Xiao Xin was stunned for a moment and said: "my cousin said that. He said a lot about you! I didn't like him. Please teach him a lesson

I said, "isn't that boring? And you have so much faith in me? "

"I've seen you compete. No, I've heard your cousin say that you compete. You boast that you have nothing in the sky or in the earth. Today I have a chance to verify it. Haven't you just lost all the time? This is a big sport. If you can win, ha ha, you're still the winner. I'll treat you to dinner or anything. I'll give you a massage. How about that? "

Eating is not good, massage is very attractive, first of all, where to press? It's not a hotel, is it? Home or hotel? And massage is a very ambiguous activity, usually press to touch, touch, and then... Insert? Shit, I don't promise. Am I still a person? But I want to be reserved! "I said:" since you see that he is not happy, I will try to help you out, I hope to succeed

Xiaoxin immediately clapped her hand and got up from the sofa. She ran a few steps to the fight platform and talked with the coach. After hearing this, the coach looked at me with disdainful eyes, which made me feel embarrassed to beat him. I had a more legitimate reason to let this guy not look down on others in the future.

When I got on the stage, the coach immediately threw me a pair of fists. Suddenly, the men and women who were doing sports all around knew what was going on. They gathered around to watch the excitement. I hugged them. I took off my shoes and put them in a corner. Then I put on my boxer. After two minutes, I went to the coach and said, "I'm in a hurry, so I only play one game. Who will fall first and who will lose?"

The coach was arrogant and said yes. He made me ready to lose. This guy's tone is really big. Where his strength is studied. On the contrary, I don't know his opponent's strength. I really don't know where his superiority comes from. Of course, I didn't refute him. I prefer to tell him the answer with my fist.

Xiao Xin acted as the referee, and the coach immediately attacked. The strength was very strong. I didn't adapt to it. As soon as I dodged, my fist came with a strong wind. I didn't dare to stop it. I continued to flash. After four or five punches in a row, I didn't find a chance to fight back. There were hisses under the challenge arena, but I didn't dare to attack rashly, because the coach played a series of moves, How to flash can be caught up, the speed is too fast. However, it has weakness and consumes physical strength. What I have to do is to wait patiently for the opportunity and take a move to kill the coach when his strength is the weakest!

Finally, the defense was slow for one second. I got a punch in my right shoulder and half of my arm was numb. Fortunately, the opportunity appeared at this time. I lifted my legs and waved my hands to hold the coach up, twisted my waist and threw it out twice! Boom a sound, the coach fell on the bullet board, silent under the stage, because the environment changes too fast, it is clear that I suffer losses, how suddenly won? No solution!

Xiaoxin was also a little unresponsive. I laughed at her, and then she suddenly woke up and took the lead in clapping. All of a sudden, the whole venue was full of applause.

I took off my boxer and quickly left with Xiaoxin because I found that the coach was not convinced and wanted to continue to compete. I didn't have much time to spend. Of course, I can understand the coach's unconvinced, after all, in their own territory on such a move was done, how to mix in the future? In fact, he himself is an idiot, not so proud to die? If not so arrogant, I will not let him so humiliating, at most point to stop!

After getting out of the club and getting on the bus, Xiao Xin said: "I'm so happy. Just seeing the coach's expression, I want to laugh. Ha ha, after this, next time he sees me, he will definitely go around."

I wonder if the coach wants to play with Xiaoxin? Xiaoxin doesn't like him, but he just leans over.

Xiao Xin drove out of the road, looked at both sides and asked me what I wanted to eat? I began to say casually, but Xiaoxin said not casually. Later, we discussed and decided to eat beef hotpot. So half an hour later, at 7:10 p.m., Xiaoxin took me to a newly decorated beef hot pot shop and ordered a Yuanyang hot pot and two bottles of beer. It was the beer that was served at the beginning. Xiaoxin poured out two glasses, touched one with me and said, "excuse me, I'll go to the toilet."

I made a gesture of please, Xiaoxin then swung to the direction of the toilet, and then went into a door, the hot pot will be served there, the waiter did not know if it was new, flurried over the beer, spilled my pants, I really want to give him a slap, his face is sorry: "sorry, sorry, or you go to the toilet to wash, I compensate you for a bottle of beer."

I didn't care to talk to him. I went to the toilet. In the toilet, I just cleaned my trousers and was ready to go out. Suddenly, I vaguely heard Xiao Xin's voice from the women's toilet: "Oh, he didn't recognize me. It's so funny. No, I didn't tell him so quickly. I know, I'm sure I won't hurt you. How can I hurt you? You are my cousin. Ha ha, I won't hurt you. Don't worry. I promise again that I will never hurt you. "

Obviously, Xiaoxin and mingcaichen are talking on the phone. The content is about me. What didn't recognize her! My God, is Xiaoxin a little fat girl? In an instant, I felt cold from head to foot!

Is Xiaoxin a little fat girl? I can't see any trace at all. I can't see all aspects of it, even if I can't do the whole thing in terms of facial expression and movement, can I? How can Xiaoxin be a beauty with connotation? How can she be a little fat girl? Of course, in fact, my impression of xiaofeimei is just ugly, and I don't remember all aspects of her. After all, my contact with xiaofeimei is just a smile, and I seldom say anything.

Anyway, I can't accept it. In fact, it's hard to accept it. Duan Ping's change is amazing enough. Xiao Feimei's change is amazing. How can it change so much? It's just two people! No wonder I know I'm from the fight team. No wonder I've seen my game. It's not a slip of the tongue, but a slip of the tongue

I continued to listen in shock. I heard that Xiaoxin was hanging up. I immediately left the toilet and went back to my seat! In fact, I don't know how to face it. Do I just run away or stay as if nothing happened? Before she could think of a size, Xiaoxin had returned to her seat, sat down and said, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting..."

"Nothing." Looking at Xiaoxin acting, I feel uncomfortable and hate the waiter. If I hadn't heard Xiaoxin and Ming caichen talking on the phone, I would not have known so soon. When I knew that I would look at the beautiful and charming Xiaoxin in front of me later, my impression in my mind was that little fat girl, who was fat and had an ugly smile, was very tormented. But the impression in my mind would not have gone away. Because it was too deep, I didn't hate anyone, I can't remember, except for little fat girl!

Xiaoxin asked if hot pot could be eaten? I opened the lid to have a look. The water hasn't been boiled yet. I can't iron the beef. I said I'd wait. Xiao Xin poured a glass of beer for me. She poured a glass of beer by herself. She touched me. She didn't dry. She drank it slowly.

The hot pot water has already opened unconsciously. I don't bother to follow the steps and just throw all the food down. I just want to finish eating and go away, so as not to feel uncomfortable. In my mind, there will be a little fat girl in the past and a little Xin now. The key is that I feel disgusted. The same person's skin is different. I have patience. I'm no longer afraid to talk with her and let her know how she will think of me?

Suddenly, Xiaoxin said, "this should be ironed slowly, right? It's not good to throw them all down. "

I said: "I usually eat like this. It saves energy and time. I'm in a hurry. A colleague came to me and asked me to help repair the broken things at home."

Xiao Xin hesitated and said, "I'll take you after eating."

"No trouble. I'll go myself. It's near here."

Xiao Xin opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it at last. She took a sip of the wine and drank it.

The hot pot opened again, and I could eat it. I ate it very fast, and I didn't know what it was like. Anyway, I just couldn't wait to put it in my mouth. As a result, I ate half of Xiaoxin's food until I was full. I didn't care so much, so I stood up and said, "I'll pay the bill, see you next time!"

Xiaoxinlian said hastily, "I'll invite you. Go ahead!"

I said thank you and quickly took things to leave the hot pot shop.

Smoking cigarettes walking in the street, I really want to give Ming caichen that little mother son of a bitch to call and scold a meal, want to find that is not good, so or pretend to be stupid, as long as no longer contact with Xiaoxin, so the harm will be relatively low!

It's eight o'clock when I got home. I went to take a bath and found my mobile phone rang. It's Lin Ying'er! Is there good news so soon? A little excited, I immediately call back to Lin Ying'er, get through the sweet tongue slip way: "Dear director Lin, I just in the bath did not receive your phone call, I was wrong, I give you admit my mistake, I hope you don't remember the villain, forgive me once."

Lin Ying'er over there was stunned for a while, and then said, "do you take medicine according to the point?"

"I'm not sick."

"So you've got your head in the bathroom door?"


"It's in the toilet?"

"I'm sorry, neither." I am so depressed that I should communicate with Lin Ying'er very cheaply. Otherwise, she will not be used to it. "Let's get down to business. Do you have any good news to tell me?"

"Go to work as usual tomorrow and wait for me in the parking lot." With that, Lin Ying'er hangs up the phone

The next day, I got up very early, dressed up and waiting for Lin Ying'er in the company's summer parking lot. A few minutes before I went to work, Lin Ying'er drove into her own parking space and put out the fire. I opened the door and sat on it. Lin Ying'er immediately said, "our business must be kept secret. We must never let the people below know..."

I said seriously, "of course, it's not just about you, it's about me."

"It's OK. Don't thank me. We're working together." Lin Ying said sourly, "if you want to thank Li Xiling, she is very helpful to you. No matter who supervises you, no matter how famous it is."

I smile: "of course I want to thank her, as for you... You think too much, I never want to thank you."

Lin Ying'er scolds me to go down. I'm actually angry with Lin Ying'er on purpose. I'm excited to see Lin Ying'er get angry. It's like this recently. Ha ha, it's a little changed.

After I got out of the car, Lin Yinger also got out of the car, sorted out her professional clothes and took the lead in walking to the elevator. Her high heels were clicking on the ground, and the whole parking lot was reverberating. I walked in the back, looking at her rich... Buttocks twisting in front of me, and the bra belt looming a bit of Temptation... Confused, my heart was excited! After all, the contract is there. As long as it's not too much, she doesn't dare to do anything to me. Anyway, the contract is Shangfang's sword.

After entering the elevator, Lin Ying'er said, "the meeting will be held at ten o'clock. You can choose your own assistant to communicate with the production department. The advertising film will start shooting tomorrow. You can't delay it any longer."

I nodded: "assistant don't have to pick, direct Qiao Nan, used to good work."

"Qiao Nan is not available. I need an assistant. I want her."

"No, I can't get along with other people. Why don't you choose another one?"