Xuanhao snorted coldly. He didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he asked, "I'm in charge of the advertising plan for this quarter. As for other things, you can handle it. If you have a chance to come, please let me know in advance

"It's just an advertisement. Why do you think you should be responsible for it yourself?" Sensitive as an owl man, sharp eyes directly shoot at Xuanhao.

"This year's spokesperson has changed, I naturally want to have a good supervision." Ignoring a man's inquiring eyes, Xuanhao said naturally.

If he had an affair with that female star, he would definitely retort that he was not red faced and did not jump.

Lin Qiubai did a survey on that female star, but it seems that there is no problem. No wonder he thinks so much. It's a man who has a criminal record and is very mysterious recently. I don't know what he's doing. It made him nervous for fear of any accident.

Le Kexin is not in a good mood these days, and Mia frequently asks for leave, which leads to the slow progress of this week's shooting. Fortunately, Le Kexin is the boss here. Naturally, no one dares to say no.

Outside, the people sitting in the coffee shop did not even notice that they were tired.

"Did something happen? If you need my help, just mention it and I will try my best as long as I can do it. " Xuanhao pushed the coffee in front of her and said with a smile.

"Why did you come?" Seeing the visitor, Le Kexin frowns with conditioned reflex.

"Why can't I come?" Xuanhao asked.

"When I didn't ask." At this time, she was in no mood to deal with him.

"What happened? I may be able to help you out. You've been doing this for several days. I won't believe it if you say it's OK. " After several days of observation, Xuanhao began to act.

Intuition Le Kexin seems to have encountered a very difficult problem, but she did not want to ask him for help. People don't speak, it doesn't mean they don't need it, so he appears.

Le Kexin looked up and squinted at him without saying a word. Then she gave a bitter smile.

He is the father of the child, also known as the insider, it seems unreasonable not to tell him. However, she really did not know how to speak, how to tell him that she had lost their son.

She could bear the pain alone.

, "do you want to go out? Hey, peel?" Le Kexin suddenly asked.

Xuanhao was slightly stunned, then said with a smile, "OK, where to go?"

"I seldom go out to play. Do you have a suitable place?" She suddenly regretted her proposal, but now she really wanted to have a drink.

After that kind of drunkenness, you don't have to think about anything or say anything.

"If you don't mind, how about going to my house?" He looked at the time and suggested excitedly.

Le Kexin frowned again, looked at him warily, and said unhappily, "why go to your house?"

"Miss, at this time, the bar is not open at all. My family has always prepared wine, and it is very convenient. I won't worry about accidents." Xuanhao's innocent appearance is uncomfortable, but he feels very good.

Moved the corners of his mouth, coldly looked at him, really want to see his heart. Then, recognize his true face and slap him hard to sober him up.

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