Chapter 75: Ship Of The Special…

Chapter 75: Ship Of The Special...

Bets patted my shoulder and nudged his head toward Agons team.

To say that they were injured was an understatement.

Agons clothes were dripping in red, and Sei had a large gash in his midsection and breathed heavily. He held onto the wound, but blood spilled between his fingers. The pale look on his face showed he had lost a lot of blood.

Anika was the only one who didnt seem injured. She had a stern look in her eyes, and bloodlust seeped out of her whole being. Everyone kept a distance from her, despite her injured teammates and her being an easy target for any psycho.

They were in better shape than they would have been originally. But they were still more injured than I expected them to be.

They had passed this part of the exam. At least it wasnt the worst possible situation yet.

Another team caught my attention; they had ripped clothes dripping with blood. But there were no injuries on them.

Was it because of their unique bodies? They had some dangerous abilities.

Fuck, theyre going to be troublesome opponents. Even if we had fought on the train, it wasnt a guarantee that I wouldve been able to come out on top.

Okay everyone! Attention here! Suddenly a muscular man with a long horse-like face called us out. He stood atop the train and looked down at us. Seems like we have some bloodthirsty folks in this exam. Anyways, the next part of the exam will be a resting period.

He pointed toward the sea; in the distance, a cruise ship was closing in on us. That will be your mode of transport. From now on, murder will be forbidden and punishable.

What will be the punishment? Asked Mino, tugging the coffin on his back.

A bead of sweat rolled down the exam proctors cheek, and the smile slipped off his face. Trust me; you dont want to find out.

By now, the Sun Country had caught on to what was happening. But they couldnt officially stop the exam. Hopefully, there wont be a war among humans anytime soon.

Everyone get on boats and row to the ship! The proctor pointed at some dodgy-looking wooden boats on the shore. The faster you get there, the better your accommodations will be!

Almost everyone started running toward the boats. I followed along and ensured my team stayed in the middle of the crowd, not in the front or back.

Once we arrived at the boats, most people had already set off.

Damn it! Were gonna be on the latter-

Whatever dumb shit Gem was about to say, I stopped him by covering his mouth. Bets, on the other hand, only smiled, and we got on a boat. Then I threw the water barrel I had been carrying overboard.

Immediately, Carpy used the water to slice through the barrel. Waves formed around the boat, pushing us forward. We bolted into first place before anyone had the chance to attack.

It was so fast that we had to hold onto the boat so we didnt get flung overboard. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

The door swung open and screeched, and the room inside had three plain beds and a TV connected to cameras all around the ship.

You call this luxury? Gem turned toward the butler, who only shrugged and handed me the key.

I wish you good luck, the butler walked out and closed the door behind him.

Well, he sure is one polite gentleman, I jested while looking around the room, under the beds, and behind the TV.

In what world is this luxury? It seems more like a cheap room, Gem was flabbergasted.

By luxury, it means that this room is the safest. It even has cameras connected to it, that last part even I didn't know would be here. It was an unexpected advantage and a welcome one.

"Also, we have enough food here to last us days," Bets pointed at the trays they had brought back.

"That's why you told me to grab as much food as we could?!" Gem exclaimed. He appeared a bit annoyed, but not enough to throw a punch.

This was surprising. Gem's annoyance levels only had levels of 0 or 100; he either was calm and chill or was punching someone in the face.

"Check, check," suddenly, a voice came from the ship's intercom. The man on the other side coughed and cleared his voice. "Due to some circumstances during this exam. We have decided to bring a Special Rank Exorcist on board. Just in case anyone decides to do something dumb."

They didnt say which Special Rank Exorcist it was. Probably because their abilities were public, but anyone with half a brain would be able to know that only two exorcists in that rank had abilities qualified to handle a situation like this.

"Anyways, during this journey, we will spend our time holed up in this room. We have everything we need, and while killing might not be allowed, others will still aim to maim." I told them of my plan.


We spent the rest of the day talking shit between friends and sometimes planning things between the banter.

When night came, Gem and Bets went to go to sleep.

I was a bit paranoid, so we still took turns being on the lookout.


It was past midnight, and I went to wake up Bets. He was going to be the next lookout.

But a creak came from our locked door before I nudged him.

Immediately every vein in my body pumped adrenaline, and my heart started beating like crazy.

Ord pooled under my skin in less than a second, and I drew my sword.