Chapter 232: Predator in Sheep’s Clothing

Chapter 232: Predator in Sheep’s Clothing

As more than ten minutes passed, I couldn't help but keep my gaze fixed on the silver-haired man. It was evident that he had truly broken through some kind of limiter, though there was a lingering doubt in my mind that he might just be skilled at faking it.

Nevertheless, I got a grip on my emotions, and felt a sense of calm wash over me.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Well, if you want to be that way, then so be it," I responded with my newfound composure.

At least, for the time being, it seemed like this guy had no intention of trying to kill us. However, I couldn't shake off the thought that if he truly was my future self, his presence here might lead to significant changes in the future.

The idea of someone else possessing Perfect Me abilities, even if it was my future self, made me uncomfortable. Having access to Perfect Me without any limitations, combined with knowledge from both the original story and the present, was maybe an even more dangerous combination than Shuten Doji and his ultimate class demons had been.


Anika stood on the sidelines, carefully observing everything, crouching down to touch the sand. Unlike regular beaches with hot sand, this one felt incredibly cold.

She looked up at the silver-haired man whom Kon was confronting and instinctively touched her stomach.

There was a strong possibility that he was a future version of Kon. Anika knew about Kon's unique ability, having witnessed it during one of its early manifestations. That's why she had discreetly mentioned his extraordinary Ord control to him, helping him understand the situation without drawing attention from potential spies. Anika understood the importance of keeping one's Special Ability a secret.

Despite the evidence pointing to the silver-haired man being Kon from the future, she couldn't shake a feeling of unease. He lacked the caring and protective aura that Kon always exuded, even when using his Perfect Me power. Instead, this silver-haired version seemed like a desperate, despairing monster.

Anika sighed and tried to dismiss her apprehension, attributing it to the change in appearance. Still, she remained cautious, considering the possibility that this might be someone else trying to deceive them.

"We should keep moving forward; staying here makes us easy targets," Kon stated, his gaze fixed on the silver-haired man. "Who knows, the thing that destroyed our ship might still be nearby."

His pointed glare made it evident who he suspected was behind the attack.

The four of them regrouped and continued past the silver-haired man. However, as soon as they did, Anika positioned herself next to Sei, who had a cold determination in his eyes. Sei turned to face the silver-haired man and opened a mirror.

"I can sense that he's no longer human. Whatever his intentions, I won't let him harm us!" Sei declared. "Someone who isn't human might not have the best intentions for the group."

A human-sized mirror materialized in front of Sei, unlike the others they had seen before. It had a dark swirling mass coming out of it.

I gazed at the ravine, pondering what the silver-haired man might have been leading us to. The air carried a distinct smell of blood, suggesting that something had been killed in the vicinity. However, being on Avalon Island, there was no way I would venture into investigating it.

Yet, the man must have had a reason for bringing us here. So, I extended my senses, and my heart skipped a beat when I detected a hidden cave behind some rocks, where I sensed Gem and the Kuro Clan Head.

Relief washed over me, and it felt like a weight off my shoulders.

Without hesitation, I leaped down and utilized my claws to move like a spider, punching away the boulder blocking the cave entrance. Bets emerged on the other side, wearing a smile on his face. As a Blaster, he should have sensed my presence too.

"What took you so long? I almost thought you were dead or something," he hugged me.

Returning the hug, I glanced behind him to see the injured Kuro Clan Head. His eyes narrowed as he looked at me, but before he could speak, I felt a presence behind me, sending a shiver down my spine. It was as if a predator was breathing down my neck.

What? How did I not sense it before?! Did I let my guard down for a split second when I was relieved from seeing my friend?

Instinctively, I spun around and launched an attack at the newcomer with all my strength. However, my fist was deftly blocked by a soft, feminine palm, and another hand covered my mouth before I could blast water at her.

The perpetrator was a woman clad in a coat, wearing a facemask and sunglasses.

Zumi? What was she doing here?

I knew the Sage had sent her for some reason, but wasn't she supposed to stay on the ship?

She pulled down her facemask, revealing her pale skin, pretty lips, and a gentle smile that seemed so unlike her. But the moment she revealed herself, a burst of monstrous Ord emanated from her, a power that was unmistakably Zumi's. No one else would possess this much power and bother imitating her signature.

"How did you grow so much?" I asked, genuinely curious. Her transformation put even Delia to shame.

She giggled softly, her fingers lightly touching my cheek. "I just opened my eyes to something very important."

While that explanation clarified nothing, I took the face mask she had put down and handed it back to her, trying to see her gaze through those thick, dark glasses.

"Did you really need such a dramatic reveal?" I questioned.

It didn't fit her usual style at all. Was she possessed by something?