Chapter 24 Birth Of Shri Krishna & Shaurya's Identity?

24 Chapter No.24 Birth Of Shri Krishna & Shaurya's Identity?

As the carriages were ready, Karna, Accompanied by his family and Shaurya, climbed aboard. The wheels began to turn, setting them on the path to Vrindavan, a Journey that held the promise of discovery, growth, and the fulfilment of Niyati (Destiny).

After some time, Shaurya went out to walk alongside the carriage.

Shaurya trotted alongside the carriage, his strong paws gracefully navigating the path. The wind rustled through his vibrant mane as he kept pace with the carriage, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement.

Karna watched Shaurya with a smile, marvelling at the majestic creature his lion cub had become. He could sense the shared determination between them, knowing that their journey to Vrindavan was not only, A physical one but also a spiritual and transformative quest.

As they travelled further away from the kingdom, the landscape transformed into lush greenery and serene surroundings. The gentle rustling of leaves and the sweet scent of flowers filled the air, creating a soothing atmosphere.

Karna's family members engaged in light-hearted conversations, sharing stories and laughter along the way. Their spirits were high, and the anticipation of what lay ahead fueled their enthusiasm.

Shaurya's presence added a sense of awe and wonder to the journey. Villagers they passed by would stop in their tracks, their eyes widening in amazement at the sight of the magnificent lion walking alongside the carriage.

'Oh, now I remember Athena, Is there any notifications I missed?'

[Now you remember me, Hmph~]

'A-Ah, I'm sorry, Athena, I was busy, You know.'

[You are not even using the system properly, I am angry.]

'I'm sorry, Please forgive me.'

[*Sigh* Okay, but you have to use the system better from now on, Promise me.]

'Okay, Promise, my dear Athena.' New novel chapters are published on

[W-Whose your d-dear, Stupid*Blushing Furiously*]

Athena, Couldn't help but blush at Karna's words. She composed herself and replied with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

[Well, I suppose I can forgive you this time, Host. Just remember to utilize the system more efficiently in the future. I'll be here to assist you every step of the way]

Karna chuckled at Athena's response, grateful for her guidance and support.

'And call me just by my name, 'Host' is disturbing in the long run.'

Athena let out a soft laugh, Her voice filled with warmth.

[Very well, Karna. I will address you by your name from now on.]

Karna smiled, appreciating the address change. He felt a sense of familiarity and comfort in their conversation, knowing that Athena was there to accompany him on his journey, both metaphorically and as a helpful guide.

[And here you go](Athena's Voice)

[Ding, Congratulations host, For completing a mission.](System Voice)

Karna's eyes widened in surprise as he heard Athena's announcement. He wasn't aware that he had completed a mission.

"What mission did I complete?"

After a long and arduous journey, Vasudev reached the village of Vrindavan, a place known for its tranquillity and simplicity. It was here that another divine plan would unfold. In Vrindavan, Vasudev encountered a loving couple named Nanda and Yashoda, who had recently welcomed a baby girl.

In an act of divine exchange, Vasudev gently placed his newborn son in Yashoda's arms, and in return, he took Yashoda's baby girl back to Mathura. The divine exchange went unnoticed by everyone, including Nanda and Yashoda, who embraced the child as their own, unaware of his true identity.

Back in Mathura, King Kansa was furious when he learned that the child had escaped his clutches. He intensified his oppressive rule, inflicting suffering on the people of Mathura, fearing that the prophecy might still come true.


Karna didn't know what transpired in Mathura, as his focus was on his own journey to Vrindavan. The lush green landscapes and the company of his family and Shaurya provided him solace and a sense of purpose. However, unbeknownst to him, the wheels of destiny were turning, entwining his path with the events unfolding in Mathura.

As Karna and Shaurya continued their walk, they reached a quaint village on the outskirts of Vrindavan. The village was bustling with activity, with villagers engaged in their daily chores and festivities. The air was filled with the melodious sounds of music and laughter, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.

Intrigued by the lively scene, Karna decided to explore the village and experience its vibrant culture. He could feel the energy and warmth of the villagers as he mingled with them, immersing himself in their customs and traditions. The villagers welcomed him with open arms, treating him as one of their own.

As the day drew to a close, Karna returned to his family and Shaurya, his heart filled with gratitude for the hospitality he had received. Sitting under the shade of a large tree, they shared stories and laughter, cherishing the moments of togetherness.

Amidst their conversation, a villager approached Karna, his eyes filled with awe as he gazed at Shaurya. He spoke with a mixture of excitement and reverence, sharing a tale passed down through generations.

"Sir, your magnificent lion reminds me of the legends of Narasimha, the half-man, half-lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is said that he appeared to protect the righteous and vanquish evil. Your lion's presence here feels like a divine blessing upon our village."

Karna listened intently, captivated by the story and the connection drawn between Shaurya and Lord Vishnu's divine form. He pondered the significance of their journey and the mysterious rewards he had received.

'Could it be that Shaurya is more than just a familiar? Is there a greater purpose behind our meeting?'

Karna wondered. Seeking answers, Karna turned to Athena, hoping she could shed some light on the matter.

'Athena, do you have any knowledge of the legends surrounding Lord Vishnu and his incarnations? Is there a connection between Shaurya and the tales of Narasimha?'

Athena's voice resonated with wisdom and knowledge as she responded.

[Yes, Karna. The legends of Lord Vishnu and his avatars are deeply intertwined with the fabric of Hindu mythology. Narasimha, the lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is known for his fierce protection of righteousness and his role in vanquishing evil forces. It is said that Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Narasimha to protect his devotee, Prahlada, from the tyranny of his father, the demon king Hiranyakashipu.]

Karna's eyes widened as he listened to Athena's words. The parallels between Shaurya and the divine Narasimha became apparent to him.

"Could it be that Shaurya is a manifestation of Lord Vishnu's presence in my life? Is our journey to Vrindavan part of a larger divine plan?"

Karna pondered, feeling a surge of excitement and awe.

*To Be Continued*


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