"No delay, I'll take you out," he said

Su Banan went out to meet Chen Bofei. Zhang Ran and I walked behind. Zhang Ran took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to me. He whispered: "director Yang, I hope we can talk about it in a different environment. Maybe we will hear more valuable information. I will be in Baiyun in the next two days. I am looking forward to your call."

I put the card away, laughed and didn't answer, because Su Banan looked back. I didn't want Su Banan to know, and Zhang Ran didn't want to either. Otherwise, I wouldn't say it so quietly.

Chen baifei and Zhang Ran were sent into the internal elevator and out of the company gate. After watching them enter the elevator directly to the parking lot, Su Banan and I returned together. I was going to take the stairs to the planning department by myself. Su Banan stopped me and said, "chief supervisor Yang, come to my office and have a chat!"

I said with a smile, "Mr. Su, I'm very busy. There are still several cases to follow up."

"It won't take you much time to just talk," he said

Bullshit, why go to the office? Do you look more imposing in the office? To be honest, I don't want to go, but Su Banan has said so. I can't help but go. The boss won't give me face. I'm looking for death!

Then, I went into the elevator with supanan and went to supanan's office. Supanan made a gesture to let me sit down. Then he took a sip of tea and slowly said, "thank you for your high-quality cooperation. You are responsible for the planning of the party. Secretary Wu should have been through with you."

I said, "it's a ditch. I'm happy to do it."

Su Banan said, "let's talk about the competition in advance. My opinion is that since we want to participate in the competition, we must be sure, but usually one person's strength is limited, so we need to work in a team to make better works, right?"

What does subanan mean? I didn't quite understand, so I asked, "Mr. Su, can you speak up? I'm stupid. I didn't understand what you said. Does the so-called team refer to my department? "

"Not limited to your department, director Lin is also a capable person. You should be more confident in division of labor and cooperation. After all, you are all working for the company. As I said just now, if you want to work in the name of the company, the rules will change, right? Of course, this will greatly improve the company's reputation, the company will not treat you badly, the reward is absolutely considerable, the higher the ranking, the more considerable

It turns out that I want to catch up with Qian Xuelin. Su Banan's garbage is really happy. I can't see the quality of Qian Xuelin. It's better for me to be the main player alone. I don't have to pay half of Xuelin's money for my achievements. The tragedy is that Qian Xuelin takes advantage of nothing. Of course, I won't agree to such unreasonable request, which can be completed by my own department, and I can't share the achievements with Qian Xuelin. But now that it's just a cake, I didn't immediately refuse Su Banan, but said: "I understand the meaning of general Su, and I will work hard for the company."

"I'm glad you think so," sobanan said with a smile

"Who told me to take the company's salary? Since I take the company's salary, I can start from the company's interests. " Then I stood up and said, "if there's nothing else, I'm going out to work..."

Subanan waved: "go!"

I left Su Banan's office. As soon as I went out, I was stopped by secretary Wu. Secretary Wu handed me a document and said, "this is the Mid Autumn Festival Party plan of an enterprise in Baiyun. I'll give you a reference. If you don't have anything else, please help yourself."

I took the document, left secretary Wu a smile, and then turned away.

Back in the office, I called Qiao Nan in and handed the plan of the Mid Autumn Festival party to Qiao Nan, saying: "Qiao Nan, this plan belongs to a certain enterprise in Baiyun. Our company also has to do one. Our department is in charge of it, with 10000 yuan of bonus. You are responsible for the front work. If you are not free, you can share it with Feng Xiaoxiao."

Qiao Nan took over to open to see two eyes way: "how so disorderly?"

"It should be the first draft. You should sort it out by yourself. The budget is one million yuan, including Festival expenses. My opinion is not to give money, because there is not much money to give out. In any way, it is more attractive to give out goods. You can contact the manufacturer of moon cake advertisement to take moon cake at a low price, and reserve 20% more. In addition, you can contact the businessmen we have cooperated with in the past, who have very good cooperative relationship and good words, to see if you can get sponsorship, such as paper towel, washing powder, shower gel Toothpaste and other daily necessities, in short, need more. Then you rent a warehouse outside and design a gift bag with our kingba characteristics, and we will distribute this kind of goods. One million yuan, apart from the site rental and operating costs, is all invested in the meal expenses. In short, I want something to eat and they vomit. "

Qiao Nan was a little depressed: "do you mean to let businesses provide us with gifts? Our whole company spends most of this million on food? "

"Or do you think you should give it back to the company? The company has money. You don't need to save it. Go ahead and do it! "

"It's too much work. I can't do it alone."

"I didn't let you do it alone. You look at the distribution and coordinate with the customer department. I'll plan, I'll find the venue, I'll contact you, and you'll be responsible for what I just said."

Qiao Nan, oh, left my office.

I went to lock the door, lit a cigarette and smoked. I was thinking about what had just happened. Should I go to Zhang Ran's appointment or not? In fact, I should go, but when I go is more elegant. Anyway, I can't be so enthusiastic. Also, I think about the Mid Autumn Festival Gala. I want to spend the least money to do it most vigorously. This is a good opportunity to buy people's hearts. Everyone in the company must be satisfied.

In fact, it's not very difficult for everyone in the company to be satisfied. With my ability, there's absolutely no problem. What I'm worried about is that this time is not good. According to the plan, I will kill Su Banan before the Mid Autumn Festival. That is to say, the company will be in a mess before the Mid Autumn Festival. Will the party plan be disrupted at that time? The unknown number. And if I move the time and kill subanan after the Mid Autumn Festival, I will buy people's hearts. Another advantage is that Lin Ying'er has to be involved. She has to be around the Mid Autumn Festival. In the name of business trip, she can't avoid burning herself.

Of course, Su Banan can be killed at the Mid Autumn Festival party. If the recording recorded by Ouyang Zhiling has something that needs to be played in the Mid Autumn Festival party, everyone in the company will listen, and Su Banan will not die. Now I can laugh when I think about the environment, because this is the biggest insult. Even if Su Banan has the ability to go against the weather, he may not have the face to stay and lead the powerful bully.

It's the fourth day today, and I'm going to prove it to Wang Nuo in six days, which makes me feel very sad. But in any case, I don't want the company to be in chaos before the Mid Autumn Festival, because it's more in my interest. When it's in chaos, Lin Ying'er's presence is in Wang Nuo's interest. We need to find a way to persuade Wang Nuo.

Almost after work, Qiao Nan knocked on the door of my office and I said, "why? Is the work arranged? Or is it difficult? "

Qiao Nan said: "no arrangements, no difficulties, is to tell you a good news."

I smile: "ha ha, I love to hear good news now, you say it!"

Qiao Nan said: "the advertising of moon cakes has been very effective in the past two days. The customer called and said that Baiyun is selling well here. Yesterday alone, there were many sales points asking for delivery, and they sold the previous week's quantity. Baishui and Baihai only started to go today, and they won't be able to produce specific data until tomorrow. However, according to the customers, the effect of the sales point is very good, and the customers are very satisfied, so... "

"Wait a minute." I interrupted Qiao Nan, continued to smile on his face, and said, "so you discuss with your customers to let them provide us with 200 boxes of moon cakes. They are willing to provide half price, right?"

"How do you know it's 200 boxes?"

"The number of people in the company is 20% more, which is almost so many. Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder and need 199? Or two hundred and one? "

"You guessed right, but you didn't guess the right price. It's not half price, but only 20%. I guess it's their cost price. It's more profiteering than killing people."

I was stunned for two seconds: "Damn, you really dare to describe it. How do you know how to kill people and reap huge profits? You ever killed me? Or was he killed? But the customer is really generous. This is really good news. You told me the good news. I have to reward you. Come on, kiss one. "

Qiao Nan gave me a vertical middle finger, opened the door and went out. I landed on penguin, clicked on Liang Xiaoshi's head, and sent two words and a punctuation mark: busy?

Liang Xiaoshi: ready to go offline to the bank, business.

Me: Oh, you go. I mainly tell you to have dinner together in the evening. I'll go to your house!

Liang Xiaoshi: do you have good news for me?

Me: there are two. We have to discuss something.

Liang Xiaoshi: see you in the evening!

Liang Xiaoshi got off the line, and I got off the line too. I turned off the computer and stretched out to smoke outside. My mobile phone suddenly rang, showing Mingyue's number. When I answered the phone, it turned out to be mingcaichen. I felt very lucky that I didn't speak disorderly, otherwise it would be very tragic. Ming caichen said with a smile: "my dearest and most beloved friend, do you have a date in the evening?"

I said, "so what? What if not? If you have something to say, don't beat around the Bush, because I'll hang you up. "

"Well, if you don't have an appointment, I'll ask you out. If you have an appointment, I'll put it off, because the moon will ask you out at the same time. You come to the villa and we'll have western food and have a chat."

"Why? Want to murder me or reward me? "

"The latter, of course. Do you need such trouble for murder? If you want to come, Mingyue has already gone to pick you up. Hehe, it's actually shopping. I'm afraid you won't come. "

"I really don't want to go, but since the moon is coming to pick me up, do I have to give face? When did she become a coachman? "

Ming caichen didn't answer and hung up.

As I walked outside, I sent a short message to Liang Xiaoshi, saying that I would not have dinner and would have supper instead. Then send it to Wang Nuo and let him eat by himself. This is an awkward thing. Wang Nuo Nuo should be concerned about his diet, but he can't help it. Stick to it for a few days. After killing Su Banan, he can see the light again and turn back to Hakka.

When I got to the back stairs, I met Liang Yongbing. After a few words, I smoked half a cigarette. Suddenly, the fire door was pushed open heavily, and Hong Wu appeared. His eyes fell on me and said that he was looking for me everywhere. I wondered, "what are you looking for me for?"

Hong Wu said: "you come with me, throw away the cigarette, and hurry up."

"Shit, don't pull me. People think we are good friends!"

Hong Wu didn't answer me. He quickly pulled me in and took the elevator to the equipment room on the next floor. He opened the door and invited me in.