At last dongxiaobei called for action, and Ma Yuqiong and I also acted together. Ma Yuqiong went to subdue the man watching the wind. I went to the road to lay a nail board, and before I took it out, I heard Ma Yuqiong's hum. Of course, it wasn't Ma Yuqiong's hum, but the man watching the wind. Ma Yuqiong's hum had been corona for a second, Ma Yuqiong carried him back. I quickly spread the steel nail board and went back to the original place. Together with Ma Yuqiong, I tied the lookout man to the tree with rope and transparent glue.

It's only a minute to get everything right. Ma Yuqiong uses his walkie talkie to contact dongxiaobei, but he doesn't get any response. After all, it's only a minute. I don't know when their action is at that stage. It's so far away that they can't hear! Wait, hurry, wait, don't you care? I don't know. We hesitated for two minutes. At last, Ma Yuqiong said, "I'll go and have a look. You'll meet me outside."

I said, "we're going together."

"What if someone comes out? There's only one crossing here, so someone has to ambush here. "

Ma Yuqiong said that he had already run away without waiting for my answer. I didn't go after him. I should be rational at this time. I continued to hide on the edge of the woods and watched Ma Yuqiong move forward secretly under the wall. Until Ma Yuqiong's back disappeared, I looked back. The guy tied to the tree woke up. Without hesitation, I took out the electric stick and gave it to him. With the sound of Zizi, people fainted again.

I turned back and continued to look ahead. At this time, there was a voice on the walkie talkie. It was the voice of dongxiaobei: "there is a man 30 meters to the left. Go to block him. All those who have no task go, quick."

I said: "dongxiaobei, what's the situation over there?"

Dongxiaobei said: "basically, I've caught people. Now I'm going over the wall to see if I can win one."

Ma Yuqiong interposed: "I'll go out to find you, you bring people in, so as to save time."

I said, hurry to action, the guy who fainted out of the solution, and then shoot and pinch and beat, it was not easy to wake up, he just woke up to run, of course, he did not succeed, I kicked him on the ground and said: "Damn, you are not afraid of electricity, are you?"

He begged for mercy and said: "sorry, big brother, big brother, there is a misunderstanding. Please let me go!"

"Misunderstand your mother, get up, go ahead, meet your people, let them talk about whether it is a misunderstanding."

"Can you untie the rope first? I can't go like this. "

"You think I'm an idiot like you? Cut the crap and go

The guy refused to get up. I kicked him and the result was the same. At that time, Ma Yuqiong had come back and punched him twice. He snorted twice, but he still didn't want to go. I directly took his arm and motioned Ma Yuqiong to pull it together, intending to drag him. As a result, he struggled hard. I got angry, took out the electric stick and corona him, He continued to drag him along with Ma Yuqiong. It was hard to drag him for several hundred meters. Fortunately, when he arrived, someone came to help him. He was from dongxiaobei.

Ma Yuqiong and I stopped for a breath, and then walked forward quickly to the car. We found that dongxiaobei had already caught all the people on the car, and their hands and feet were tied up with transparent glue, and they all fainted. The speed was so fast. I sighed in my heart and said, "where are their heads?"

Dongxiaobei said, "it's inside. Let's go back to the warehouse in the factory."

Then dongxiaobei asked one of them to drive. It was very slow, so the scene was ignored. Everyone followed the car, including me and Ma Yuqiong. Of course, I think it's very innocent. I shouldn't drag people in just now. How good is it to wait outside? After swearing a few words, I called Huang Xiaoshu and asked him to bring them over and wait outside the gate of the production department.

Hang up the phone, took a cigarette from Ma Yuqiong and lit it. I asked dongxiaobei, "is anyone hurt?"

Dongxiaobeidao: "one of the winners was injured and hit by the operation vehicle, but it should not be a big problem."

My nervous heart relaxed: "win one?"

"He's in there. The security has been under control. Didn't he just say that?"

"Did you say that?" I thought about it and touched my ear, only to find that the earplug of the walkie talkie fell off, "Oh, my earplug fell off..."

At this time, a man in front of me called dongxiaobei, and then dongxiaobei went to the front. Ma Yuqiong said to me, "it seems that you are lucky, things are so smooth."

"It's not a matter of luck, it's the high command level of dongxiaobei." I took a sip of my cigarette and said in a low voice, "I'm thinking about a question. How can I thank dongxiaobei? It's me, not you. It can't be like last time. "

Ma Yuqiong said, "are you going to give them money?"

"What do you think?" I asked

Ma Yuqiong thought for a few seconds and said, "invite them to a rich seafood dinner, and then buy a box of good wine. It's not good to give them money, and they won't accept it."

"What wine? Feitian Maotai

"Don't be so expensive. You'd rather buy two cases."

"OK, just two cases, but it's not over yet."

"Don't worry. We all expect that we won't be able to sleep tonight."

In fact, I didn't expect that. I still wanted to finish my work and go to Nie qiuni. It seemed very difficult. Then Nie qiuni went on a tour. If she knew a handsome guy or something during the tour, she could only wave goodbye. In a word, it was very tragic.

The gate of the production department arrived. There was a car outside. Ma Yuqiong's car was beside Huang Xiaoshu, Mingyue, Fang Liqun, her colleague Yuan Jian. When Yuan Jian came back, it was not necessary to think that Ming caichen was responsible for buying the midnight snack. The door of the production department was open. Yingyi leaned against the door and was smoking. I went directly to him and said, "is the person you are taking hurt? How are you hurt? "

Win a: "be hit, foot injury, estimate temporarily cannot go to work."

"That's no problem." I went back to Yuan Jian and said, "there is a small employee who has been injured. You will be responsible for this later. You can settle down as you like."

"Good," Yuan said

"Where's the security guard?" I asked

Win pointed to the security room and said: "in the inner room, they have already fainted. The mobile phone has been taken. Lin Tiannian is looking at them."

I added, "have you caught it?"

"There's no one else in the warehouse. The inside man is very careful. He's only responsible for opening the door."

I'm speechless. It's ok if I run after opening the door. Then I wait for the notice to close the door quietly. But if it's not like that, I'm afraid I already know what's going on. It seems that we have to find out the insiders first. I thought in my heart, pushing and winning, "hurry to drive the truck into the warehouse, do it according to the plan, and pry their mouths open."

Ying nods, throws the cigarette away and goes outside to replace Dong Xiaobei's men and drive into the production department. Ma Yuqiong drives her own car. Then everyone goes in together and the door of the production department is calm.

The warehouse is Yuan Jian's world. Yuan Jian finds out the emptiest position and helps dongxiaobei drag down all the thieves and tie them together. At that time, some of them wake up and look at them in horror. They can't do anything! Dongxiaobei was not in a hurry. He was waiting. At first, I didn't know what he was waiting for. Later, I knew that he was waiting for him to get their car, and then he took a bag from the car. Inside the bag were various tools, such as those for extorting confessions. Dongxiaobei took them out one by one and put them on a fortification table that Yuan Jian had directed his staff to move.

Ma Yuqiong said: "the excitement is about to start. Dongxiaobei will certainly be able to find out their boss behind the scenes, but I suggest you don't let women watch it, especially those female journalists."

What Ma Yuqiong said is reasonable. I went to dongxiaobei and said, "where's the video camera?"

Dongxiaobei said he was in the car and gave his man a wink. Then the man went out and came back with a video camera in his hand and handed it to me.

When I got the camera, I went to Fang Liqun, gave it to Fang Liqun and said, "I haven't seen this content. You can see it for yourself. If there is any disadvantage to us, you can deal with it. Go to my office and take care of it. Huang Xiaoshu will take you. Anyway, it's not good to stay, right? Some scenes are not suitable for you to see. "

Fang Liqun said, "it won't kill people, will it?"

"Of course not. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Fang Liqun said yes.

I told Huang Xiaoshu to take them to the office, and Mingyue. Although Mingyue was willing to stay, she didn't do that in the end. As for the ten employees, I asked Yuan Jian to arrange for them to gather in one place for rest, healing and medication. Their mobile phones can't be taken back, and they can't go back to their dormitories before the end of this matter. They can only stay in one place, Yuan Jian and them.

There are only a few people left in the warehouse, Ma Yuqiong and I, Yingyi, dongxiaobei, and dongxiaobei's four subordinates. There are 14 people in the other party, but they are not caught by the insiders. They don't even know who they are.

I stood at the side of dongxiaobei and said, "let them recruit the insiders first, otherwise we have to help. Our goal here is too obvious!" It was not properly arranged, but at that time, I didn't expect that the internal staff was only responsible for opening the door, and people were not there. When there was no way, I had to improvise and pray.

Dongxiaobei nodded and motioned to his men to find out the thief's head and wake him up. Then he began to interrogate him. I watched him not participate. Ma Yuqiong and Yingyi were of course the same. The head of the thief is a man in his forties. He is very tough. He is very calm in the face of interrogation from dongxiaobei. He looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. He's always stealing. He's also a professional Gang thief. He's probably caught and experienced.

But dongxiaobei was prepared. He said a few words to two men. They were busy. One went to move the chair, tied the head of the thief to the chair, and sealed his mouth. The other was responsible for pulling the electricity. They had very long wires and sockets, and they pulled them back soon. Dongxiaobei lights a cigarette and smokes. He goes to the bag and takes out a strange transformer. Two wires of the transformer come out from the inside. One end of the wire is two metal clips, which are used to hold the fingers of the thief's head. The other end is the socket. Dongxiaobei inserts the socket into the socket, takes a hard breath of the cigarette and sneers at the thief's head, Then quickly hit the switch