Chapter 109: Love & Hate

Chapter 109: Love & Hate

As we retreated, the clan heads gaze turned to his daughter.

Delia had a pale face and wasnt looking all that well. Her breathing was erratic, and she kept coughing as if she were choking on something.

How long could she endure this?

Delia was crazy and a psychopath. But she had stayed behind and risked her life for me, and if she died now I didnt want any guilty thoughts weighing me down. I already had a lot on my plate. Uncle, lets stop here. I will do some first aid on Ellen.

He laid Ellen on the ground. She had a large gash to her side; the wound was nasty, and the dagger had pierced her liver and lungs. If it were anyone else, they would be dead by now.

Actually, how the hell was she alive?

I didnt ponder a second longer and activated my special ability.

{Perfect Me!}

Order: First aid to Ellen. Stop after twenty seconds.

My body moved like it was being puppeteered, my fingers unhesitantly plunging into her wound. Warm blood and viscera enveloped my hand as I felt around her organs.

It was nauseating work that I couldnt stomach without Perfect Me.

Ellen gasped in pain as I finally managed to figure out how she had been keeping herself alive until now. She was manually controlling her organs to do their work and kept them revitalized.

Though it wasnt anywhere near Perfect Me, Ellens Ord control was at a monstrous level. Human organs were complicated, yet she had managed to keep multiple of them running while dying.

My Ord invaded Ellens body, and instead of her inner energy pushing me out, it welcomed me in.

Was she still conscious? Maybe she was forcing her own mind to remain conscious.

My Ord spread out, and I noticed some impurities in her blood. Not only was Ellen injured, but she was also poisoned.

The best idea I had was to force cell division and healing. However, Perfect Me had a better idea: I guided the poisoned blood toward the liver and then forced the liver to work at multiple times its capacity.

This might cause Ellen to develop liver issues in the future. But right now, we were more concerned with the present.

Cough! Cough! Ellen coughed, and her eyes opened wide. She stared into the distance and then back at me.

Following her gaze, I saw Pixie and World had followed us. The Demonic Exorcist wasnt with them, so that was good news.

But the bad news was that they were still forces to be reckoned with.

Shit! Shes lucid! The World Exorcist stopped and didnt come closer than fifty meters. Pixie, be careful! Ellen is conscious! We have to retreat!

Who cares if some injured hag is conscious?! These guys killed Roc, and I wont let them get away with this! Pixies face was morphed into that of a wolf, and her arms turned into eagle wings, while her legs became those of a horse with claws at the top of her hooves.

She kicked off the ground and closed the distance between us in one step. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

The clan head got ready to activate his special ability, but before he could do so, Pixie stopped. Her eyes widened, and she fell to her knees.

Apollo almost cried. How did he end up in a situation like this? Every person here was so monstrous they could barely be considered human!

He was a great warrior. Sadly, a zombies body doesn't have the instincts of a living human. Due to how rotten he was, it must have been at least centuries since his death. He was nowhere near his strongest! The Demonic Exorcist clenched his fist, and a tear rolled down his cheek. Old warrior, I would have given anything to fight you at your peak! Ah, how regretful! If only I had been born in your generation!

What the hell is wrong with him?! Why am I surrounded by crazy bastards like him?! Apollo wanted to run away but he didnt dare move a muscle.

If he had known this was how things ended up, he wouldnt have accepted that mission from the higher-ups.

With Shuten Dojis recent activities, many assumed he was building up an army. Apollos mission was to unseal the Tamae No Mae and have it attack Shuten Doji.

It was supposed to be a simple mission on paper. The hardest part was supposed to be him acting like a double agent.

Presumably, an avatar of the nine-tailed fox (the same one that massacred the Seimei Clan) was a part of the Red Tails.

An avatar was like a part of the demon, but without its memories and very little of its powers, so many considered it that demons child.

But the daughter wasnt as strong as her mother, so her ability to control the power of an Ultimate Class demon was dubious at best. Yet, Apollo wasnt naive enough to assume this was the only plan the higher-ups had in mind.

He glanced at the Demonic Exorcist.

Unlike the other members of Red Tails, this guy was a wild card. But from what Apollo had deduced so far, the Demonic Exorcist was after the Tamae No Mae and wanted to unseal it so he could tame her.

Yes, the Demonic Exorcist wanted to be the first human to tame an Ultimate Class Demon.

That is a useless endeavor that will end in his death. Im not going to stop him. I would encourage him to a faster death if I could.

Apollo got an idea and asked. Sir, shouldnt we go now? Since the unsealing will start soon, and we have to be there, or the boss will scold me.

Actually, the Demonic Exorcist didnt need to be there. Only Apollo was required because of his special ability to unlock everything.

Youre right, the Demonic Exorcist stood. He had red and puffy eyes, and he bit his finger, and a drop of blood landed on the corpse of his centipede demon.

What happened next, Apollo could only describe as a miracle.

The dead demons flesh moved as if each part of its body was a puppet being assembled back together. In a few seconds, the demon was back to perfect health.

Apollo stared with his mouth agape. He had read a report on the Demonic Exorcist, but there was no mention of him having an ability like this!

I will summon a flying demon for us. So we can get there faster, the Demonic Exorcist yawned and returned to his usual shenanigans.

Ten minutes of flying on the back of a crane demon, and they arrived at the foot of the golden pyramid.

A red-haired man was waiting for them. The man stared at Apollo and said. The World Exorcist, youve betrayed your country, and I am here to deliver judgment on you. Your punishment for betrayal is death!

Oh? Youre Emer, the Sun Exorcist, right? The Demonic Exorcist scratched his chin.

Emer didnt answer, as the surrounding heat rose and the rocks below his feet melted. The Demonic Exorcist, your crimes are countless. I will take your life too!