"Ha ha, I don't have this idea. Self sufficiency on my own is actually more successful. Of course, I don't look down on the moon. People can't choose their own birth. Besides, isn't she changing now? She also asked me what investment projects I had and let me catch up with her. Oh, yes, she also told me what company you want to start and do you want to start a company? Why don't I know? No wonder you don't help me. You have this idea

My face was chilly: "where is this? I joked that day and asked her to lend me tens of millions. She was willing to be scared out of my heart attack. "

"I think you've really helped her a lot. How about tens of millions? Of course, tens of millions are nothing to her, but not to us. " Li Xiling's face showed a bit of treachery, "talk about it, let me gossip."

Again? Who says workaholics don't gossip? This workaholic also has gossip time, just like ugly men will have spring! I was thinking about how to get around the topic when the moon in the distance said, "what secret are you two talking about? Speak up and let's hear it. "

I said, "do we have a secret? Really? No You think too much... "

Ming caichen then said: "secrets can be cultivated, just like feelings. I think you are very suitable. No matter from the appearance or from the inner temperament, even the intelligence and ability are perfect. If you can cultivate feelings, it is undoubtedly perfect. Then here are three pairs of heavenly couple, Find a sunny day, go out to sea together, catch a fish, only envy mandarin duck, not immortal

It is praiseworthy that Ming caichen's words are so poetic, but I want to smoke him by pulling the red line. Li Xiling, a beautiful woman with temperament, didn't blush, embarrassed or embarrassed, but said with a smile: "I think your suggestion is very good. When do you plan to go to sea? I'm sure I'll sign up

What do you mean, Li Xiling? Crazy with Ming caichen? Or did she agree with what Ming caichen said? I feel like I'm sweating, right? What the hell? However, I soon found out Li Xiling's intention. Li Xiling's intention is to advance rather than retreat. The more embarrassed she is, the more she will continue to be disgusted by Ming caichen. On the contrary, she will feel depressed by Ming caichen if she is as generous as she is now. Li Xiling is smart and easily changes the topic and talks about other things, such as business affairs. Mingyue talks with Li Xiling and asks if Li Xiling has any investment?

Ming caichen chats with Duan Ping, and Ma Yuqiong inserts a few words occasionally, listening to them more often. No doubt I was bored, so I lit a cigarette and went to the astronomical mirror to observe the night sky. Although the night sky of a big city like Baiyun is very bad with the naked eye, you can see a lot of things that cannot be seen with the naked eye through the astronomical mirror.

Looking at it, suddenly Ma Yuqiong came to me and said, "why don't you accompany your Duan Ping? Or do you want to discuss with me the murder of Ming caichen? That's your woman. "

Ma Yuqiong said: "ha ha, I really want to murder him."

"Come on, you can tell by your expression that you have something to ask me."

"You didn't see my face, did you?"

"Then I'll change. I don't look at your expression. I know you have something to ask me when I hear your smile

"Well, I was bragging just now, but I'm not sure. Do you think Duan Ping will agree?"

"Marriage?" When Ma Yuqiong gave a response, I said, "you ask Duan Ping about this question, not me, but I suggest you don't ask it for the time being, because if she agrees, it will be a flash marriage with risks."

"I knew that." Ma Yuqiong lit a cigarette, took a puff and continued, "do you think she likes me enough? Do you think she will marry me? How can I feel inferior sometimes? She doesn't like that, does she? "

"You're sick. Why do you have so many problems? You've got her. You're not confident? Do you really think a woman will let you go up and play with you all night? What do you think she is? As for whether you like it or not, Zhang Xiaoxian said: if a woman likes you, even if you are a heinous villain, she still likes you. If she doesn't like you, it doesn't make sense that you are kind. If this logic is right, according to this logic, you must succeed. It's just a matter of time. It can't be too abrupt. "

Ma Yuqiong breathed a sigh of relief: "listen to you say so, I immediately have confidence, but how not abrupt?"

"You don't want to think about these problems at the beginning without being abrupt. Generally speaking, not abrupt means doing the right thing at the right time."

Ma Yuqiong, an emotional idiot, didn't quite understand me. She whispered, "can you make it easier?"

"Just let it be, and your feelings are not stable enough. You suddenly say that you want to scare her away when you get married?"

"No?" Ma Yuqiong was full of doubt. "Isn't it irresponsible for me not to mention marriage? I've already told her something. I can't be so shameless, right? You just said don't think about these problems at the beginning. Don't you mean that love without the purpose of marriage is playing hooligans? I don't think she'll think I'm a hooligan. "

I can't stand it any more. I move the astronomical mirror away and cast my eyes on Ma Yuqiong's face. I really want to kick him downstairs: "do you understand? I said let's go with the flow first, don't mention it in a hurry, but you can show it from the side, give her a certain degree of psychological preparation, and then find an appropriate time, put it forward in an appropriate and formal way, the result will be more perfect, it will come naturally, and everyone will be happy, do you understand? "

Ma Yuqiong shook her head and said, "I don't understand."

"What can I tell you? That is, you are still in the stage of digging canals. If you draw water in at this time, you will be drowned if you can't get through. So if you can't, you have to dig the canals first, but you can't dig too slowly. Otherwise, when you dig the canals, the water will flow away from other places. Do you understand that? "

"This is more complicated than just now."

"Damn, I'm not talking to you."

"No," he said Ma Yuqiong held me, "if you don't help me, no one will help me. I really don't understand this aspect. I beg you to help me. Let's talk about it. I'm absolutely duty bound to ask you to help me."

It seems that the business is good, so I put up with it, took a deep breath to calm myself down, and then said: "love is impulse and passion, while marriage is responsibility and patience. There is a difference between the two. Not all love can get married. There is still a long way to go from love to marriage. Even when it comes to marriage, it may not be a happy life. If you don't think about some problems before marriage, you will be troubled by these problems after marriage, which will affect your normal life, because marriage means that you will end your single life and enter a regulated life. As far as Duan Ping is concerned, if you are ready, Duan Ping may not be ready to meet or deal with it. Marriage can never last forever because of impulse or passion. Maybe you can, because of your personality problems, but what about Duan Ping? Can you promise? I dare not, so the right time is that you are all ready, not you alone. As I said just now, marriage is a responsibility shared by two people. One can't slap the hand and the other can't decide. Is that clear enough? "

Ma Yuqiong nodded and then said something that almost made me angry: "how can I be sure when she will be ready?"

I resisted the impulse of kicking Ma Yuqiong downstairs, and then said: "observe, attack from the side, prepare her heart with actions and words, let her see that you are a man who is willing to be responsible and can afford to be responsible, and let her see that it is a very happy and lucky decision to marry you, At the same time, you must let her see that after marriage, all good and bad advantages and disadvantages are inevitable. Having psychological preparation is equal to having antibodies. Only with antibodies can the marriage continue healthily. At a glance, if you get married, you will never leave. "

"Oh, I understand. It's for a more stable marriage, so I can't say that the best time is to wait for a more stable relationship and get to know each other better."

"That's about it. Marriage and love are really different. In love, it's enough to know and understand you. But marriage needs to know your family, background, burden, and even all aspects. It takes time for you to do the same. Duan Ping is a rational person. She will think that if she thinks clearly, she will be more active and enthusiastic than you, so what you need to do is to show it from the side and let her start thinking about these problems. "

Ma Yuqiong showed a smile: "I must say to you again that listening to your words is better than reading for ten years."

I rolled my eyes and said, "you can go away. Don't disturb me to look at the stars, or I will kick you downstairs."

Ma Yuqiong has got the help she wants. Of course, she is willing to roll, and she rolls very fast. I adjusted my mood and continued to watch the astronomical landscape, but it's very tragic. Just after Ma Yuqiong left, Duan Ping came back, patted me on the shoulder and said, "handsome boy, what did Ma Yuqiong say to you? Look at the state of your just chatting, it's definitely not nonsense, right? "

I turned my eyes to Duan Ping and said, "Yi Shu said: to be a woman, you should make it like a painting, not a dress. When a man tries it again and again, but no one buys it. If you try it again and again, it's difficult to sell at a 50% discount. Do you think you are a picture or a dress? "

Duan Ping naturally said, "of course, I am a painting, and I am also a valuable, noble, expensive and priceless painting."

"Well, what's a painting like? Compared with clothes, temperament is ten thousand times better, right? At least I haven't seen clothes sell more expensive than paintings, and now you come to ask me such questions, where is your temperament? "

"You just say you don't want to tell me. You need to go around in such a big circle?"

"According to your direct logic, is it easier for you to ask Ma Yuqiong? You come to ask me that I've already circled, you circled, of course I circled with you, I just follow your steps, beauty, if you blame me, you scold yourself first. "

Duan Ping was crazy: "I don't want to tell you, I can't tell you."

I made a gesture of please. Duan Ping left angrily. Of course, she was really angry. Otherwise, would I dare to talk like that?

Finally, my ears were clear. I continued to look at the stars until the nanny cut a few large plates of fruit and brought them up. Mingyue called me back. I didn't go back to everyone's arms until almost 11 o'clock. I drove Li Xiling's car, carrying Li Xiling, Ma Yuqiong and Duan Ping to the downtown