Chapter 85: Waterfall Of Contemplation

Chapter 85: Waterfall Of Contemplation

The choice was an easy one. Some things were more important than revenge.

Carpy was about to return to master Kon when he noticed the scythe resting beside the dead man.

Carpy looked around to make sure no one was there, before using a tendril of water to take the scythe with him.

When Creators died, sometimes their lingering obsession left behind Magical Items. This scythe was one of them.

Carpy was unsure if he should bring something like this back. What if that lingering obsession was to kill master Kon?Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

No, if that were the case, the target would be Carpy.

Another thing that he noticed was how light the scythe was. It felt like it almost weighed nothing. Was this the weapons special ability?

Whatever, it wasn't his job to think about these things. Carpy put the scythe in its own water bubble, and then he flew off.


I kept drifting in and out of consciousness, but I couldnt help but think about the last battle.

The scythe moved so fast that I couldn't dodge it. The attack was so fast because it had no weight behind it. Otherwise, I would have been able to block an attack like that.

At the same time, the lack of weight stopped the attack from cutting deeper and killing me.

The scythe guy's special ability was turning coins into scythes, but the weapons still weighed as much as a coin.

I could have activated Perfect Me. During my training, I experimented extensively with my ability and learned that an injury could be forcefully shut and healed.

But I couldn't afford that. There was something I needed to do, and I couldnt activate the ability for any other reason. Something that I would need Perfect Me for.

The sound of something flying through the air woke me from my slumbering thoughts.

I opened one eye, and what greeted me was something straight out of a nightmare, an eel-like creature inside a water bubble the size of a house.

Bets and Gem were staring at it as if it was a dream.

The eel was as tall as an electricity pole and looked like an anaconda.

But I would recognize that fishy face anywhere!

It was Carpy!

Even with the crazy energy he was releasing, he wasn't quite a high rank. But that was when I remembered something.

Evolution was supposed to take weeks, months, and in some cases, even years to fully complete. So why was Carpy all of a sudden a long eel?

Was it some kind of forceful evolution?

That wasnt something I knew was possible. It could either be a good or bad thing. In those xianxia stories, a breakthrough like this would cut someones future potential. But this wasnt a world like that, and Ord wasnt like Qi.

Did the Ord inside Carpys body react to his emotions? Technically that was my Ord, and I was also hoping for Carpy to evolve; that was all I thought about when creating the contract to give Ord to Carpy. Maybe that caused some kind of reaction?

A water bubble floated down to lay a scythe twice my height onto the ground next to me.

Oh! Shit! Thats a magical item! Gem exclaimed and went to touch the scythe before a water tendril slapped his hand away.

This is for master Kon, Carpy said in a gurgling voice. He only opened his mouth when he spoke and didnt move his lips, so it looked a bit weird. Havent you heard that you should be respectful to your seniors and your betters?

Wow, I never thought a talking Carpy would be such an asshole. And here I thought you were a nice fish. Dont you remember how I used to spoil you all the time? Gem pouted.

He was just making bullshit up; he never even gave Carpy a treat.

Seniors? But Kon is the same age as us. Bets said.

Huh? Where the hell did that come from?

I have barely grown any stronger since I got this ability.

He was worrying about this now? Just when I was about to sleep?

I should nip this bud before it grows into needless insecurity. Youre our main attacker. Bets and I arent any good in that category.

With Carpy around, that seems like a moot point, Gem looked down, clenching his fist.

From what I had seen so far, I couldnt refute that. Since Carpy was middle class now, he had a vast amount of inner energy to work with. Also, unlike Gem, he had no weakness toward the light or anything like that.

I wasnt going to tell Gem that, but I wouldnt lie to him either. He wasnt dumb enough not to notice when I was giving bogus compliments.

In the end, only one solution came to mind.

Come closer, I said. Due to my injury, I couldnt get up and walk up to Gem.

He looked confused, but he still followed my words, and once he was within arms length, I mustered all the strength I could and punched him in the face.

His head swung to the side, and he rubbed his bruised cheek. Huh? Why did you hit me?!

As expected, I was too weak for the punching strategy to be effective. Come closer.

Are you gonna hit me again?


Then Im not coming closer.

My back is hurting. I winced and moved around uncomfortably. I think Im lying on a piece of stone or something. Just get close to flip me over.

He narrowed his eyes, and his face looked like he had swallowed a lemon.

Do you think I would lie to you about this? I asked him as a friend and a comrade who had been in dangerous situations together. We had shed blood and risked life for each other.

Ultimately, his gaze softened, and he got closer to help me.

It was heartwarming how he trusted me so much.

Of course, I betrayed that trust immediately by punching him in the face again. This time I used Ord, and he smashed against the cave wall. You fucking arrogant, narcissistic, stupid idiot! Do you think were going to win every battle? Dont go whining on me after one minor loss.

He rubbed his cheek and looked at me like I was crazy. What the fuck is wrong with you!?

No, what the fuck is wrong with you? I couldnt get up, or it would aggravate my wounds. But punching him again would have been better to make sure he got the lesson through his thick skull. Listen here, Gem. No one is perfect! In life, youre gonna lose! The most important part is to get up and fight again, not whine like a little bitch!

Afterward, Gem looked at his hands, clenched his fists, and got up. His gaze had sharpened like a razor. I understand what you mean.

Really? Because I dont understand what I mean!

I know what I must do, he stared at his fist and nodded. Carpy! Open the gates!

The waterfall opened again, and Gem jumped down.

I stared at my fist. I knew shounen problems required shounen solutions.

But hadnt this punching strategy been a little too successful? I only used it when I had no idea how to console someone. But this was the third time in a row it had worked.

I shook my head before turning my attention to my injury.

Now that I was alone, I could try and heal myself with Ord. I had done it a couple of times while using Perfect Me.

Gathering the Ord in my body, I guided it toward the wound.