It finally cleared up, although it was still cloudy. However, it's much more lovely. It doesn't rain from time to time all day.

I can't do nothing. I still have to live.

So many days is enough.

He felt his sharpened chin and smiled slightly. He took the broom by the corridor and swept the pine leaves blown down by the wind on the corridor.

It's like a needle. It's thin and long, but it's really a lot?

When the wind blows, it floats.

I also saw my father-in-law put things on the ground and burn them. He said it was easy to make a fire like this.

Looking at the clean place after sweeping, I feel a little happy.

I can do something to show that I'm not here for nothing.

Before long, the father-in-law and maids of Chongge got up. When they saw me, they seemed a little surprised. They passed at a glance and wouldn't say anything? About that fall.

He began to stay away again, but I felt like a bully in the palace.

I've gone too far. Alas, I lower my head and sweep the floor hard.

"Chuxue, you're well." the familiar maid Xiaoding wiped her eyes and looked at me.

I smiled gently: "yes, I should be well after being ill for so long."

"Chuxue, let's go to Meilin to see if the plum blossoms are open. Fold some branches and insert them in the study of the seventh prince."

I put down my broom and said, "OK."

I'm just sad. I have to think about the struggle in the palace.

And Xiaoding to fold the plum blossom. It's disappointing that it hasn't opened yet.

She complained, "why did the plum blossom sleep so late this year and don't open yet?"

"The twenty-four solar terms have their own fixed number." I looked at these dead branches of plum blossoms and thought it was magical. Can they really Blossom White as snow and gorgeous as rainbow from their dead branches?

"Plum blossom and pear blossom, which is more beautiful, chuxue?"

I thought for a moment: "on a par, the plum blossom loses a section of fragrance, and the plum blossom loses a section of white."

"That's very good. It's really good that you have books to read. However, I haven't read them all the time. I don't know a few typewriters."

"Yes, I'm lucky." I never deny it.

Her eyes were full of envy: "that's nice."

"It's not too late now, Xiao Ding. It's not difficult if you want to read. I can teach you later."

"That's great, chuxue." she jumped and cried, "the plum blossoms don't bloom. We can pick some other flowers. Chuxue, if the emperor and they all go out to the imperial garden for the new year after a period of time, it will be much cleaner here. The concubines have gone, and there is no one to govern. If you want to write, you can write."

"Then you don't have to pick up those rules for people to catch. You can learn them by using sticks as pens and sand as paper."

It's cold in winter here, and it's said that it's very warm in Huangyuan. "Are you all going?"

He nodded: "yes, since I entered the palace, the masters here will follow the emperor to the imperial garden for the winter, the new year, and come back when spring comes. Generally, there are not many palace maids."

"Will the seventh Prince go? Will the crown prince go?" she smiled. "Of course they will go. But every year we have to leave someone to guard the palace."