So easy to talk? I don't think I'm here to make a feud, but can I get rid of it? When I found out what was going on, I calmed down and said with a smile, "you're very polite, but the way you treat me seems a little impolite. Do you like to be tied with rice dumplings by others?"

"Of course not."

"That's a coincidence. I don't like it either. If you want to talk to me, at least give me a comfort? What else would you like to talk about? "

"I've tied up a lot of people. It's rare that you are so calm and can laugh so freely. I appreciate you and I'm willing to give you a good treatment." Then the man with the tattoo took out a folding knife from his pocket, opened it, separated the transparent glue that bound my hands and feet, and then handed me a cigarette? Of course, I want to remind you that although you can play well, you are definitely not my opponent. If you want to break out, you will not succeed, so don't do stupid things. "

I really think about this problem, because I don't completely believe in this guy. It's probably an expedient measure to let people out and write them off. It's estimated that those people are very important to them, and they can't help it! Another reason has the final say that it is not my final rule to get people out, but that is what Nanshan has the final say, and is a road, stepping on the border, and not seeking to clear Nanshan, but using such a threat, and Nanshan can let them go. I can't, otherwise mingnanshan is still a fart? Another, I feel that mingnanshan will not save me, and I may even gloat for what happened to me.

Considering so many factors, if I want to leave, I can only save myself. But after this tattoo man said that, I was a little frustrated. This guy knows my background, but I know nothing about him. This is the most disturbing place! Of course, things to this point, only to calm down, there is a way out, I had to calm down, I inhaled a flue: "I really want to beat you down after leaving, the premise is that I want to know how many people outside the living room."

Tattoo man said: "there are three outside, you can't beat any of them, I promise, they are playing with lethal things, your HuaQuan embroidered legs can only scare ordinary people, not in a level."

"All right!" I am so depressed. "I would like to help you, but you seem to have caught the wrong person, and you can't let your brothers has the final say. You should go to the south of Ming mountain, and you mix a road."

Tattoo man said: "yes, I've looked for it, but it doesn't work, so I can only find someone to change it. This should be a good way, right?"

To your mother, fuck, can you do things? I scolded maliciously in my heart, still smiling on my face, and said: "you still catch the wrong person. I have a grudge against mingnanshan. This is absolutely true. The reason is that I have rejected him many times, and he won't care about my life or death. So it's useless for you to catch me. It's just a waste of time. You'd better go to him to talk about it. It's true."

"It's useless. It's too fake, you know? We all know who is in mingnanshan. If you refuse him once, you can't get along with him. What does it mean if you refuse him so many times? It means that he appreciates you. You are very important to him. Since you are important, it's hard for him to take another two? So, brother, I advise you to help, because if our people can't come out before dawn, you can't live. "

My heart aches. Although the tattooed man has a soft tone and a smile on his face, his words are highly believable, because for a moment, there is a trace of terrible murderous spirit in his eyes.

After smoking, I said, "I'm a little thirsty. Do you have water?"

The tattooed man motioned to the man he had brought. The man went out and came in a minute later with a glass of water in his hand.

Seeing that I had drunk water and put down the quilt, the tattooed man said, "is there anything else I need?"

I shook my head and said, "where's my cell phone battery?"

"You can use my cell phone."

"I don't remember the number. Who can I call without my mobile phone? You're not going to throw away my cell phone battery, are you? And my car? "

"Your car is still where it was." The tattooed man took out the key from his pocket and said to me, "as long as you help me succeed, you won't have any mistakes. I'll compensate you for the battery."

"Forget it!"

The tattooed man took out his mobile phone, removed the card, handed it to me and said, "plug in your card, you should know what to say and what not to say."

I'm a little depressed. It's awkward, but I have no choice. I can only take my own mobile phone, remove the card and replace it. Then I look through the address book and think, who should I call? This problem is a bit tangled. If I call Mingyue, I'm really worried. If the task fails, will they attack Mingyue? It's hard to say, and the moon is very important, there can't be a flash.

When I called mingnanshan, I didn't know the number of mingnanshan at all. Even if I knew it, I was asking for trouble.

Finally, I chose to call boss Tan, because only boss Tan can talk to mingnanshan. Of course, what I'm looking forward to most is that boss Tan can do it by himself and ask for people directly. But it seems impossible. The other party has already contacted mingnanshan, which means that the nature has changed. Lin Chu is not the master who can handle affairs. Can't he just spend some money to get people out? Even if there's no strength here, it's hard to find the leaders of Baishui who collude with them to help contact the Baidao here?

After dialing the number and turning on the radio, I began to get nervous. After all, it's already two o'clock. What if boss Tan doesn't answer? Fortunately, boss Tan answered the phone: "Yang zuran, what's up so late?"

I said, "I want you to help me get two people out of the police station."

Boss Tan came in nervously: "what's the matter?"

"Ming caichen and I beat people together. Just a few hours ago, at Jingjing bar, when it happened, Ming caichen contacted mingnanshan and mingnanshan sent someone to deal with it. Now the other party's people are in the police station, and two of them are from Baishui. We need to get them out before dawn, otherwise I will be in great trouble. "

"Where are you?"

"It's not convenient to say." I took a look at the tattooed man and saw that he didn't respond. Then I continued, "freedom is under control. Do you know what I mean?"

Tan boss understand, Leng a few seconds: "Ming Nanshan know?"

"I don't know his telephone number, so I'm looking for you, and you know the relationship between me and him. Even if he doesn't drop a stone, he will take the opportunity to force me to agree to his request, so I want you to try to get people out."

"How can I explain to mingnanshan?"

"I don't know. In fact, it's not a problem. The biggest problem is that the other party's people have contacted mingnanshan. I don't know if mingnanshan will deliberately set up obstacles. After all, things are very complicated. Why don't you find out first? I'll wait for your call

Boss Tan thought for a few seconds and said, "OK, I'll call you as soon as possible."

Said a thank you, I hung up the phone, the mobile phone back to the tattoo man said: "I did not say the wrong thing?"

The tattooed man took the phone and said, "in fact, you can tell him our boss."

"He will know." I laughed and said, "if you don't mind, I want to ask you a question." The man who saw the tattoo nodded, and I immediately asked, "is your boss smart? Or are there smart people around? "

"I don't understand what you're asking."

"I said this is not the way to deal with this problem. You are setting obstacles for yourself when you go directly to mingnanshan. If you catch me, do you think mingnanshan will give up?"

The tattooed man laughed and said, "you can see mingnanshan too much. Does he dare to dry us in Baishui? He doesn't have that ability. "

"You are in Baiyun now."

"I have no problem getting out."

"Well, let me be clear. Many friends are better than many enemies. Why conflict? Unless you have a conflict with mingnanshan and have other ways but don't want to use them, you always feel that only by bickering like this can you have face. "

"You're right."

"You think I didn't ask." I'm a little confused that people who mix up with them, to some extent, rely too much on violence to solve problems. Why do they do that? Sven point put Yin knife sometimes better effect, but also to avoid bleeding, sick ah, "in addition, if you agree, give me a cigarette."

The man with the tattoo took out the cigarette, gave me the whole package, including the lighter, and then said, "you seem to despise our way of doing things. On the basis of the original conflict, what would you do if you changed it?"

First impressions are strongest. I has the final say, "I didn't disturb the Ming Nanshan". Don't tell me that this thing can't be done without the permission of Nanshan. It's impossible. If you think it's possible, you are preconceived and you can see yourself too well. You always think that this or that city is your final rule. Many people serve RMB. If you are not willing to spend money, some people have no choice. "

"You did not answer my question. I asked you what to do without disturbing mingnanshan?"

"I'm going to contact the white doer on your side and do it quietly. Isn't that money? It's a matter of your people and the white people here. People have been arrested, and it's useless for you to find me. Of course, you don't have to spend money, but I think it has nothing to do with money, but the two people are very important. You must get them out as soon as possible, otherwise there will be trouble. Am I right? "

The tattooed man didn't speak, but his eyes had already told me the answer.

I continued: "I can think of the same problems as mingnanshan, and then check, ha ha, you have a grudge, what will the result be? Ming Nanshan will fall into trouble, you are more trouble. And me? I have no effect on mingnanshan. I'll give you a big trouble at the expense of me, even make you unable to get out of Baiyun. Mingnanshan should be very happy, right? Do you think you're throwing stones at your feet? So I just asked you if your boss is smart and if there are smart people around. In fact, the truth is very simple. The more you care about it, the more you have to show indifference in front of the enemy before you can win. Or I'll tell you, Xiang Yu, the king of Chu and Han Dynasties, captured Liu Bang's family and threatened to cook it. How does Liu Bang deal with Xiang Yu? Liu Bang didn't care if he agreed to cook and wanted a share of the meal. It was useless if I cooked it. It would only bring him fame. As a result, he had to change his mind and ask Liu Bang if he really didn't care? No, he cares, but he knows that as long as he shows that he cares, he has lost... "

Tattoo man said: "you are very talented, I appreciate you more and more, I hope this can be done, otherwise a little pity."

I laughed and said: "it's not a little bit, but a pity, because you are making a feud."

Tattooed man look as usual: "Chou yuan has it, is it so-called?"