Chapter 56: Master's Peak

Chapter 56: Master's Peak

As we walked up the stairs, Dalia and I stood in front of Paris.

Dalia put a hand on my shoulder and said. Be careful, dont let him touch you, and dont keep eye contact for too long. Dont do anything that might complete a condition for an ability to activate. Also, keep an eye on what hes doing; only then can you discover what he might be trying to do, which might hint at his abilitys activation.

Her gaze sharpened, and she glanced at me with an unsure look.

Was she worried about me?

Remember, this guy is a trained guard, Paris warned me. She had a stricter approach to everything and didnt look so worried. The Royal Family wanted him dead because he has information on the other royal guards abilities. Something an assassin would love to have.

The tenth floor was luxurious and with shiny things all around. There was a nice view from the windows. After walking a bit, we ended up in front of a huge door with golden ornaments.

Was this the entrance to a royal chamber, or what? These kinds of hotels only cater to the super-rich.

Our target is behind these doors, Delia opened the entrance.

It was a ballroom, without chairs or any other things, except for one man who was a head taller than me and had a stout build. He was wearing a suit and had a stern look in his eyes and hands in his pockets. So my hunters finally showed up.

He glanced at Paris. Its an honor for a Special Rank Exorcist to be sent after me. Though I never thought I would see a justice-obsessed freak like you working with the Dark Sword Clan.

Paris didnt answer and instead opened her book. Reiss Wanderlag, you have the right to remain silent. Youre accused of

She was speaking fast, but everyone understood what she said. At this speed, she would finish reading his rights in a minute.

As the man charged at us, Delia and I stood in front of Paris. He tried to throw a punch, but Delia kicked at him.

I only saw a flash of that kick, before he was sent blasting off. He smashed into the wall, creating spider web-like cracks.

Delia crouched down, twirled her two knives, and imbued her weapons with Ord.

Oh? A Hybrid Affinity? Let me guess, Creator and Warrior, the man smirked and dusted himself off.

Delia shot toward him like a bullet, and I followed along. She was extremely aggressive in her attacks, but the man kept dodging.

She didn't fight cautiously and tried to rip the man apart with her knives. He barely evaded and even got a scratch on his cheek.

Jumping back, the man took out a knife of his own. Judging by the Ord in it, that was likely a Magic Item.

The man was physically stronger than Delia, but she was a Warrior and could multiply her physical powers with Ord. So she was the one who ended up pushing him back.

Yet he was still somewhat capable of keeping with her. Since he hadn't boosted himself until now, it was safe to assume he wasnt a Warrior. He hadnt created an item, so he was not a Creator. Blaster? No, he would have shot at Paris by now.

Noticing that he was moving back, Delia recklessly followed him. I called out. "Delia! Don't chase like a mad dog! Remember our mission."


Fuck! Reiss felt like his arms were going to pop off.

The young girl had only kicked him once, and he had blocked. But another hit like that and his arms would break.

"Leaving yourself exposed like that ain't a good idea. At least wear some normal clothes. Don't young girls have decency nowadays?" Reiss tried to sink the knife deeper, but the blade was only half in.

These damn Warriors were always annoying!

But he didnt have another chance to think too deeply as he felt unimaginable pain, as if his testicles were about to explode.

Delia had kneed him in the balls!

Reiss immediately let go of the knife; his hand went to his family jewels. He fell to his knees and barely jumped back in time as Delia tried to decapitate him.

While jumping back, he used his last resort. The bat demon ripped off the covering and emerged from the roof.

A young woman with a sleeping mask, gray skin, and bat wings for arms started falling.

"SCREEECH!!!" The demon bat's voice caused blood to erupt from Delias eardrums.

Reiss took this moment, activated a one-time-use demon from under his sleeve, and shot a poisoned dart at Paris, who had almost finished reading his rights.

But instead of hitting Paris, the brat appeared before the projectile. He tried to use his sword to block it.

But the dart was a demon that flew past his sword and dug into the youngsters shoulder. The bug exploded into greenish goo as soon as it drilled into his flesh.

The poisoning process had already started. The kid would die in twenty seconds and was paralyzed until then.

This would have been the end of the battle if it were one-on-one. But Reiss didn't have the luxury to wait, as Paris looked like she was about to finish reading out his rights before the kid died.

Reiss didn't know if charging ahead was the best idea. While Paris wasn't strong, she wasn't weak, either.

He needed more time to think things through! So he charged at the youngster.

"Ugh! Stop!" Delia yelled as she attacked the bat demon.

The bat demon stood no chance; Delias knives were barely visible to the naked eye. She ripped the demon apart before it could even react.

Reiss felt a bit sad since that demon was the one he had raised since he started his Exorcist journey. She was the second demon he had tamed. But he knew he didnt have the leisure to dwell on it.

Somehow, Delia was fast enough to appear between the youngster and Reiss faster than him.

The Ord being exuded by her was something he rarely saw. She was only nineteen and had plenty of time to grow stronger.

Her ability is quite suitable for her. I have never seen someone so compatible with their Special Ability. Its like a pyromaniac with a fire ability.'

Reiss summoned the ant demon below his sleeve. It was a low-class demon. That was the first demon he had ever tamed, and they shared quite a bond. While the demon was weak, it was unique.


With their bond as strong as possible, the ant demon melted into his skin, and Reiss developed ant-like antennae. Also, his usually slightly tan skin became brown and metallic as an exoskeleton grew.

This was the fusion between master and demon, the peak of a masters ability, a technique that needed both talent and the bond between master and familiar!