Chapter 144: Humanity’s Plight

Chapter 144: Humanity’s Plight

Being abandoned by my family wasn't a good feeling, but I didn't hold it against them. I wasn't someone who lived up to their expectations. I was powerful by the standards of the current times, but I didn't intend to use that power to kill people and other exorcists needlessly.

Confrontation with my family was the last thing I wanted to do. But half-hearted efforts wouldn't save humanity, and if we all ended up thinking only about ourselves, the world was going down the drain.

When I returned to my residence, Carpy followed along, and my tent was thankfully big enough to fit him. I immediately started checking Carpy for any changes and used Perfect Me. There was nothing wrong with him, which was weirder.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Do you sense anything different about yourself, Carpy?" I asked while running a hand over his fishy scales.

"No, Master Kon," he answered.

This was strange. I wasn't sure what to do in this scenario as I didn't want others to know that Carpy had eaten an ultimate class demon. However, knowing Agon, the news that we had defeated an ultimate class demon would eventually spread. Hopefully, this time rumors wouldn't be exaggerated stories about me.

But gossip didn't concern me as much as Carpy's health. I regretted not having stopped him from eating the ultimate class demon. I hoped with every ounce of my being that it wasn't a situation where the seed of a demon would grow inside Carpy and kill him from the inside out while the ultimate class demon got a chance at rebirth. However, that was unlikely. I should look at this with a rational mind. Carpy didn't fulfill the conditions for a rebirth like that.

After spending the day relaxing, evening came around. I was looking forward to a peaceful night when suddenly Gem barged into my tent with an excited look written all over his face. "C'mon, let's go and party, ehhh!"

What the fuck was wrong with this guy? Did someone body swap with him, or had the brain damage from getting punched around finally caught up to him?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" His demeanor changed, and he seemed annoyed. But then he smiled foolishly. "Anyway, some of the younger exorcists have started to party, and there's alcohol. They're saying that one shouldn't die without tasting alcohol at least once."

We were on the cusp of battle, and they were partying? A part of me understood their actions as they were just teenagers forced into a war that would decide the life or death of humanity. While another part of me argued that drinking before a battle was dangerous. At any time, the war trumpets could ring, and we had to be battle-ready.

I wanted to refuse. Even in my last life, I wasn't a partying kind of person. But Gem was right. This could be the last time I would see some people. By the end of the month, most of them would be corpses on the battlefield. Maybe I would be among them?

Sighing, I got up. "Sure, sure. However, Carpy is coming with me."

"Of course!" Gem gave me a thumbs up and smiled, showing his sparkling white teeth. He dragged me to a corner of the camp where my team, Agon's team, and many others were celebrating.

Among them were even some people whom I recognized from the Expert Exam. Hiro was among them, the harem protagonist with the Loveless Fool ability. It was surprising that the Yari Clan would allow someone like him to be in such a dangerous position, but I guess he wasn't important to the clan, even with the newfound power of his special ability. It was political bullshit, as always.

Some were starting a large bonfire and dancing around it like monkeys. Despite knowing that most of us were going to die, there was a jovial atmosphere.

"Unfair? What're you talking about? Carpy and I are essentially the same person!" I insisted and used Carpy's water-control ability to run around.

Fool, even before I had made the first move, I was ten steps ahead! All according to KEIKAKU!

The fuck is a Keikaku?! Gem screamed.

After a night of fooling around and having a lot of fun with the boys, I had a great time! As the only adult (technically) at the party, I was the only one who didn't drink. I just didn't like the taste of alcohol that much. Also, seeing Agon and Gem shitfaced was much more fun when I was sober and able to remember it.

Thankfully, due to Ord, none of the exorcists were hungover, except for a couple who overdid it. Even Ord had a limit; this was a magic energy, not a hangover cure.

As an Elite Exorcist, I had bigger responsibilities, such as handling and ensuring that the crates of healing potions we had on hand weren't past their expiration date. A couple of the healing potions had already expired, less than two full days after being made. Except for some bottles encrypted with seals by The Magician, most potions expired quickly. Now more than ever, it was clear how much The Magician would have revolutionized the exorcist world had he lived longer.

After ensuring everything was in place (and pocketing a couple of healing potions), I went to the front of the army of over a thousand exorcists that had gathered. I stood beside many experienced, battle-hardened elite exorcists and felt the cursed sword on my hip.

In the distance, beyond the mountains, a horde of demons scurried over the hills like swarming ants. Thousands of grotesque creatures of varying shapes and sizes crept closer, their twisted features contorting with sinister intent. As they drew nearer, the ground trembled with the weight of their movements, and the air filled with the stench of copper and decay.

Some exorcists started shaking, but none of the elite seemed bothered. I knew the danger this battle would pose, but I wasn't too bothered for some reason. Fearful? Yes, but not rattled. It was almost as if all this danger had become routine at this point. Kind of like brushing my teeth; it was just another day and another chore

Clang!... The purple-shirted guy I had spared in the Expert Exams rang his bell, and some of the flying demons who had gotten closer collapsed as if losing their balance and plummeting to the ground. So that was what his special ability did. I never had the chance to experience it during the exam. Maybe I should ask him to test it if I would lose my sense of balance during Perfect Me?

Noticing that I was looking at him, the bell exorcist gave me a thumbs up.

"Let me guess, another friend you made during the Expert Exams?" Anika said. I shrugged, and she sighed. "I think you really severely misunderstood the point of that exam."

She had the audacity to look at me bewildered, as if I was the weird one for not killing everyone I met in that exam!

As the demons closed in, I knew there was no time to argue. Without hesitation, I began sprinting toward them, and I could see many other exorcists on either side of me doing the same.

Together, we charged toward the advancing horde, ready to participate in what we knew would soon be a bloodbath.