Where does she stand? Just because she likes the prince?

"You don't have to take care of the affairs between me and the prince."

"I like him. I like him when I enter the palace." she cried low.

I shook my head: "it's none of my business. I won't ask you. It's your business. You will deal with it."

"When I was young, I liked him. I read, I learn, and I just want to enter the palace."

These are really not interested to know. I nodded and walked to one side.

She caught up with me: "Ni chuxue, did you hear me?"

"What if you hear me? I'm not him. He's the one you want to talk about." I don't know why I yelled at me?

She took my hand, pinched me a little, and said hurriedly, "for the prince, when I was young, I let father-in-law Huang raise me. You can't compete with me, Ni chuxue."

What was she so frightened of?

I shook my head and pulled away her hand: "this is not a matter of grabbing or not grabbing. Even Qiuchi, the prince can't be rejected for him. If you need my word, I can tell you that I will never be involved with the prince. Are you satisfied?"

She was stunned: "the crown prince attaches great importance to you?"

I chuckled, "I don't want it."

A man who was adopted by his father-in-law entered the palace only to get close to the prince.

Alas, she is not good or bad. In this way, she will only drown herself.

She told me. I'm afraid she was too frightened. The prince would marry Miss Zhang. What is she? If she doesn't even use it, what else does she have?

I can't take it to shangguanyu the next day.

He lives in a small pavilion in the palace, which is elegant and exquisite. It is specially prepared for him.

In front of that, there are large tracts of mulberry trees, full of mulberry, which I like best.

He always said that eating too much is bad, but I still like it. It's sour and sweet. It's good to eat.

Large leaves turn green waves in the wind, blowing out a rippling scene. I stood under the tree, stretched my hand and picked a purple mulberry entrance. With a gentle bite, the purple juice overflowed my mouth.

When I got to the door, the little father-in-law told me that shangguanyu was not there and asked me if I wanted to go in.

I shook my head and walked into the mulberry forest with a smile. How beautiful.

He told me that there are more silkworm rearing in the south, stretching for ten miles. A large area of green mulberry trees is like an ocean. People see it and feel like they want to jump in.

There are also mulberry picking women who sing songs and respond to each other. It's the best scenery.

I said, I must go too.

Take a nap under the mulberry tree and wait for him to come back.

Have a dream, it's all the South with green waves, land of fish and rice, small bridges and flowing water. Oh, it's lotus leaves and fields. Isn't that my hometown Qinhuai?

The soft talk woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and saw that it was dark. At this time, it's time for Shangguan Yu to come back.

"Go back, XIAOLINZI, and send Princess Yuzhen back." was the voice of Shangguan Yu.

"I won't go back?" Princess Yuzhen said. We are going to get married. Why can't we be together.

Shangguanyu's back was facing me. I saw his hand caressing Princess Yuzhen's face and said gently, "Yuzhen, don't be disobedient. I don't like disobedient people most."

"Shangguanyu, but I don't want to go back. I want to be with you." she refused.

"I'm getting married, and I'm still so willful." he raised his voice slightly.

Princess Yuzhen stamped her feet: "Shangguan Yu, don't do it."

"Be good, be obedient." he patted her on the shoulder.

"Then you can't go to find the ugly girl tomorrow. You have to come to me." Princess Yuzhen's words were somewhat arrogant.

Ugly girl, my heart hurts tightly.

Shangguan Yu said with a slight smile, "fool xiaoyuzhen, how can she compare with you? I'm just bored and teasing her. You and I are the right match, aren't we?"

"What's funny about that ugly girl? Hum, I asked someone to send her to the cold palace, but the prince's brother refused. I have to talk to my father. The seventh brother is not here, but no one supports her."

"You don't know. Do you see that she is a little arrogant?" said Shangguan Yu in a low voice.

Princess Yuzhen nodded, "it's a little."

"Then you don't know. It's really fun to tease such people. Yuzhen, don't worry. After marriage, there is no her, only you. I'll take you around to see all the beautiful scenery and eat all the delicious food."

Princess Yuzhen shouted excitedly, "great, Shangguan Yu."

"Well, let XIAOLINZI take you back. It's such a big person. Don't let me worry, you know?"

"OK. I'll listen to you. I won't tell the ugly. I'll listen to you. Go back to bed early. Tomorrow, I can see you again. The ugly girl doesn't know you lied to her. Ha ha, it's fun."

Laughter, so sweet, but like a knife, stabbed me deeply.

Shangguan Yu, how can I see you clearly? Why can you say that you are false to Princess Yuzhen in front of me? In front of Princess Yuzhen, you will say that I am false.

I can't tell what is true and what is false.

Love, so tired, so hurt, so painful.

Princess Yuzhen left and walked away briskly along the way with her smile.

Shangguan Yu breathed a sigh of relief. The father-in-law beside the door whispered, "Shangguan young master, Miss Ni came to see you just now."

He was slightly surprised and said, "did you leave just now?"

"No, I'm in the mulberry forest." my father-in-law pointed at me.

He looked back, his face full of amazement.

I smiled at him and almost broke my heart.

As he walked by, I stepped back and leaned against the mulberry tree. Seeing that it was a dark green and black mulberry leaf because it was slightly dark, I didn't feel anything. I thought that I wouldn't shed tears when I looked up.

"Chuxue, will you understand me?" he blinked.

I shook my head: "no need."

"First snow." his face changed greatly.

"I really don't need it, shangguanyu. Sorry, I shouldn't have come." I turned my head and left.

He grabbed my hand from behind, his fingers trembled gently, "chuxue, you have to believe me."

"What do you believe? You tell me whether the wedding is true or false?" I looked at him and couldn't help crying and fell down drop by drop.

I blame myself for my lack of ambition. I wipe it suddenly and it hurts.

"Big marriage is true, but there is no groom." he looked into my eyes with some pity and pain.

"Again." I chuckled, "once is enough. Will you come again?"

He suddenly hugged me, pulled me into the mulberry forest and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry, chuxue, I told the emperor, but the Emperor didn't allow me to go to the border. He said, this is my mother's meaning, and the Palace won't let you go. Chuxue, what should I do? Chuxue, do you still love me?"

I nodded: "yes, I still love, but I can't tell now."

He stroked my face and said seriously, "chuxue, I really ask you, would you like to be my favorite wife in Shangguan Yu's life?"

I smiled: "is it a concubine?"

As soon as his face changed, he nodded softly: "I swear, I only love you, I only have you. After we get married, we will leave immediately and never return to the capital."

"Are you happy to live like this?" I chuckled: "shangguanyu, I will never be anyone's macro concubine. If I love you, I will keep it. In this way, you will not be happy, I will not be happy, and the princess will not be happy."

"Chu Xue, don't be so stubborn. I'm very serious. I haven't asked anyone since I was a child. Chu Xue, I really think about it because of you. I can't understand it. The road is always blocked." he said angrily: "I've been forcing me. What's the reason?"

I turned back, looked at his eyes, stood on tiptoe, kissed him gently on his chin, smiled and said, "Shangguan, the person I Ni chuxue loved in my life is you. The person who moved in my life is you and Lou poxie. However, you don't have to. I probably have no marriage in my life."

He shook his head: "I lied to Princess Yuzhen, chuxue."

"You don't have to. Shangguan, Princess Yuzhen is the daughter of Princess Tianfeng. In other words, she is your own sister. You can't get married."

He was stunned. I waited quietly for him to react. This news was a great impact on him.

When I hear it, I hear it.

"Go and ask." he grabbed my hand.

I gently earned: "I want to go back."

"Chuxue." he said with difficulty, "I will give you an answer. If you don't like me to do this, I can make it clear now. I'm tired when I play every scene. However, I think, let's leave quickly, do you understand?"

I looked at the large mulberry leaves and said nothing.

"Are you such a person as Ni chuxue? Do you care about these? You will say, what are you? There are so many people who say I am ugly that you can't even line up, can't you?" he looked at me eagerly.

To bring me back to Qinhuai when I met.

I exhale long, I don't want to, so I buried this feeling, I'm very hurt, I'm very painful.

"Is it true?"

"I swear. I will tell Ni chuxue half a lie. I can't die like a thunderbolt." he said word by word.

I didn't stop him either. I said softly, "it doesn't matter. I don't want to cheat."

"I understand, chuxue, there will be no more cheating." he hugged me: "don't be angry anymore. I'd rather you beat me and scold me. The good news you bring will change the situation."

I shook my head. Shangguan was eager for success. Would I like the happiness cheated out?

He must have had a hard time.

I gently stroked his eyebrows: "Shangguan, I'd rather walk with you. No matter how difficult it is, you can have a clear conscience. Really, if you're afraid, you can give up."