Chapter 199: Battle of Lies

Chapter 199: Battle of Lies

The Demonic Exorcist stared at me, his expression inscrutable as the seconds ticked away. With the time limit for my fusion rapidly approaching, I had to make a gamble quick.

Although I had claimed to have sensed a powerful exorcist nearby, it was only by my own assessment. While Miku might not be on our level, I personally considered her an Elite Rank Exorcist, capable of defeating high-class demons with her unique power.

My only hope was that the Demonic Exorcist would be put off by the unknown threat and would play it safe by retreating. While I saw someone like Miku as strong, my opponent certainly would not; anyone under the Special Exorcist level would be weak in his eyes. I knew him well enough that when I said someone strong, he would assume someone on the upper levels of Special Exorcist was here.

"Good," he grinned. "Having someone assist you will make this fight even more enjoyable!"

This delusional bastard! Despite his inability to regenerate any further, he had the audacity and arrogance to believe he still had a chance, even with a Special Exorcist by my side!Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

But no, it was my mistake to hope that the Demonic Exorcist would retreat. He was a deranged psychopath, it was as futile as telling a cow not to eat grass.

"Well, if that's how you want it," I said, clapping my hands and expending almost all of my vast reserves of Ord.

I doubted that my remaining energy would be enough to kill the Demonic Exorcist, regardless of what attack I used. The release of so much Ord caused a prickling sensation on my skin, and the fusion was nearing its end.

Water erupted around me while the Demonic Exorcist's fist ignited in flames. However, his eyes widened in surprise when the attack didn't target him, but rather his human and demon puppets, mercilessly slaughtering them. I aimed particularly at those possessing auxiliary abilities such as lie-detection, healing, and sensory powers, severing the versatility provided by their inclusion in his group.

Decades of effort, obliterated in an instant.

Even the Demonic Exorcists eye twitched at the devastating outcome. He slapped the ground, calling his pig demon to rise and swallow the remains of his puppets. It was a desperate attempt to salvage his team, and the perfect opportunity for me to intensify my assault on the pig demon.

The Demonic Exorcist's eyes widened like saucers upon the emergence of red gashes all over his pig demon. He turned to me, "Wait-"

But it was too late; he had exposed a moment of weakness, and I was going to take full advantage of it. I brandished my flaming sword and cleaved him from shoulder to hip. As I aimed for his neck, a sudden clicking sound caught my attention, and I glanced down to find an arm protruding from the ground, clutching a large golden key that struck my leg.

The previous World Exorcist possessed a highly conceptual special ability, to lock and unlock.

Officially, people only knew that his power could unlock doors, cursed locks, and the like. It could also "unlock" barriers, causing them to break.

"Do you happen to have any healing demons on hand? These cursed flame burns are going to be a nuisance to heal."

He turned his head and glanced at me. "I had three, but you killed them, so now I have none," he grumbled. "I lost numerous valuable demons and humans with unique abilities. Replacing them will be a tremendous hassle, assuming Im lucky to find someone like that again."

The Demonic Exorcist complained as if it were all my fault, continuing to grumble like a cantankerous old man while limping away.

As soon as he disappeared from view, I let out a sigh of relief. I had come dangerously close to death in that battle, without my usual fallback plans or strategies for survival if I had lost. However, with him gone, I could now utilize my Special Ability.

{Perfect Me}

Almost instantly, the remnants of Ord I had stored attacked the curses on my burn wounds, pushing them away. It cleansed many of the wounds and even promoted some healing. However, after a few minutes, dark clouds began to form at the edge of my vision from my complete depletion of Ord.

Ord exhaustionit had been a while since I had last experienced it. Nevertheless, I wasn't overly concerned. Carpy was by my side, and he would protect me no matter what.


Yara gazed into the distance, where Kon's tamed demon loomed over the forest. The battle appeared to be over, but she hesitated to approach, still gripped by what she had witnessed.

The first time Yara had encountered the Demonic Exorcist's Ord was from when he had casually entered the cabin with cooking utensils and pasta, causing her to faint from the sheer malevolence of his energy. The second encounter nearly gave her a heart attack. His presence exuded a level of sinisterness that surpassed even demons born of wicked thoughts.

"It seems the battle has ended. We should go and assist Kon," Miku suggested, the unspoken possibility of Kon's demise hanging in the air.

As the strongest among them, Miku's suggestion went unchallenged. Yara also noticed Miku's unwavering loyalty to Kon, and since witnessing the Demonic Exorcist, Miku had been noticeably unstable. No one dared to imagine her reaction if they refused.

They ran toward the battlefield, with Yara carrying the princess on her back. After recent events, Yara was determined not to leave Wisteria vulnerable against any potential new threats.

Upon reaching the battlefield, Kons tamed demon stood protectively over his Masters battered body. As they drew closer, the true extent of Kon's injuries became apparent, causing everyone to wince. Burns, scars, broken boneshe appeared gaunt compared to when he had set out. It seemed he had employed some ability or healing technique, which likely demanded great stamina. Despite his mummified appearance, Yara detected signs of life within him.

Yara then glanced at Wisteria, who wore an inscrutable expression. She wondered how the young princess would cope with the knowledge that someone she had grown close to had been deceiving her all along.

Nok was Kon, the monstrously talented fiance of Princess Wisteria.