Pushing Back the Bottom Line (2)

When the big mouse saw that someone came to rescue it, its speed quickly increased by thirty percent. It rushed to Anna, and then took a sharp turn to hide behind her, and squeaked hurriedly, both excited and aggrieved.

Anna stroked its head lightly and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t let them hurt you.”

The big mouse pressed its nose against Anna’s palm and squeaked again.

The leopard demonic creatures soon surrounded Anna and the big mouse, but Anna didn’t panic.

“This is the territory of the Grand Duke of The Abyss. Are you afraid of angering him?” She stared at the leopard demonic creature who seemed to be the leader.

The leader roared. Based on its response, Anna surmised that its IQ was too low to understand human words.

Anna sighed. Then she had no choice but to fight.

After all, Anna was someone who had endured strong winds and waves. She had even fought face-to-face with demons. Even if she was besieged by a dozen or so leopard demonic creatures, she did not panic.

These leopard demonic creatures were capable of wind spells. Anna just had to be careful to avoid the occasional wind blade; their bodies were very fragile. Often, she was able to stun a leopard with a single lightning bolt, and a golden arrow could pierce the creatures’ body, rendering them incapacitated.

After a while, these leopard demonic creatures either fled, died, or fainted.

Ana looked at the results of this battle, and finally had a feeling that she was actually a very powerful mage.

She couldn’t help it. Factually speaking, she had at least the strength of a three-star mage, but in front of Rothgarr, that little strength was not enough to do anything, so she always seemed as incompetent as a mage’s disciple.

Anna was thinking about this when she heard a nervous exclamation in midair, “Master!”

Then Rothgarr landed down in front of her, looking at her nervously.

Anna smiled: “It’s okay, I’m completely…”

“You’re injured, Master!” Rothgarr frowned and held Anna’s right hand lightly, only to see a small cut on the tip of her index finger, probably from the wind blade, but the wound was too small, and she also did not notice it before.

“This little injury, I…”

Before Anna could finish her words, she saw Rothgarr bent down slightly, put her right index finger in his mouth, and licked the small wound with the tip of his tongue, causing a little pain.

Anna looked at Rothgarr in shock and stammered, “No, it’s dirty…”

But Rothgarr raised his eyes to look at her without blinking, his blood-red eyes surging with rolling valleys.

Anna’s heart trembled, and she suddenly pulled her hand behind her.

Rothgarr straightened up and licked the corner of his mouth, then smiled reverently: “How could Master be dirty?”

Anna wiped her finger hard on her clothes, and said with a cold face, “Don’t forget your punishment, two arms’ length away.”

“Yes, Master…” Rothgarr inhaled slightly, as if suppressing something, and took a step back.

Anna looked away. On the ground here, there were corpses of leopard demonic creatures and the string of small creatures Rothgarr had thrown behind him that he had just caught.

She looked at the big mouse lying on the ground as if weakening its presence, and asked it, “How about staying in the castle temporarily if you want?”

Anna thought, if the big mouse was chased all the way here, she was only afraid that the entire orchard was not safe for it.

The big mouse looked at Rothgarr in fear.

Anna said knowingly: “It’s okay, he listens to me.”

Seeing that Rothgarr really didn’t object, the large rat squeaked happily, clearly agreeing.

As a result, the two people and one mouse returned full of spoils. On the way, Anna was discussing with the big mouse whether some fruit trees could be transplanted to the back of the castle.

The communication between a human and a mouse was a bit cumbersome. After all, only Anna could actually speak, but it still went relatively smoothly. Therefore, when she returns to the castle, Anna would have a good helper to help her farm and raise herbivorous animals.

That is to say, she could free herself from troublesome food acquisition and focus on improving her magic cultivation.

When the big mouse started to break the ground, Anna went to the study.

Rothgarr followed her arms away and said before Anna picked up a book: “Master, allow me to ask for the special reward you promised.”

Anna was stunned for a moment. She remembered that in order to coax him to go catch the animals, she had casually made this promise.

She wanted to ask Rothgarr what he wanted, but she felt like if she asked, he would definitely open his mouth and make some request that would make her blush, so she decided to just brush him off with a reward.

But before she could do anything, Rothgarr continued, “I hope this special reward will be that you allow me to serve you to sleep every night.”

Dream on!

Anna said with a cold face, “Impossible.”

As if not surprised by this answer, Rothgarr added, “Then at least allow me to accompany you to sleep.”

“That can’t work either.” Anna still refused, although she felt it was useless to refuse.

Rothgarr took a step forward: “You are such a determined and heartless host…are you really unwilling to agree?”

Anna stared at him and took a step back: “…I said no.” She gave him an order yesterday, but he still snuck into her bed. If she dared agree to his request today, he would take this inch and run a mile!

Rothgarr said regretfully, “Okay, Master.”

Anna felt that Rothgarr was not being very sincere, and it turned out to be as she thought.

That night when she came out of the shower, Rothgarr was lying on her bed in a provocative posture, and when he saw her, he stretched his limbs, as if doing as he pleased.

Anna stood there for a few seconds, then turned around and went back to the bathroom.