Chapter 19: I am Professor Chain!

Chapter 19: I am Professor Chain!

Chain remembered the day his village was destroyed by demons as if it were yesterday. Every time he closed his eyes, he could still smell the blood and taste the fear.

At least his father had died fast, trying to fight the demons from entering their home.

He had to hide under the cupboard as his mother and older sister got ripped apart and tortured by demons. They died horrible deaths. All he did was watch.

Chain regretted that day. Something killed his family and tortured them in front of him. He couldn't even move! A coward!

The headmaster had saved him. Even back when Chain was a kid, the annoying headmaster was old.

He smiled at the memories and stared straight at the three high class demons. "My chains were made to fight against demons."

And to keep my cowardice chained forever!

Four hovering chains appeared from his back. They were the thickness of someone's head. Silver colored and shining with dense Ord imbued into them.

Chain cracked one of his fingers and glanced toward the students. Amongst them, Bets stood out as he was the tallest, and most muscular. He looked like one of those berserkers from stories.

Then Chain's gaze wandered around and he finally found the weak point in the circle.

Fwish!... His chains moved faster than ever before, creating whooshing sounds as if they were whips.

Demon flesh ripped, blood spilled, and organs scattered. Creating an opening in the encirclement. It happened in a split second.

"Run toward the opening! Follow Bets! He will lead you to safety! Now fuck off you dumb brats!" He yelled out at his students.

Chain knew that despite his brutish looks, Bets was an intelligent young man. He had, after all, tied for first place on the written part of the entrance exam.

Some demons try to intercept the escaping students. But while doing so they turned their backs on Chain. He used that opportunity to rip them apart. At the speed his chains moved, it didn't matter that they didn't have sharp edges.

After more than half a dozen middle class demons died. The ground around Chain was covered in blood. A tunnel of dead demons formed in the encirclement.

Everyone got the memo, turning their back on him was a bad idea.

"How unexpected, a strong human," said the crow demon in a cawing voice. "Master said the teachers were only Expert Exorcists at best."

'Master?! Does someone control them? Or does it mean that multiple Beast Masters were working on this? There was also the chance of an Ultimate Class demon appearing. Demons of higher class can raw-power those below them to follow.' Each situation and assumption he made was an even worse situation than the previous one.

Something was happening behind the scenes! He had to hurry up!

Some middle class demons rammed toward Chain, one of them was a sturdy-looking bull with a lion's head.

Chain's ability allowed him to seal a demon's power as long as he could wrap his chains around them. The condition of that ability was that if he used it on anything other than demons. Well, he doesnt know what will happen, but it cant be anything good.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

He didn't know the exact limits of his chains. But if an enemy knew of his ability, then it would be dangerous as there were quite some counters against that. For example, they could throw humans in his way. Or use humans as hostages.

"Ah, it seems like mid-class demons are almost useless against him. Master will be mad if he loses so many demons. It takes quite a while to gather them," input the beautiful girl.

Today seems like a good day to die, Chain smiled wildly, like a cornered beast. He no longer cared about his own life.

I cant allow any demon to pass through. Or else the students will be in danger!'


I'm terrified. One wrong move, one wrong word, and I'm dead!

Perfect Me was an ability created to survive this situation. To try and make my opponent interested in it. That way he would let me live.

Why did every Shonen Manga out there have some perverted strong guy that appeared early in the story?

Also, I got a strange chill down my spine as he looked at me.

Did he lick his lips again? I questioned my eyes for a bit. In the end, I decided to act like I didn't see anything. Ignorance was bliss!

"Do you know how many demons I control?" The demonic exorcist asked. Trying to entice me with a question like that so he could brag. I don't even know why he was still around.

Still, I knew from the scenes where he had attacked. "Around a hundred? A couple hundred?"

If the circumstances were right, there were very few exorcists who could beat him. It wasn't a matter of pure power either. It's that with so many demons on his side, most of them had their own special abilities. Yeah, there's a reason why he was considered one of if not the most wanted rogue exorcists in the world.

"Well, if you're talking about the demons I brought with me. Then you would be about right. But all the demons I control number around five hundred. Most are middle class demons. While I also have twenty high class demons, each of them with dangerous special abilities." The Demonic Exorcist stared into the distance and frowned. He probably sensed something he didn't like.

But I was still in a bit of shock. With that many demons, the country would have to call on all its Elite Exorcists to take him down. The Manga never stated any numbers of how many demons the Demonic Exorcist had. He just had a lot of them.

"In your class. What did you learn about how many demons can a Beast Summoner have?" The Demonic Exorcist smirked, noticing my shock at his announcement.

"There was no concrete number. But it wasn't suggested to have more than three demons or they could turn against you. Also, even if you had somehow deepened the bond where they wouldn't do that, the Ord the contract consumes would be too much after a certain number." I recited the book-level answer.

Was he lying? After all, he had shown that he wasn't the most trustworthy source. But at the same time, I saw no reason for him to lie.

But if he was telling the truth. How could he keep 500 demons under contract? Hell, now I'm wondering how he would even be able to keep 100 demons under contract.

"C'mon give me an answer, there's no need to think too hard on this," the demonic exorcist's hand twitched.

"I don't know," even with all the information from the Manga, I genuinely didn't know.

Because its natural for me to be able to control a thousand demons! The madness in his eyes intensified so much that it seemed like it twisted the area around him. "Throughout heaven and earth, only I am the honored one! Ahahahaha!

Laughing like a mad man, he walked away.

Yep, he was crazy. But as soon as the man was out of sight, the demons also withdrew from the area.

Finally, I allowed my body to relax and I fell to the ground. I realized how much my muscles were strained after I had used Perfect Me.

The smell of blood in the air, the half-eaten body of Mr Fort, and the decapitated head of Miss Rana.

Despite all this It had turned out better than in the original timeline. There were four students who survived in this group.