Prelude: Max meets Santa

Name:Reincarnated as an AXE! Author:
Prelude: Max meets Santa

So, there was that time in a shabby little tavern, in some nameless little village that I was passing through, when Santa Claus came to get me.

Can you believe it? I nearly couldnt! It was my first real interaction with a celebrity. Had I ever met anyone as cool as the jolly old elf himself? Never! I just didnt know how to react! Also, I had never before realized that Christmas was an interdimensional affair celebrated across the multiverse, but I guess that was just the magic of holiday season!

Oh, Mr. Nameless axe, Klaus said, sadly. Dont you see, this whole thing puts a real kink into my naughty or nice list? I cant weigh the evidence of your good or evil and render an appropriate judgement without a name to place in either section! Cant you just dig deep down, and try a little harder? For me? For good ol Santa?

Sorry, big guy, I said in reply. In all honesty, I cant remember my real name. I just go by Max these days because its easier. I reached for another cookie from the tray that Santa had brought with him but it was slapped out of my hand before I could even take a bite.

Ouch, Santa! What the heck? I said plaintively. I had a right to feel upset. Those were damn good cookies!

Ouch, Santa! hissed the old man in a mocking tone of voice. What the heeeck! I hope you realize that you just sounded like a little bitch, do you know that?

Jeeze, Santa. Thats not a very nice thing to say!

What was with this guy?

Well, maybe ol Santas not in such a nice mood, hmmm? I just asked for one little favor and you couldnt even do that! After everything Ive done for you over the years, too! You ungrateful little soiled wad. You know something, Max? I ought to push your shit in with a penknife, I really should!

Jesus, calm down, I told him. You cant tell if youve ever done anything for me, old man! You just admitted you dont even know my real name!

Dont you fucking talk back to me, you little shit! Dont you ever talk back to Santa! the jolly old elf barked back.

Well, okay. I guess were done here, and Im out, I said, as I hopped off my stool to take off. Klaus stood with me and as I tried to pass him, the old man lashed out with a whistling haymaker that crunched right into my nose!

Fuuuuck! I screamed in surprise, as I grabbed at my spurting nose. The toymaker stood there and laughed at my pain.

Oh nose! Did that hurt? Did that hurt, little Max? he asked me.

Of course, it hurts, you fat asshole! I yelled in reply.

Good. Good. Because were just getting started here, flatliner.

Klaus stripped off his robe, revealing a surprisingly muscular form beneath his supposedly flabby exterior. Yes, his belly was as round a bowl filled with jelly, but his pectorals, arms, and shoulders looked like theyd been forged on an anvil.

I was hoping youd do this the hard way! Do you hear me, you effete little spunk miner? Santa cheerfully asked. Ho! Ho! Ho! Ive broken naughty little bastards like you for nearly six hundred years. An endless wave of hoodlums and tough guys! Im going to punch a hole through your spine and let my reindeer use you as a prophylactic. You hear me, fucker? Santa loves working up a sweat putting shits like you in their place. You better be ready for this.

Klaus took a quick swig of milk before continuing. Lazy as hell, thats what they were. Unmotivated! So now Santas wearing these fuckers right across his balls to remind the others to finish your fucking work! Pretty inspirational, right? Ho ho ho!

Pain from my injuries blurred my vision as I tried to make sense of what was happening. To bring things out of this irresolute insanity and restore normality.

Santa, I said pleadingly. This cant be how you want to live your life, man. Cant you see it? Youve cracked! You need help! The pain of existence has clearly gotten to you! Youve got to end this nightmare before its too late! Kill yourself, man! Its the only way! Its the best way!

Ho ho ho! Santa said sarcastically as he offered me a meager little clap. You silly little bastard! Youre not the first one to ever try to talk ol Santa into ending it all! But it was still a good attempt!

It was? I asked him.

It was! And for making the effort, Ill be sure to strip the flesh from your back with a good candy cane caning!

Well, shit.

Shit is right, fucker! Now its time for Saint Nick to break your will, quick!

B-but wait I tried to say, but it was far too late. The toymaker took a seat on my lap and began going to work on my face with his thin razor wires and his flat rusty blades.

All things considered; it wasnt the worst way Id ever spent an idle evening.


When I awoke, I was laying on the floor of the tavern wed been in before.

Good, golly! Had it all been a terrible nightmare? Had it all been an awful dream? What was going on with me? More importantly, did I have a hidden masochistic fetish combined with undiagnosed daddy issues?

Man, I hoped not. I was complicated enough.

And then I looked around and saw I was surrounded by dozens of mutilated dead bodies. I was also covered in blood and gore and was obviously the person who had killed everyone here.


What could you say except happy New Years?

I went back to sleep.