The market is an open market. There is no iron gate or door. You can enter it everywhere. But there is no light inside. It's very dark. I dare not take Wang Nuo in. I found a table made of cement board on the side and sat down. It's a square table. It's very long and has a strong smell of smoke. Maybe it's a cigarette seller. In fact, there are cigarette fragments on the table, which looks very dirty.

I lit a cigarette smoking, always pay attention to the movement around, Wang Nuo Nuo said: "when does the bus leave?"

I said, "it seems that it was more than seven o'clock when I sat last time."

"It's almost four o'clock now. We have to stay for four hours because of me. I shouldn't be so impulsive."

"In fact..." I thought and said, "I was a little scared by you. You were very powerful when you smashed the door."

"You have more momentum when you kick him. Do you often fight? Look at your momentum, it's very step-by-step. I was thinking at that time, how can you fight like this! "

"Are we flattering each other?"

Wang Nuo Nuo smiles, and then suddenly sighs: "I can't imagine that our bad luck is not over yet. I'm sure we won't have the spirit to go to work tomorrow. Why don't you ask for leave? Do you have any trouble asking for leave? Can I help you? I said to director Lin

"No," I said

Wang Nuo, oh, no more words.

The air was a little cold. Wang Nuo leaned against me and looked at the street lamp in a daze. She began to feel sleepy. Unconsciously, she took one of my arms and put her head on my shoulder. I didn't disturb Wang Nuo. I didn't say anything. I didn't even move. Soon after, I heard Wang Nuo breathing evenly. The woman fell asleep! I don't dare to sleep. Although it's quiet all around, I don't know what danger is hidden. I'd better be careful. I'll sleep when I get on the bus at dawn.

In fact, my vigilance is necessary. Wang Nuo Nuo has not been asleep for ten minutes. Suddenly, there is a noise in the distance. Seven or eight people can be seen in the distance, each with a flashlight and a stick. With offensive weapons, it's supposed to be revenge seeking, right? At the same time, flashlights around, this is not looking for enemies, what is it? No matter whether it is or not, I think it is. I quickly wake up Wang Nuo Nuo.

Wang Nuo Nuo just fell asleep and was suddenly awakened. He was very confused and looked at me with scattered eyes. His whole expression was asking why I woke her up? I pointed to the direction of the comer and whispered: "I've come to the enemy, see? We have to hide

Wang Nuo spirit immediately came back, people a little trembling, I quickly took the bag to take her to the market more inside, very unlucky can not find a clean place to hide, can only find dirty fish tank, a smell, but there is no way, life is important.

Just hide in the fish tank not long, people approached, voice is very mixed, with scolding: "Damn, that pair of dogs, men and women to where?"

Another voice said: "I guess we're hiding. We have many people and big goals. The street is so straight that it's easy to be found. I just said we should go separately. You don't believe me."

Another voice said, "will the hostess of the hotel be hidden?"

"No way." This is the voice of the man I beat, "that bitch has been scared by us. What she said must be true, and the student has proved it? That pair of dogs, men and women have been driven away. They must not be local people. They don't speak with local accent. There must be no place to go. Otherwise, they don't have to stay in a hotel. If they are driven out, they must hide. We continue to look for them. If we find them, beat me to death. "

"What if I can't find it?"

"If you can't find it, go back and smash the hotel again, damn it."

I listen to the atmosphere do not dare to pass, I am holding Wang Nuo's hand, found that Wang Nuo's whole person is shaking, the hand is more cold than usual, that there are ordinary urban beauty style?

After the discussion, the gang scattered, focused on the market and divided into three groups. Wang Nuo and I, who were hiding in the fish tank, were relieved. But at this critical moment, Wang Nuo's mobile phone suddenly rang. In such a quiet environment, you can imagine how loud the sound was. Wang Nuo took it out in a panic and pressed it. All the seven or eight men who had not gone far stopped. They obviously heard the sound and went back. They asked each other in the original place. They confirmed that it was not their own mobile phone ringing and looked into the market at the same time. I saw all this clearly, Don't worry, I don't know what to do for a moment.

God, those are seven or eight people with weapons. If I'm the only one, maybe I have a chance to escape. Anyway, it's just running? The market is open, it's all export, but there is a woman around, or a woman with knee injury, how to run? Can you run away? Absolutely not! What should we do? What can we do? I'm thinking about it. I'm a little shaken. The Dragon doesn't beat the local leader. What's more, I'm not a dragon? It's just a little white-collar!

Finally, the seven or eight people approached. They were about 20 meters away, and their flashlights were shining everywhere. Maybe they thought it was because someone else had dropped their cell phones. They didn't see anyone, so they didn't move very fast, but they were scary enough. In addition to shaking, Wang Nuo Nuo and I kept sweating. It's really hard to wait to be found and beaten to death.

But there's no way. It's something that can't be dealt with. These people will be beaten if they are fierce and lose money. It's useless to call the police. There's no time. Moreover, the police and bandits' families, especially in such a small place, probably have no other way but to admit their lives. Of course, it's not completely passive. That's not my style. I look through Wang Nuo's bag, find out the cosmetic box, hold a long eyebrow pliers in my hand, which can be used as a weapon, can insert the dead, can spell how many is how many!

With a sigh of relief, I said to Wang Nuo: "when I get closer, I'll go out and I'll run. They chase me. You run in the opposite direction. How far is it? Don't look back. Do you know? Don't run in the street, find a small alley, and then find a way to leave the town. You go north. If you don't know the direction, you can use your mobile phone to see. You have to keep going north. After walking far away, you can get on the main road at daybreak. If you can get on the bus on the way, you don't need the bag. Take out the important things, such as your wallet! "

Wang nuono objected: "no, I will die together."

"Psycho, what's wrong? Would you like to die? Before you die, how about you? Don't talk nonsense. Do as I say

"No, I fought with them..."

"You? Come on, you can't do it. You have to listen to me. I'll try my best to make them chase me. I'll attack them. Don't talk nonsense. That's it. "

"I... i... I!" Wang nuono always thinks that she has done me harm, but the matter has come to this point. Apart from undertaking it together, she really doesn't know what else to do? And I don't want to, of course, change who don't want to, "sorry!"

I said with a wry smile, "don't say that. It's all this way. No one is sorry."

"If I don't die, I'll repay you. Would you like me?"

I'm in a cold sweat, Wang asked? But it's really a bit of parting, but I didn't answer, but said: "as long as you listen to me, we will definitely not die, I can escape, I promise, I will get on the bus, on the way, but I can't be with you, the goal is too big." This is obviously to coax Wang Nuo Nuo. I'm sure I'm confident that I can get rid of a few. It's bullshit. The other side knows the terrain better than me!

Wang Nuo gave a sound, her voice was very erratic, and she obviously didn't believe it.

While I was talking to Wang Nuo, the seven or eight men continued to look for him. They were almost there. The light of the flashlight occasionally swayed around the bathtub where Wang Nuo and I were hiding. It's too late to go out again. I turned out my flashlight and gave it to Wang Nuo. Just as I was about to go out, Wang Nuo suddenly hugged my head and kissed me. It was a very light kiss, because there was no time. When I let go of it, Wang Nuo said firmly: "I want you to be safe."

I nodded and turned out, looking at the light of the flashlight, looking for the place they couldn't see. I bent over and tried to stay away from the fish tank where Wang Nuo was hiding. I tried my best, but after seven or eight meters, I was still found beside another fish tank, and I ran away. Fortunately, after those guys yelled, they were all chasing me. I was relieved and a little happy. It seems that these guys are not very smart, or they didn't react for a while.

Turning a corner, I continued to run, but not far away, I saw more people in front, also holding sticks and flashlights. They were dressed in white and looked terrible. When I thought about it, I quickly turned into a small alley. It was tragic. The alley was a dead end. Just as I was about to rush back out, I heard a voice outside shouting: "Damn, it's the hotel that the gang smashed. Brothers, fuck them..."

All of a sudden, there was a lot of shouting and fighting outside! It was the hotel people, I immediately happy ah, but think about it, they do not know me, do not know I am not a group! For safety's sake, I went back. There was a big water tank in the corner of the alley. I hid behind it. I didn't dare to see what was going on outside. In fact, I couldn't see it. The group of revenge seekers were scattered by the white clothes. It was a encounter. There were more people in white clothes. Of course, they had to chase.

After three or four minutes, there was no shouting outside, so I went out slowly.

It's very quiet outside the street, but someone, just lying on the ground and unable to move, is in front of the door of a commodity. I don't know whether it's hung up or fainted? There was a stick beside him. I wanted to pick it up, but I didn't dare to go there. The last thing I went was the other side. I went to the market very carefully. I looked back every ten meters. Of course, I also noticed the movement ahead.

It's strange. It's very quiet. Is this the end of the fight? Or else? Don't understand!

Finally, I walked to the corner very close to the market. After observing for a while and making sure it was safe, I quickly walked over to the fish tank that just broke up with Wang Nuo. Unfortunately, there were only two bags in the fish tank. Wang Nuo was missing! However, I had expected that this might be the result, but I still felt very uncomfortable at the moment when it really came. I quickly took out my mobile phone to call Wang Nuo. I could get through, but there was no answer. I called three times in a row, which was the same result. The ringing of the mobile phone color bell hit my heart hard. My body was cold and shivering, and I was very afraid of Wang Nuo's accident!

After the fourth fight, there was still no answer. Thinking that it was not safe to stay in the same place, I immediately took two bags on my back and walked in the opposite direction that I had just run. I told Wang Nuo to run in the opposite direction. I think Wang Nuo would be obedient.