Chapter 65: Undead Honor

Chapter 65: Undead Honor

The panic I felt at her claims lasted about a second. I wasn't a deranged exorcist taken over by the cursed weapon.

I hadn't even unsheathed the sword once since I got it. "I know how your ability works. It moves into the body of the person you kiss and forces healing."

"Tch, that's what sucks about having a student like you," Ellen crossed her arms and frowned. She didn't seem pleased at all.

"If you can put your Ord inside my body, and not sense whether I'm possessed. Then you would be one incompetent exorcist. Since I came here, I planned to test how my ability worked when I used the demonic sword in the Perfect Me state. Also, if any mistake happened, Ellen could easily deal with it without harming me.

"What about the creepy fish? I can feel him creepily staring at me through the box," she pointed at my backpack.

"He's my partner and my right-hand man. One day he will grow to become a dragon," I smiled. I couldn't wait until he became a dragon. After that, my life will be smooth sailing.

Ellen raised a questioning brow and looked at me like I was crazy. Then she sighed and asked.

"What abilities does he have?"

"Some kind of water control. Though it's weak, and Carpy can only shoot out water bullets," I saw no reason to lie to her. She had that weird demon of hers buried underground to detect any lies. Thankfully, I knew the specifics of the demons abilities.

"Unlike humans, a demon's abilities don't come with limitations. They can grow strong naturally by mastering their powers. Though they can't create their abilities, they're born with them," Ellen explained as a smile widened. She was probably scheming something. Of course, most demons dont bother training them. Unlike humans, they can deal with problems by throwing their power around.

Ellen was a Beast Master and the best teacher on this side of the world. I was going to learn a lot from her.

"Have you trained your familiar's abilities?" She inquired. The smile on her face grew to unnatural proportions.

No, I hadnt had the time to do that. Usually, Carpy ate high-class demon meat, and I sent him more Ord when I had the energy to spare. Thats why Im here.

"Well, control will be something both of you will need to train," she hummed, then her face brightened. "There's a river nearby, and you can train there."

Ugh, she's scheming something. I didn't buy that innocent look on her face for even a second.

She might be an excellent teacher, but deep inside, her nature was that of a schemer. She's just looking for her next laugh. Also, being in the mountains without human contact would make anyone strange.

"Though you should rest-"

I ignored whatever she was about to say next. Rest? Why the hell would I do that?

What does rest even mean?

Relaxing? How? By sleeping? But I'm not sleepy. There was no internet in this world. Good TV was nonexistent, the CGI was too bad, and the movies were boring.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Why would I do any of that when I could experiment with magical powers?!

The river she was referring to was at the foot of the mountain. The water that ran through was so clear I could easily see the bottom of the river.

That was when an idea suddenly hit me like a bowling ball. "Wait! Carpy! Can you stay in one of your water bubbles while following me around?!"

He tilted his head and then released all the water balls. Then a bigger one formed around him, and he slowly floated out of the river, swimming in his sphere of water.

"Yes! There's no need to always carry you in my backpack!" I clenched my fist.

This was amazing! If Carpy could master his water control at a higher level, he could travel in a water ball while shooting out water bullets.

Birds chirped peacefully, and animals moved about without worry. It had been a while since I stopped and just took in nature.

The tranquil moment got interrupted. Birds flew off, and animals scattered away. It was as if the forest itself seemed to grow nervous.

Something was approaching.

I remembered the lesson Mr Fort had taught me. Animals had better senses than humans, and when they ran away, it was a sign of something dangerous getting closer.

"Carpy, seems like we have a visitor," I warned my friend, and he immediately let go of his water ball and sank into the river.

Good, he knew what to do in a situation like this. Whoever the enemy was, having a hidden card wasn't bad.

With the nearby river, Carpy could use all the water he needed. We were in an advantageous position.

After some time, I felt the scorching heat of the sun on my skin. I tried not to break my concentration and observe everything before my eyesany slight movements, anything that stood out.

Since the week-long cooldown of Perfect Me wasn't up yet, I had to fight on my own terms.

Not long after, a man in red samurai armor came out.

Calling him a man might be too much, as he had gray skin and rotting eyes. He was a zombie.

The zombie stared at me for an uncomfortably long time before finally saying. "Take out your sword, young man. I won't fight an unarmed opponent."


I was confused for a second. It was strange to see a demon with a sense of honor. Was he trying to trick me? "Why won't you fight me like this?"

Whatever the reason, I knew when there was an opportunity to buy time. Ellen should already be running here.

"Because fighting a man without a sword dishonors my clan and me," the man pointed his katana at me. "I know what needs to be done to end my existence. But it must be done honorably."

After saying that, he released his demon energy, which caused the insects on the ground to stop moving. Some caterpillars on the trees curled up and stopped moving.

The forest seemed to awaken; animals ran away and insects writhed in pain.