothly, but showing any sign of nervousness was not an option.


About ten minutes later, Lee Dong-Min came out of the room with a stern expression followed by a noticeably cheerier Ahn Jun-Hee.

"Alright, Chief Lee. Let's keep in touch."


Lee Dong-Min started walking ahead with a stiff expression.

When I entered Lee Dong-Min's office after knocking, a guest was already present.

Kang Ha-Na, who had received a contract termination confirmation from KNET, had a lively aura surrounding her. She seemed more vibrant than ever despite having slept in the underground recording studio due to the lack of accommodation.

"Mr. Lee, are you alright?"

"No, I'm not okay. I feel like I'm going to die. Ugh."

Lee Dong-Min stopped mid-sentence and covered his mouth.

"Sir, please have this."

Kang Ha-Na quickly took out a small glass bottle from her bag.

"Huh? Wh-what's this?"

"It's honey water."

After giving the honey water to Lee Dong-Min, Kang Ha-Na handed me a bottle as well.

"Yoon-Ho oppa, you should have some too. My dad made it with fresh honeycomb."

I had just had a bowl of spicy ramen with lots of chili powder and bean sprouts to cure my hangover, but I nodded in appreciation of the gesture.

"Ah, thank you."

It was just a bottle of honey water, but simple acts of kindness like this made work more enjoyable. Drinking the cold honey water helped clear my head a bit.

Then Kang Ha-Na made an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry. Both of you are struggling with hangovers because of me..."

"Don't be. This is our job."

"But still..."

Lee Dong-Min and I quickly changed the subject, trying to smile it off.

"But Ha-Na, isn't it uncomfortable sleeping in the underground recording studio?"

"Not at all. I overslept because I stayed up late chatting with Ye-Bin, but I slept much better here than at the old dormitory."

"You managed to keep up with Ye-Bin's chatter? That's not an easy feat."

Jang Ye-Bin could talk non-stop for an hour at a minimum, and her unique worldview often made her hard to understand. However, even those times seemed enjoyable for Kang Ha-Na.

"Ye-Bin is really quick at writing lyrics. I tend to revise mine a dozen if not hundreds of times. So I learned a lot from her."

"It's good that you two get along well."

"That's why I was wondering if I could live with Ye-Bin. Would that be alright?"

'Living in an underground recording studio? That's absurd.'

"No, that won't work. The underground recording studio is only meant for Seon-Woo and Ye-Bin to use occasionally when they're too busy to go back home. How could you use it as a dorm? What if it affects your health?"

Lee Dong-Min stood up and joined the conversation. "There's the risk of fire and such, so we're closing down the studio as a dorm option. But we will get Seon-Woo and Ye-Bin a place nearby at Changseon Villa. Do you know where that is?"

"Oh, that place?"

Changseon Villa was a newly constructed four-story building. I always thought it would be perfect for a trainee dorm, and now they were going to move in there.

"If that's the case, then it's fine. Ha-Na, are you really okay with living with Ye-Bin?"


Seeing Kang Ha-Na's excited expression was reassuring. After all, having friends or siblings around made it easier to adapt when transferring to a new company.

After finishing the conversation, Kang Ha-Na left to share the good news in the underground recording studio.

Then Lee Dong-Min, who was leaning back on the sofa, sighed deeply.

"Ah, drinking isn't as easy as it used to be."

"You're still much better off than me, though."

Lee Dong-Min laughed, asking me not to flatter him.

"But what's up with this morning? You didn't even go to Yoo-Jin's filming location."

"I didn't think I could drive, so I sent Sang-Bong instead. But I came here because there's something I wanted to discuss."

"What is it?"

"Do you know Kim Jong-Hoon from Blit? What do you think about having Ha-Na as a guest at his year-end concert?"

Kim Jong-Hoon of SJ Entertainment was the leader of the top idol group Blit. But currently, he was pursuing a solo career as the other members were serving in the military.

"Ha-Na at Jong-Hoon's solo concert?"

"Yes. If we set Ha-Na's debut there, it seems like we could gain a lot from it. It's good for exposure too."

"It would be great if we could make it happen since Jong-Hoon's concert would draw at least 30,000 people. But how do you plan to persuade both SJ Entertainment and Jong-Hoon? They're both notoriously difficult to deal with."

"There's a way."

"How? What way?"

Before answering the question, I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts.

The real reason I brought up this topic was to prevent the suicide of Kim Jong-Hoon, the leader of Blit, scheduled for tomorrow at 6 p.m.