"Director Wang, I don't know. She's my boss."

"I don't report you. What are you afraid of?"

Duan Rao thought a little and said, "she's a good person. She takes care of her subordinates. She's very talkative and approachable. If you have difficulties, let her help you. She won't refuse you thousands of miles away. I can't be so broad-minded and generous. This is the woman who can handle it."

Duan Rao is right. It's really Wang Nuo. The obvious difference between her and Lin Ying'er is that she won't use intrigue to achieve her goal. She won't take the initiative to hurt others, and she won't base her happiness on others' pain. She looks silly and idiotic, but this is the purest realm of cultivation. Anyone who can't do it has no right to despise her.

Duan Rao sighed and said: "but usually good people don't end up well. You see, director Wang, deputy general manager, she occupies the position of the right time, the right place and the right people. As a result, she gave up and elected director Lin. although I agree with Director Lin's ability to be deputy general manager, I don't think she is really suitable, at least not more suitable than director Wang."

"It makes sense. You have a good analysis."

"Ah, in a word, director Lin's character is too good for success and too good for failure."

I shook my head and said: "it's wrong for you to say that. Director Wang has not lost. This is a realm. If you don't fight, you will win. If you are comical, do you see the forum? No one thinks that director Wang has lost, but Lin Ying'er is lucky. " Although this is not the case, although Wang Nuo's comity is due to me, it is precisely because of this that I have to say a good word to Wang Nuo. This is the only thing I can do

Duan Rao said: "maybe, but I'm from the customer department. I'm a little unconvinced."

"I'm not saying that to you because I'm in the planning department. I'm telling you the truth. Director Wang doesn't mind. She knows what she wants."

"It seems that you know director Wang better than I do."

"Of course not." In fact, I really want to know Wang Nuo better than Duan Rao. At least I've seen the life of Wang Nuo. Duan Rao may not have seen it, but can I admit it? Can't, and also have to deny, "I just attended the meeting, see director Wang's performance, very calm, no dispute."

"Let's not talk about these disturbing things!" Duan Rao said with a smile, "in fact, I'm still more interested in knowing what just happened. Is that to win sympathy from your brother?"

Why ask again? I'm a little cold sweat: "this thing is really unclear, don't worry about them..."

"So... Are they lovers?"

"This..." I hesitated, "it seems that it is not. Maybe there is a chance. Actually, I don't know."

"Why is it so messy? You don't know your brother? Aren't they all your friends? "

"There's something wrong with both of them. Don't talk about them."

Duan Rao no longer asked, I breathed a sigh of relief, this is really hard to explain, say the truth is not right, say lies, how to make up?

After changing the topic and chatting about other things, she reached her goal, but it was very tragic. There was no empty seat. Duan Rao said, "what should I do? To the second one? "

"Let's go back to the car and wait." I gave the key to Duan Rao, "you get on the bus first. I know the boss. I told him that we would be informed as soon as there was a vacancy."

Duan Rao took the key and walked across the road to the parking lot. I went to find the owner of the barbecue shop, who was the original owner. I knew him. I had a few words with him before I went back to the car.

I talked and laughed with Duan Rao in the car for 20 minutes. The owner of the barbecue shop came and knocked on the window to tell me that I had a seat. I got out of the car with Duan Rao and followed the owner of the barbecue shop. Duan Rao was dressed like a fiddle. Especially in this kind of place where the third rate and ninth religion gathered, the whistle suddenly rang, but he was scolded by the owner of the barbecue shop and no one dared to make a sound again.

Sitting down in my seat, I said to Duan Rao, "what do you like to eat? I'll get some. "

Duan Rao said, "except chicken feet, I love everything else."

"So... I'll order the same?"

"OK, another two bottles of beer. Hehe, you seem to be in a good mood. There should be no problem."

Oh, I went outside and kept asking myself, are you in a good mood? Okay? Change so fast? Still on your face?

It took me ten minutes to order the barbecue, and I came back with two bottles of frozen beer with the lid open. When I poured the beer, Duan Rao said, "it's a good place. It's open-air, and the night wind is very comfortable."

"So business has been booming for so many years. In fact, the main reason is that the taste is good, the price is fair, the owner is good, and the beer is still given away. Although the price is estimated to be only a few yuan, the friendship is there. Of course, if we haven't seen it for a long time, we probably won't give it away. But in the past, when we came to consume, we would get rid of the change." I have poured a good wine, first handed a cup to Duan Rao, and then picked up his own cup, said, "touch a cup, drink two ha."

Duan Rao said: "half a cup, frozen, drink cool."

As soon as I touched the cup, I drank half a cup and chatted a few words, but the barbecue had already started. I asked the boss to know that it was originally someone else's. I gave it to us first, but of course I was not respectful. I immediately asked Duan Rao to eat it!

The taste of barbecue is the same as that in my memory. It has never changed. The feeling is cordial. After all, this barbecue shop was the main recreation place for Ming caichen and I in the past. Although we didn't study in Baiyun Design Institute, we like to hang around here. The reason is not clear. We don't know why. Anyway, we like it. Of course, if we have to find out the reasons, there are still some. At that time, Hou Ming caichen took a little girl from the design institute. I worked as a light bulb. Then under my curse, they fell in love for a week and went their separate ways

When I told Duan Rao about the past, Duan Rao was very happy. Seeing her like this, I'd like to say that we were the last couple to leave the barbecue shop. At that time, it was more than three o'clock. When I sent Duan Rao home, I would go home by myself. But I didn't scold her. It was a very happy thing to accompany the goddess in my heart to wander until dawn and go to work again when she was in low spirits.

The next day, I slept ten more minutes before I went to work. I took a taxi, but the top ten minutes was only a drop in the bucket. So I was very sleepy all morning. Even Qiao Nan was responsible for the audit of the completed plan. This was the first time that I didn't personally audit it, and it was also the last time when I was the team leader, because when I came back on Monday, the Department had been split up, The conference room next door has been changed into a creative department, and the whole space of the planning department is left to me. But I don't have an office yet. I can't move into Lin Ying'er's office until Lin Ying'er becomes the vice president and works upstairs.

In the past, I thought about crowding out Lin Ying'er and occupying her office many times. Now, on the surface, it is true, but in the dark, the results are quite different. This life, ah, is unpredictable

It's almost noon break. My whole talent is a little more energetic. It's not because I can eat and take a nap, but because Wang Nuo Nuo may have to call or send a short message. Her mother is coming today. Tragedy! I took out my mobile phone and put it on the table, staring at the screen of my mobile phone. I was very ambivalent. I didn't know whether I wanted Wang Nuo to send a message or not? If Wang Nuo doesn't come, he must have hated me. If he comes, he probably doesn't mind! The former, if it really appears, I will feel uncomfortable. The latter, I don't know how to do the follow-up treatment.

Three minutes before lunch break, my mobile phone still vibrated, and my hand trembled a little. When I slowly opened the message, my heart lifted to my throat. When I saw the content of the short message, I didn't know what I felt. The content of the short message was: I'm going to see my mother, you come out, I'm in Donghua street, I left the company long ago

Wang Nuo Nuo doesn't mind this tone, and seems to be in a good mood! Too late to think about it, I hastily cleaned up, went to the toilet to wash my face, and went out! I have to go. I have promised Wang Nuo, otherwise how can Wang Nuo play the game alone? Besides, it's natural to pit her so much. Otherwise, what's the difference between being a heartless son of a bitch?

When I got out of the company, I went to Donghua street. It was not too far, about a kilometer. I walked very fast. About ten minutes, I got to the corner and called Wang Nuo. As soon as I got through, Wang Nuo said that she was behind me. I looked back and saw Wang Nuo's car coming. I immediately hung up the phone and my heart beat wildly. Watching the car slowly approaching, I felt a little suffocated, but I had to face what I had to face. I'm afraid it's useless!

When the car stopped, I opened the door and looked inside. Wang Nuo was alone. I just managed to smile and get on the driveway: "where's your mother?"

Wang said, "she's waiting in the food city. We'll go there right now..."

"You come out so early?"

"Buy her something." Driving the car, he looked at me and found that I was not in good spirits. Wang said, "you are not in good condition. Did you go to bed late last night? Or are you nervous about today? "

"All a little bit." This woman is so easy to talk. I'm more passive. I don't know what to say? Can only follow Wang Nuo Nuo's words and rhythm, "but it doesn't matter, I will perform well."

"I told you, my mother won't do anything to you."

I let out a sigh and glanced at Wang Nuo Nuo's thigh. She still wears professional clothes and doesn't wear silk stockings. This is a rare leg that can walk out of the street without wearing silk stockings. There are no scars or flaws. She is very skilled in driving, stepping on the accelerator and traffic jam. She has a very good sense of rhythm and is charming

Suddenly, Wang Nuo said, "what's the matter with you? You look like you have a lot on your mind. You should be happy. You have been promoted. "

"But you didn't get a promotion. It belonged to you, didn't it?" I'm a little convinced. How can I say such a thing? But in fact, it's necessary to say it, because I can't stand it any more. The better Wang Nuo is, the more I feel guilty in my heart. The more I want to tell the truth, and then let Wang be angry. It's better than living in fear every day

"Nothing belongs to whom, not to whom. Don't think too much."

"I was surprised by your performance that day. I wonder if Lin Ying'er said something to you? Is Lin Yinger forcing you? Because I am not? In fact, I can not do, I do not want to sorry you, Wang Nuo Nuo, I am a bad person, not worth your help

"I'm not so good. You're not sorry. I don't want to fight. My present job is very good, Vice President... I'm not compatible with Su Banan. I'm not comfortable with him on the same floor." Wang Nuo Nuo said it to me. At that time, there was a red light. Her expression was so real that I thought she was telling the truth. But I don't know whether it was true or not. "Moreover, I prefer the life of business trip and the life of working outside. I don't have to go to work on time. As long as I do things well, I can go out at any time, When something goes wrong, I'm the first to go to the vice president. It's troublesome. It's not suitable for me to do it. This is the truth... "Turning the light, Wang Nuo Nuo drove and added," I swear. "

It's true. It's true. I can't help but feel relieved. It's not forced by Lin Ying'er, it's just pushing the boat with the current to sell Lin Ying'er a favor. Wang Nuo is not a mantis, but a yellow finch. However, I just relaxed for a few seconds, and felt that I had hurt her anyway, because Lin Ying'er went up and would deal with her when she sat down. But it can't be said. Otherwise, if we dig out Robert and bring out mud, everything behind will be exposed in the sun