I heard a report outside that Gong Siming came here with the instructions from the central government.

Si Huating and Gong Tingchen didn't react too much. All this was expected.

They knew Gong Siming would come.

Some people were arranged to deal with Gong Siming.

When Si Wan and the Hu family arrived, they were just a cover for the MII. The real Mio was underground, and even if the MII people didn't have complete instructions, they couldn't find the real entrance of MII.

The person who designed all this is Si Wan's mother.

Si Wan's mother is not only an excellent agent, but also a very powerful designer.

The construction of the entire Mio was designed by his mother. It is safer and more stable than the previous Mio.

Si Huating originally wanted to hand over the military intelligence department to Si Wan's mother. Unexpectedly, she died so young.

Now, Si Huating's health is getting worse and worse. He must find a man who is not greedy, not fighting and robbing to take charge of the Mio. Si Wan is the best choice.

But Si Wan is too kind, Si Huating must let Si Wan tear off that layer of good protection shell, let her become more fierce.

That's how MII can continue.

This experience, even if Si Huating painstakingly designed.

In order to let Si Wan get experience, he did not hesitate to general information place, let Gong Tingchen reveal to Hu family.

The killers sent by the Hu family are really powerful, but Si Wan is not weak at all. With Gong Tingchen's training for more than three years, he should be able to take charge of his own affairs. These killers can be easily dealt with.

It never occurred to me that the secretary would believe a stranger whom he had never met before and was stabbed in the back.

Thanks to her cleverness at that time, she felt the hostility behind her and took a test to one side. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as injury.

The knife was aimed at her heart.

Since Gong Siming has come, Si Huating and Gong Tingchen can no longer be with Si Wan.

They returned to the general command.

Gong Siming, led by the personnel of the military intelligence department, sees the comatose Si Wan.

Seeing Si Wan lying on the hospital bed, Gong Siming immediately changed his face.

If it was not for the late illness, Gong Siming would have made a great change to the military intelligence department.

By the side of Si Wan, Gong Siming's eyes are moist.

Mr. Chen came forward to explain the situation to Gong Siming.

"Marshal Gong, Hello, I'm Chen Guo's uncle and your father's brother. You can call me old Chen."

Gong Siming looks at the old Chen in front of him. Isn't Chen Guo and the child all dead? How can it be here.

Seeing Gong Siming's doubts, Mr. Chen explained in detail what happened at that time in the Chen family.

He told Gong Siming that he escaped by feigning death, and thanks to the military intelligence department, he would have been a corpse now.

Hearing Mr. Chen's explanation, Gong Siming politely called out, "good old Chen, you can call me Ah Ming."

Since Gong Tingchen was gone, Gong Siming has great respect for the elders related to Gong Tingchen.

"The reason is that Hushi stabbed the assassin's family late because she stabbed the assassin in the back

No wonder Gong Siming sees Si Wan lying on his back. It turns out that someone attacked her behind her.

Seeing Gong Siming's worried eyes, Mr. Chen continued.

"Amin, sooner or later, Si Wan has to face these problems. No matter in the business sector or in other fields, she was too credulous, which would cause her fatal injury. Now is a lesson. So you can see that she is OK now. We hope that you can leave before she wakes up, and don't let her depend on her.

You can rest assured that she will return to you and the children safely

What's more, this is a lesson. Si Wan has been hurt many times because of his credulity.

It's time for Si wan to have a long memory, but Gong Siming is still worried about his safety.

Some indecisive, do not know whether to listen to old Hu.

After three years, Gong Siming learned a truth. No matter how strong the backing is, if he is weak, he will eventually become a victim.

No one can accompany another person all the time.

Even he and Si Wan still have children. If they are in danger, as is the case now, both children and Si Wan need to be taken care of, and one of them must be left alone.

After a long hesitation, Gong Siming still decided to agree to Chen's suggestion.

After all, it's good for the company later.

They are in such an environment, they can not change the big environment, they can only make themselves stronger, strong enough to fight against the big environment."It seems that Ah Ming has really grown up a lot."

Standing in the command room, Gong Tingchen, seeing Gong Siming's choice, couldn't help sighing.

Si Huating also nodded with satisfaction.

Now Gong Siming will no longer do some impulsive and useless things under the banner of love.

Now he has learned how to make himself and Si Wan go on for a long time.

I hope the company can grow a lot after waking up this time.

Seeing off Gong Siming, Si Huating and Gong Tingchen come to the ward of Si Wan again.

Count the time. It's time to wake up.

Vaguely opened his eyes, the Secretary for the evening wanted to change his position, but was stopped by the tearing pain of his back.

"You are awake!"

Hearing the voice of Si Huating, Si Wan finds the figure of Si Huating with difficulty.

Si Huating came to Si Wan with a serious expression and even some anger.

"Grandfather, how can you be here?"

Si Wan has no way to deceive himself. Before fainting, Si Wan hears the voice of Si Huating.

"How can I be here? When I arrived a little late, you have already reported to Yan Wangye. Now, you are still so easy to believe others. I'm really disappointed."

Listening to Si Huating's cold reproach, Si Wan's tears fell down and said, "it's not true. It's not true. I must not have woken up."

"Late or late, there are some facts that you have to face, you know? I am the leader of the Mio, and I let you enter the Mio. Every brick and every inch of soil here is designed by your mother, and it will be handed over to you in the end.

In the past, I protected you too much. I hope you can live a simple and ordinary life. But you chose Gong Siming and embarked on this complicated road. This is your choice. You must be responsible for it to the end. "

For Si Wan, the stranger's cold knife is not terrible. What she is distressed by now is that Si Huating's words are like a sharp knife, stabbing her repeatedly.

All this was arranged by her grandfather and by the people she had been dependent on since childhood. How could she accept it.

Everything here is designed for her.

"Grandfather, it's not true, is it?"

Si night's cry, let Si Huating's eyes turn red, but Si Huating said ruthlessly.

"It's all true. You have to face these facts. Whether you want to or not, it's all true. It's all you have to face."

I have never felt like this. I just want to cry and cry loudly.

How could Si Huating be the leader of MII? How could this be designed by her dearest grandfather.

This lesson is tailor-made by Si Huating for Si Wan.

Si Wan must learn to accept the change of the people around him, and must learn to accept that the people closest to him are different from the usual side.

This aspect is not only owned by Si Huating, but also by everyone in the Si family, including Si Wan himself.

This is the pain that growth must experience.