The Humble Him (4)

Anna was a little anxious. She couldn’t activate the teleportation portal to return to the Human Realm. In the Demon Realm, a place she was completely unfamiliar with, if something happened to Rothgarr, she might not survive with just the strength of a three star mage.

Anna pounded the door hard: “Rothgarr, are you all right? If you don’t speak, I’m coming in, okay?”

Anna paused for a few seconds after speaking, and without hearing a response, she tried to push the door.

The door was unlocked. Anna pushed the door open, but saw darkness inside. She stood silently for a few seconds before her eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness inside.

This room was two or three times larger than hers, with a carpeted floor and a large bed in the center.

She didn’t see Rothgarr on the bed.

“Rothgarr, I’m coming in.” Anna said again, and then walked in slowly.

She looked around, but couldn’t see Rothgarr, and finally settled on the obstructed area behind the bed.

She stepped forward, rounded the end of the bed, and finally saw Rothgarr lying on the rug.

He had his back turned to her, and his body was shrunken into itself slightly.

It was the first time that Anna saw Rothgarr in such a fragile posture. She frowned, hurriedly ran over to crouch beside him, and pushed his shoulders: “Rothgarr, what happened to you?”

Rothgarr’s trembling body stopped moving. He slowly raised his head that was tucked in his arms, and his blood-red eyes saw Anna, who was looking at him worriedly, beside him.

Anna suddenly felt a chill down her spine. This feeling was a bit magical.

Looking at Rothgarr’s blood-red eyes, it was like she was being stared at by a poisonous snake, but there was no murderous intent in those aggressive eyes. There was even an inexplicable humbleness.


Anna felt that she might have gone crazy, otherwise how could she have such an illusion?

Seeing that something was wrong with the Rothgarr in front of her, Anna hurriedly helped him sit up and asked, “Are you injured?”

But she didn’t see him fight with any threatening person? He couldn’t have snuck out to find someone to fight with while she was sleeping, right?

Anna was still wondering when Rothgarr, who was half-sitting up, stared at her mouth. His Adam’s apple rolled, and he suddenly leaned over, pecking her lips lightly. He said with a low smile, “Master, you are so sweet.”

Ma—master? What the hell!

Anna leaned back sharply, her hands propped behind her back to stabilize her body, and looked at Rothgarr in horror.

How could he call her Master? Had he been taken over by someone’s soul?

Anna suddenly felt that her choice to come and check on him was a mistake, and a bad premonition drove her to choose to crawl away from Rothgarr immediately.

But something got wrapped around her ankle, she was caught.

She turned around and saw Rothgarr crouching humbly on the ground, lightly kissing the front of her feet. His red eyes stared at her vaguely, as if he couldn’t hold back something, and panting, he said, “Master, please punish me for my disrespect…”


Anna really felt like she was going crazy at this moment.

Who was this person! This was not the Rothgarr she knew at all! He must have been taken over!

“You…don’t do this.” Anna was a little flustered, “Let go of me!”

Rothgarr straightened up, using Anna’s ankle, licking his lips, his blood red eyes never leaving Anna’s body for a moment.

“Master is angry? I am willing to accept any punishment from Master…” He supported himself on the carpet and moved closer to Anna, grabbed her hand and pressed it on his chest, and whispered, “Please punish me with ‘heavenly punishment’… …”

Anna was taken aback.

If he knew the childish name “Heavenly Punishment” she gave to the thunderbolt spell, he was without a doubt Rothgarr himself, but…

Anna suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Could this be Rothgarr’s curse of The Abyss?

The original arrogant and rude Archduke of The Abyss suddenly turned into a humble masochist personality?

Balan’s curse of The Abyss gave Anna a standard of association. Since it was a “curse”, it would have to be shameful.

Balan’s curse seemed to be based on his actions and behavior, and made it so that he would never be able to live with his true love. So what about Rothgarr’s curse?

Perhaps it was what she saw in front of her eyes, the arrogant him suddenly became a humble man.

After thinking about this, Anna’s face turned green.

Rothgarr couldn’t be like this forever. When he recovered, he would remember that he called her Master humbly, and knelt down and kissed the tops of her feet…With his character, even if he really liked her as much as she expected, he would still blow up, right?

——Blow her up.

Anna wanted to cry but no tears came out. She did not know how many more days she could live.

She wanted to withdraw her hand, but Rothgarr would not let go. Thinking of her dark future after he woke up, she went along with the situation and said, “You want punishment? Okay, here it is!”

She formed lightning in her palm, and then sent it flying into Rothgarr. Because the lightning she formed was not natural lightning, Anna naturally didn’t let the lightning explode on herself.

Naturally, this little lightning did not cause any harm to Rothgarr. His expression calmed, and he leaned over slightly, crushing Anna on the carpet as she exclaimed in surprise. He chuckled softly: “Thank you very much for the punishment, Master, and I will also reward Master for this…”

Anna who was pushed down: ???!