To the little sister that I have been thinking about day and night:

To meet in a hurry to say goodbye, piece by piece past the past;

He could only think bitterly in his heart, how could he say such intimate words.

Waiting for a good time for the date, the wisps of love could not get rid of;

The true feelings are expensive, the love sister accompany me into the river of love.

My dear little sister, since the thirteenth of January, when we parted ways as City, the feeling I feel for you has grown stronger and stronger every day. I couldn't bring myself to remember the journey we had taken. At this point, I thought about our meeting last September:

There were many songs in September, the Sis was truly in love with the Argo.

Dreaming together at night, love as deep as the sea and fire.

I haven't seen your face for a week, and my heart is full of boredom and vexation.

Why do you and I have lovers and can't live together?

Today, you and I will meet each other, and your passion will warm your heart.

Thinking of you all the time, only happy when I see you.

You and I have been together for three years, nurturing love knot love fruit;

I ask the heavens to be merciful and to be happy together forever.

You are my favorite, you are my fruit of joy;

Your voice and countenance are firmly imprinted in your mind. Your smile is like a flower.

Your warmth warms my heart, your gentleness attracts me;

Your concern is so thoughtful, your love is like a firework.

Your letters are not enough to read, your words inspire me;

Your inspiration is like the spring breeze, and your ambition is the most rare at the summit.

The City gathered together to fill up the embankment, and told you the truth.

Shake hands and embrace heart intoxicated, love you all your life to sing a love song.

Dear little sister, memories are beautiful, love is eternal. Especially in autumn and September, I can't get over it. Look at my praise for September:

September is the golden autumn, the fruit is full of twigs; nurture with sweat, communicate with blood.

It is you who give me love to relieve my sorrow; it is you who give me mercy, twining around my heart.

Love is like the spring water, love is like the seven-colored ball; better than the husband and wife, holding your hand.

To set foot on the clayey road, on the boat against the water; To keep each other, both let drift. (1) (2) (3)

yearning little sister, I can't control my yearning for you. In the yearning, besides the memory can relieve the annoyance, but also write a poem for you. Please enjoy this little poem:

It has been more than two years since you have devoted your heart and soul to me.

Starting in March of the previous year, they met four times in half a year.

Welcome to the flowers of May, send six love letters;

Accompanying the colorful life, tasting the August dew.

You are just like the sun in September, nurturing great adoration.

He welcomed the winter plum blossoms with a smile, celebrating the New Year's Eve of the twelfth lunar month.

My most missed little sister, when I was with you, I felt the happiest. and wrote down this line of poetry:

Come to harvest love in this golden autumn;

Two hearts in a diligent thinking, a flower of love.

Distant mountains and rivers, friendship warm heart nest;

Family love without end, happiness belongs to you and me.

Dear little sister, the reunion of last October 29th was a successful reunion; it was a happy reunion; it was a memorable reunion. To this end, I recalled what happened that day:

It was a sunny day, October 29, 1990.

My common commemoration with you. A year ago, we were reunited today.

That day, the cold wind accompanied the light snow, and we felt very sweet inside;

He watched movies, watched videos, and then crossed the mall and walked into the market.

For an entire day, he had left footprints in every corner of City.

It was late afternoon when we arrived in a car.

Having spent a beautiful night, he had realized his wish and achieved his goal.

The intoxicating moment of sharing a bed, never, never to be forgotten...

Today, we are together again, God gave us a warm weather;

He walked along the main road, side by side, towards the place where they met.

He thought about how happy and meaningful he had been a year ago today.

A year later, I will reunite with you.

Remembering that unusual moment, recalling that enchanting night …

Now, we love more than before, now, we love more than before sweet;

Right now, we are like a single person. Right now, we are walking towards the place that belongs to you and me …

little sister, whom she missed at every moment, had such a beautiful memory. It replayed the reunion of October 29, 1989, and our present reunion. For this, I cherish that moment very much. Especially since winter has come, my yearning for you has deepened at every moment. When I think about you in the winter, this is how I describe it:

In the early winter, little sister was full of the heat of love unlike usual.

Busy time to go to see, free me from the long love.

Miss you can't sleep at night, miss your day tea is not fragrant;

I miss you sometimes like a wooden chicken, miss you sometimes standing alone by the door.

Why do lovers have their own things? Why can't the fire of love be a pair?

Why can't they stay together? Why are hearts connected to one another?

May the heavens open their eyes to bestow good karma, together with the wind and rain formed mandarin ducks;

If we can be together for a couple and grow old together, it's only right that you and I pay our respects to the heavens.

You and I have been friends for more than three years.

You've suffered for me for three years, you've warmed my heart for three years.

In the past three years, they have been through many difficulties, and in the past three years, they have been through the summer and winter.

In the spring, you and I sow love, using the blood and sweat to carefully cultivate.

Summer has blossomed a love flower, like a rose like the color of the long-lasting fragrance of the rosy clouds.

In the autumn harvest the fruit of love, that the seed is so full you and I reward.

Enjoy the fruit of love in winter. I will taste it together with you.

That taste was a hundred times sweeter than molasses, and that affection was even more intoxicating than the fragrance of flowers …

How many times do you and I meet in Longshan, heartfelt words and heartfelt words surging in the heart;

How many times have they gone to the City to walk side by side on the asphalt road?

How many times have we met as a single person, kissing you and hugging you as if you were crazy;

He thought that if he could not help it, he would be able to push himself forward...

, I miss you day and night. When I miss you, I can't help but think back to the past. Especially on my birthday, little sister brought sickness to bless my birthday: Treat me to a movie, treat me to a meal, drink champagne, satisfy my desires. This brother will never forget this throughout his life:

This is a very unusual reunion, but also a lifetime of unforgettable sweetness;

My dearest little sister, it was a happy birthday to accompany me on this day.

In the busy street market, we walked together at the appointed time;

When their eyes met, they felt a sense of satisfaction and satisfaction in their hearts.

At this moment, we walked into the theater together, happily watching the TV series;

And now we are at the hotel again, and you have prepared a feast and a present for me.

After we had eaten our fill, we walked out of the restaurant and walked forward shoulder by shoulder.

Holding each other's hand, they walked step by step towards the dense forest in the mountain.

I am close to you, snuggling tightly in your arms;

A warm and sweet kiss, one after another …

Thus, we tightly embraced, and began to gently caress …

"Happy Birthday, happy Birthday!" These were the words from the heart of the little sister.

You have a bad cold today, and you have a high fever and cold sweat all over your body.

But in order to make my birthday happy, you are still gentle and gentle, resolutely insisting.

This is such a warm feeling, this is such a noble quality;

What a pure heart, what a virtuous wife …

I can have such a close friend, is my life's infinite happiness. "

At this moment, I felt as intoxicated as wine, enjoying the intoxicating sweetness to my heart's content …

What I want, I have received, the eternal value of this love;

We made a firm vow to never, never be separated... and we made a vow that we would never, ever be separated from each other again .

Dearest little sister, I miss you all the time. Your voice, your smile, your intelligence, your kindness; I'm attracted to you like a magnet. Look at the diary I wrote for you on January 2nd:

"When I think of you, I feel so lonely, so lonely, so unbearable; and when I think of you every moment, it makes me feel how precious, how beautiful, and how much I miss you. Thus, with this kind of emotion, I unknowingly stepped onto that world of ice and snow as I walked towards your house, step by step, in the face of nine cold winds in the middle of winter. What an attractive motivation! Under the attraction of this motivation, I came to the home of the little sister that I had missed day and night. Now you wash clothes at home, and when you see me, your face glows with excitement, and joy creeps up your brow. for a long, long time. "

My dear little sister, what this brother recorded in his diary is true and true. You can see how I think of you. In this cold winter, I have deepened my yearning for you:

Snowflakes flutter in the north wind, winter cold a few reincarnation;

Standing outside the door and looking at his hometown, he missed the feeling of the Sis Fei Fei.

Day think you do not eat, night think you are difficult to sleep;

Waiting until the sky was bright, the pillow towel was soaked with tears of love.

Gentle warmth I intoxicated, continuous deep feeling sweet spring water;

To know one's heart, one must not cross the line between life and death, and it was even sweeter to share one's will with others.

Distinguished phase love can reunite, phase love can accompany;

Remembering the love of the past, his blood boiled.

The little sister that I have always missed, you and I have experienced three summers of cold weather from the time we got to the time we became friends to the time of our deep feelings for each other. Over the last three years, we've dated again and again; we've written love letters again and again. Therefore, memory has become an indispensable spiritual force for me to miss you:

Although it was winter, it was a warm weather.

little sister and I, who were always missing, walked into a restaurant side by side.

After you have lunch with me, we walk towards that mountain.

Since it was the place where they would meet, they would meet there.

We were together again at last, looking at each other with affectionate eyes;

This is a kind of endless power, you and I tightly attracted.

"AHH!" Your moving curves are now more beautiful than ever;

"AHH!" Your gentle words, at this moment, excite me even more.

Needless to say how deep the love, the scene in front of me is enough to make me happy;

My beating heart was beating crazily for a long time.

I hold your hands tightly, not letting go;

Then pick up your handsome smile and kiss it again and again...

Your kind heart, deeply imprinted in my heart;

How can your sincere love not make me drunk?

Our temporary reunion was about to end.

But what is left for us is a sweet and blissful memory...

Dear little sister, I will never forget the sincere love you have for me in this life and for the rest of my life. Especially your touching words, your handsome and kind face, made me linger on it even more:

Long Night fell asleep, the Sis was by my side.

Tightly holding your hand, the mood is surging.

You are so gentle, you are so kind;

Caring for me in every detail, so kind in heart.

This meeting between you and me has made me ecstatic;

I wish we could always be together and say what we want.

After the male crowed three times, dawn appeared in the east.

Wake up to know a dream, two lines of hot tears flowing...

My dear little sister, my memories have evoked an even stronger longing for you. Thus, when I wrote here, my tears couldn't help but flow down. Today is another long story, I think, little sister will definitely be annoyed. We'll talk next time.

I wish little sister forever youth and a happy mood!

This to


Your second brother

Grass at 12.10 p.m. on 17 January 1991

After reading Zi Peng's letter, the excitement in Lixia's heart was like the surging river, unable to calm down for a long time. His thoughts about her, his respect for her, his true feelings for her, his love for her, his expectations for her, his memories of the past, all touched her heart. She couldn't help but shed tears of excitement. She missed him now, loved him, and respected him. It was him who gave her a mentor's brother, good friend, good confidant, and good husband; it was him who gave her enough courage to live; it was him who gave her a better living space; it was him who gave her a full spirit; it was him who gave her the dignity to be a human. For this, she was moved, she was happy, she cried.

She thought: This letter from my brother is both an encouragement to me and a true appraisal of me, and is full of praise for me. One could get such encouragement and praise; such consolation and praise was enough. It was not in vain that he had lived in this world. Though it was the talk of the Six Brigades about us both, though it was my husband who was suspicious of me, spying on me, dissatisfied with me, I did not care. What matters is that my love with him, my love with him … As he thought about this, his eyes once again filled with tears. At this moment, she could not control her longing and respect for him. His yearning for her, his praise for her, his infatuation for her, they all gave her a great power of love...

On the morning of the 20th January, Branch Secretary Wang Peng found Party Secretary Ding Xianchun. He reported his thoughts of becoming the assistant to Secretary Ding. Secretary Ding didn't agree at first, but after Zi Peng's repeated requests. Finally, the Secretary Ding said:

"Zi Peng, you've mentioned this to me before. I didn't promise you that. I said I would open a committee to study it." Today, you came to me again for this matter. I think: You are a Secretary of Branch of the Taoyuan Village, you have also worked for 4 years, you can be considered an old man. To be honest, I'm very satisfied with your work, and I have a very high opinion of you. At that time, when you were first appointed as Secretary of Branch, you were only there to adjust the team of the Taoyuan Village branch. Make adjustments to the original open rivalry, scuffle, and discord of the team. I really did not expect that after a year of work, the Taoyuan Village would have improved. This is a good start for the whole village. Therefore, I have a very high opinion of you.

"It is not easy for you to turn over a mess and unite a group of people in a very short period of time. We are very confident that the economic indicators given by the Rural Party Committee and the government will all be completed in time. Today you proposed to be a deputy. Although you said that you would be a deputy, but it's not easy for you. Party affairs were to be grasped as usual; Sessions was to be assisted in other tasks as well. Can you do this? "

Hearing Secretary Ding's words, Zi Peng felt like his heart was at ease. Thus, he made a promise:

"Secretary Ding, don't worry, my name is a secondary one. Actually, the work I do is by hand, I can't watch them make a joke of themselves. Secretary Ding, just you wait and see. "

When the Secretary Ding heard Zi Peng's promise, he felt quite satisfied. Thus, he said to Zi Peng:

"Zi Peng, since you've given me such a promise, then I'll discuss it with Chun Ming, Chang You, and the others and do their work." Once they figure it out, I'll have it done. Just wait until we go to Taoyuan Village and announce ourselves. "

At the moment, Zi Peng was as relaxed as if he had been relieved of a great burden. Although he still had to do good Party work as usual, he was still a deputy. In terms of responsibility, he was a lot easier than being an ace. So he said,

"Then I'll thank Secretary Ding first. If there's nothing else, I'll head back first."

Zi Peng said his goodbyes to the Secretary Ding and walked out of its entrance.

On January 21st, The Party Secretary of the Township Ding Xichun and Village Head Wang Cheng arrived at Taoyuan Village. He found the Village Head Deng Chunming and Vice Village Chief Wang and told them about Zi Peng's desire to be his assistant. Finally, the Secretary Ding said:

"Zi Peng is a good hand at catching members of the Party. He is a rare talent in your village. I didn't think much of his offer to be his deputy. Even if he became an assistant and became a full-time Party worker, why not? Besides, he also assured me that while doing your job well, you should be able to do your job well as well. I think he can consider this idea. "

Countryside Wong listened to his speech while smoking. When Secretary Ding finished, he extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray and threw it inside. He continued with the words of the Secretary Ding and stated his position:

"Little Wang is a good material, I have no objections to what Secretary Ding said just now. He had also been a secretary for four years, and he knew all the work in the village like the back of his hand. Even if I become your assistant, it's also a proper job, I think that's fine. "

Initially, Chun Ming did not want Zi Peng to be his assistant. He wanted him to continue working for him. However, after hearing the two leaders' opinions, they could only obey the arrangements from their superiors. He took a drag on his cigarette and said:

"Secretary Wang had already suggested his idea to us at the last subcommittee meeting. At that time, we did not agree as well. Later on, he probably went to look for the Secretary Ding. His job, could be said to be certain, was to find another one within the Taoyuan Village. He was a man who never fought for honor. If he had honor, he would give it to others. If he had responsibility, he would bear it himself. We can't find such a good leader even with a lantern. Especially this bad temper of mine, sour and smelly, but working with him made me feel relieved, comfortable, and reassured. At first, I didn't want him to be my assistant. I wanted him to work for another year this year. Since the Secretary Ding has agreed, and the Countryside Wong has no objections, we will obey the arrangements of the higher ups. "

After listening to Chun Ming's speech, Vice Village Chief Wang said:

"Secretary Wang is truly a rare talent. His Party work was one of the best in the whole village, his writing was good, his pen was hard, and his propaganda work was done well, he did it home, he did it in time. I didn't agree with him at first, but Secretary Ding just said that he would be the Party Secretary for a full-time job, and would be able to assist the village in other tasks. I think I agree with Rural Party Committee's opinion. "

Thus, the village's branch committee was convened in the morning. The Secretary Ding explained the situation to everyone. Secretary Ding used his sharp eyes to observe the expressions of every single branch committee. As he smoked, he said:

"When the next meeting of the Party is held, notify me and I will come to announce it to all the members."

Time passed really quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was Thursday. It was January 24, 1991. In the afternoon, the Taoyuan Village Party Branch called for the All Party Members Assembly. There were a total of 37 members in the village, and 34 of them actually attended the meeting. Secretary Ding and Countryside Wong also participated in the meeting.

The Branch Secretary Wang Peng took the Chair and made a statement.

When the Secretary Ding saw that the organization and discipline of the members of the Taoyuan Village were so good, he was also truly happy from the bottom of his heart. Standing on the podium, he gestured and said:

"Today, Countryside Wong and I have come to the Taoyuan Village to adjust the branches and the leadership of the Village committees according to the opinions of the District Committee and the regional governments. This year, the branch would not be re-elected, it would just be re-elected. Next, the Taoyuan Village made the following adjustments: According to the demands that Comrade Zi Peng had made to the village Sessions and to the Party Committee, he had proposed his idea of becoming a deputy. After the Rural Party Committee's research, the Village Branch agreed that he would not hold the position of Secretary of Branch this year. Comrade Chun Ming was the Secretary of Branch, with a division of labor for finance, forestry and land; Comrade Chun Ming was the village chief, and was in charge of agriculture; Comrade Zi Peng was the branch Deputy Secretary-General, with a division of work, family planning and comprehensive management; Comrade Ma Jianli was the economic director, with a division of labour and various businesses; Brother Leng Chuanmei was the Director of Women. I emphasize one thing, Comrade Zi Peng is a professional Deputy Secretary-General of the Party and his year-end salary is the same as that of the Secretary and the Village Head. I've finished. "

There was a round of applause...