"There may be another reason, but the least likely." I said with a sneer, "even Mingyue doesn't like her fiance, and even her fiance doesn't like Mingyue. They are forced to get married. The reason is that if there is no problem in this quasi marriage, why don't they get married? Moon 26, do not wait until the old to pass? So there must be something wrong with them, or there may be something wrong with the two families and they are dragging on. Since Mingyue has a relationship with you, she will use you to get rid of this marriage, so you are cannon fodder, which is the least possible but the most dangerous. "

Ming caichen said with a sad face: "how do I think this is the most likely? And the safest. If that's all, Mingyue will help me when she uses me, right? Didn't you say she wasn't so cruel? "

"It's not wrong to say that you are naive. What have you seen with zero harm? No harm is called mutual use, you know? Just like Lin Ying'er and I, but it's also very hard. Every day we fight for wisdom and bravery. You're on guard against me and I'm on guard against you. We all have something to do with each other. We don't dare to kill each other directly. Do you think so? What do you have to do with Mingyue? What's the bargaining power? Mingyue's use of you is ultimately your sacrifice. She gets all the benefits, you know? Otherwise, she will give you a good face. If you have sex with her, it will be enough for you to die ten times. Now she has no action, just because she can see that you are valuable. Of course, these must be based on the assumption, otherwise, what she says is nonsense. "

Ming caichen was stunned again. After a long time, he said, "so, I'm 90 percent helpless?"

"I'm just guessing. It's not necessarily accurate. Aren't there three possibilities? It depends on which one. The first one is the safest. She thinks that if she fucks you, she won't mind. As long as it's kept secret, you keep a distance from her, nothing will happen. The second is that if she likes you, you can't accept it. Similarly, her family or fiance can't accept it, but they can't do anything to her. So all the anger will be transferred to you. If you think about it for the better, you will be given a generous reward, so that you can go as far as possible. Never see the bright moon again and think about it for the worse, I'll send the killers to give you a free hand. "

Ming caichen did not speak, thinking.

I sighed: "in fact, the most urgent task is to find out what Mingyue thinks, and then make corresponding plans to reduce the risk, do you understand?"

Ming caichen said angrily: "I know a fart. It's really bad luck. How can I meet it? In fact, it's Mingyue's fault. Why do you pull me to drink? Isn't it OK not to drink? "

"Oh, in the final analysis, you should blame yourself. Who asked you to pull me to drink? Drink too. Why are you so hot? Beat a woman. There's no end to it. " I don't mean sarcastic remarks, but I always feel that there is something wrong with it. Although Mingyue is really overbearing, it's Mingyue's own business. Mingcaichen shouldn't have been so impulsive at the beginning.

"Ah, I can't help it. Let's find out what Mingyue thinks first. I won't bully her any more. I'll admit my mistake with her, OK?"

"You idiot, no, what kind of character is Mingyue? You think she'll be kind to you if you admit it wrong? No, she will only look down on you even more. She will use you even if she didn't intend to use you. For example, the first reason is that she likes you, and then finds that you are such a miserable man, and turns to use you. Is that revenge? You don't understand that women sometimes hate when they love. "

Ming caichen was very excited: "this can't, that can't, do you want me to die?"

"Don't get excited. Do it now and keep the status quo. You know in your heart that you can't offend her thoroughly, but you can't help offending her. You should grasp a certain degree and pay close attention to her various performances. First, whether she is an open-minded woman, which can determine whether she will feel that she fucked you instead of caring about it. Second, does she like you? I don't need to teach you how to test? Third, we must finish the first or second task before we can do it. That is to find out the relationship between her and her fiance, as well as the relationship between the two families. We must not act too hastily. We must take our time to do this, don't we? In front of boss Tan, try to talk less with her, cold, indifferent, let boss Tan calm down. Then I'll talk to boss Tan again to let your work get rid of the relationship and gradually get rid of it. Do you understand? "

"All right? It depends on your analysis. Is it reliable or not? " Ming caichen was full of doubt.

"What can you do? If not, only in this way, gradually improve, but you don't mess, you have to tell me, this is not your own business, and I, you have an accident, I guess it can't get rid of the relationship

"Well, damn it, let's go. Is my car coming?

"What are you panicking about? The moon won't come, but there must be terrible things waiting for you tomorrow. You don't need to tell me about them. I'm not interested in knowing them. "

When we got out of the hospital, Ming caichen and I went home separately. Not long after I got home, Li Xiling called again and asked me if I was going home? I said back, she couldn't wait to say: "I'm outside the apartment, waiting for the people from the decoration company to come and see the house, or you can come down and help me bargain with me. I don't understand. I'm afraid they will cheat me, please."

Although I'm a little tired and I want to have a sleep, Li Xiling just finished helping me. Can't I make it through the bridge? I said, "OK, come out right now."

Hang up the phone, I quickly cleaned up, burned the information of Mingyue, and then went out

As expected, Li Xiling was outside the apartment. I could see her car when I went out, but she was not in the car. She was outside, holding a bottle of mineral water in her hand, leaning against the car door and looking at the road. I walked quickly and said, "why don't you stay in the car when it's so hot?"

"I've been at home all day, isn't it good to get in the sun?" Li Xiling turned to look at me and said in surprise, "Why are you so dark?"

"Two days in the mountains, it's not dark, but I won a lot of prizes."

"Can you still win the bonus?" Li Xiling opened the car door, "let's get on the car and say."

When I got on the bus, I said: "our company's tradition is that we usually hold a lot of activities when we travel, such as group competition, individual competition and even department competition. We will set up various bonuses. I won a group competition, an individual competition and several brain twists."

Li Xiling listened with relish: "I also want to hold such a tourism meeting. I haven't even held a decent meeting since I came to Tianhong Group. I always feel that there is something wrong inside the company, but I can't say what the problem is. Now after you say that, I finally find that it's cohesion. The relationship between employees is very strange. I want to follow the foreign management mode, I've written several plans, but I don't think they are suitable. They failed. "

"I can't give you specific opinions on this, but I can tell you the difference between the management modes of our country and foreign enterprises. The management modes of foreign enterprises are undoubtedly very advanced and scientific. They have a standardized, standardized and institutionalized management system, because in this way, their working environment is relatively simple, as long as they do their own work well, They don't need to care about other things. They can start and end their daily work in a programmed way. It can be said that as soon as they go to work, they are working. It doesn't matter if the boss is not there and the boss is not there. The system is there. They respect the system first, and then the boss and the boss, right? "

Li Xiling nodded and said, "absolutely right."

"We can't work like them. Because of the great differences in society, culture, tradition and so on, we need to consider a lot more things. The relationship with the boss, the relationship with the subordinates, is first the boss, then the boss, and then the system. The concept of the system is so weak that we can move around one or a group of people, If you don't communicate, you can't work. That's our national condition, so it's impossible for our enterprises to implement full institutionalization. If you want to follow the foreign mode, you don't have that idea. You can't let them master your advanced scientific management mode through meeting or training. It's useless. "

Li Xiling was very depressed: "what do you think I should do?"

"I'm still saying that. I can't give you specific opinions. I'm not professional, but you are. Reluctantly, I'm afraid to mislead you."

"Ha ha, I'm not afraid of misleading, say it!"

"All right!" I thought and said, "in fact, it's very written. It's a combination of Chinese and western, not a blind combination. It's a Chinese implementation method of westernized mode. It can talk about human feelings, but human feelings can't be greater than the system. Reducing individual competition and increasing team competition, of course, must not conflict with the company's original culture, or it's bullshit. In addition, don't assign the right of dismissal to department heads. This may have disadvantages, but it is definitely more beneficial. Promotion mechanism is the biggest problem in our enterprises. If we have a set of process standards, the working environment will be much simpler and the fight will be much less. First of all, we should emphasize the qualification. This qualification should not be measured by performance or even personality, because some people are very aggressive and they are in a mess when planning strategies. This involves the field of human resource management, I won't say more. In a word, all the advanced scientific applications that are not suitable for the environment will only get worse and worse. For example, what's the use of giving you billions to live in Changbai Mountain for the rest of your life? And changing the environment is always the most difficult. It's better to adapt to the environment and improve the quality of the environment according to the actual situation. "

Li Xiling gave a long, digested for a few seconds and then said, "I'm short of a deputy with excellent abilities in all aspects like you. If you come to help me, I think all the problems will be much easier."

a deputy? Vice President? I'm in a cold sweat. Li Xiling raised my status and treatment again and again. I'm ashamed of it. I said, "Mr. Li, I'm just talking nonsense."

"I think it's reliable. As far as it's more reliable than my vice president, he's the kind of person who doesn't want to make progress and works like a machine. His brain is not smart and his ability is not as good as half of you. You're the kind of person who dares to do what you want, dares to do well if you dare, or you'll still be..."

I quickly interrupted: "I beg you, don't ask me to help you again. I'm embarrassed. How can I? The key is that I'm not going to leave Jinba yet. "

"I'm sorry you're coming. You can start to plan now. I really need a helper, a helper like you. I find that you are omnipotent, but I can only manage. Long term strategic vision is my weakness." Li Xiling showed a smile with infinite temptation and bewilderment, "how do you think about it again? You can raise the terms, but if you don't go too far, there's no problem. "

Damn, it's already a very favorable condition for me to ask for conditions. Unfortunately, for the moment, I still want to stay in Jinba to prove myself, so I said to Li Xiling, "Mr. Li, I'll talk about it later. What I can promise you is that if I want to leave Jinba, I will definitely choose Tianhong. Do you think this is OK?"

"Of course, I'm not forcing you, I'm just giving you a choice, a right choice."

"I understand, thank you!"

Li Xiling's mobile phone rings. She smiles at me before answering. That's a call from those people in the decoration company. They have arrived. There are two people, a man and a woman, just outside the road. Li Xiling took me out of the car, waved to the man and woman, introduced their identities to each other, and then went to the apartment. The man is a designer and doesn't like to gossip. The woman is not a designer, but she is responsible for communication. So she always says that she is very active, but she is too long to flatter. Standing beside Li Xiling, she directly weakens Li Xiling