Chapter 27: Frenzy Part II.

Name:Reincarnated as an AXE! Author:
Chapter 27: Frenzy Part II.

...Im sorry, what were you saying again? I asked sheepishly.

Oh, you arrogant little pissant! seethed Clarity as she slammed me back into the dirt. You mealworm! Youre nothing compared to me! Nothing! Youre an inconsequential spec of utter insignificance! Who the fuck are you to treat me so disrespectfully?

Hello! Im Max!

SHUT UP! she yelled as she stomped her foot onto my chest to emphasize her point.

Heeeey, you asked! I moaned unhappily.

Clarity laughed. It wasa sweet sound. Very melodic. I wonder what she sounded like when she sang.

But her faceher face wasmemorable. I could see a vein twitching on the side of her head, and her smile was much too wide.

Then, she was on her hands and knees crawling towards me. Before I could scurry away, she grabbed my leg and pulled me towards her. I tried to push her off, but she scrambled forward and assumed a kneeling, mounted position over my waist.

Hey, youve got a cute woman crawling over you! Someone might say. I sure do! Id cheerfully reply. But you can trade places with me, if youd like!

Why would you do that? The hypothetical stranger whos jealous of my good fortune might say.

Because shes set up a perfect position for what mixed-martial artists call a ground and pound and now shes probably going to punch me until I die!

Oh, says my imaginary chum. Well, gosh, that sucks! But hey, buddy! What a way to go!

Well, I suppose I couldnt argue with that.

Youre going to break, Max, Clarity murmured. Youre gonna breeeeeak

Then she punched me. Again, and again, and again. All the while continuing to chant:









I took this punishment for about two minutes before I managed to gargle out a reply through my broken teeth. Clarity giggled in delight.

Oh, whats that? What did you say? Hmmm? Repeat that! Please repeat it! Please, please, please!

She leaned closely towards me and placed her ear against my mangled lips.

Go ahead and whisper it, she whispered.

I shheed.


I shheeeeed


I said no thank you, I told her. Then, I spat in her face.

Okay, that might have been a step too far!

Heh. Might have been.

Nah, it definitely was!

But yeah, Clarity completely lost it. Good thing I convinced Libby to turn my healing back on, because this lady was now treating my face like a cat on a scratching post.

Man, I used to believe that vampires were cool. Who didnt? They were in some of the best horror movies and had some of the coolest folklore, and comics. But this egotistical fragility I was now experiencing firsthand? Ugh. It completely killed their image.

Imagine being a species so self-obsessed that the slightest perceived insult resulted in them utterly losing their minds? How did these people ever get anything done? So much for being the stylish overlords of the night!

Just look at Clarity. She was clawing me up so badly, so lost in her instinctual need to assert her dominance, that she hadnt even noticed that Id used [Dominate Minions] to overwrite her control of her remaining zealots.

Vampires were kinda losers, werent they?

Clarity opened her mouth to make another threat or maybe demand I surrender and apologize or whatever and that was precisely when one of her guys shoved a spear through the back of her head, sending the spearpoint jutting between her lips.

Ohhhh, nasty!

Clarity was on her feet instantly, turning around to slash him into bits with her clawed hands. Before she could return her attention to me, however, more of my new droogs surrounded her and began to attack.

What are you idiots doing? Stop this! Stop this! I command you! I command you! She yelled, angrily.

I rolled over to my side and laid my head on my fist to watch. Oh, this was getting good!

Traitors! You fucking trash!! How dare you! Why is this happening? Why wont you listen?

Sorry, Clarity, I said. The boys and I took a vote and we decided to unionize.

What? she asked in confusion.

Our terms are fair! No more attempted war crimes without two fifteens and a one-hour break! And overtime if we have to put in more than five hours! Sorry, that part's non-negotiable! It's how they do things in Europe, y'know.

I hope you wont spend this day under the mistaken assumption that youll get away with this outrage, Charity informed me. Because you most certainly will not.

So, we cant just let bygones be bygones? I asked her.

Youve interfered in a matter that had nothing to do with you, humiliated my cherished sister, and denied us our rightful justice against these Pal-dian scum. I think its safe to say that bygones are presently impossible between us, mortal.

You have a pretty smile.

Look forward to seeing it again, moments after my lips are stained with your life's blood.

I doubt that! Im going to be traveling with these guys for a bit, and you swore to leave them alone. Tooooo bad!

We'll honor our agreement, friend. This caravan is safe. You, however, have received no such protection. Well be seeing you soon. Look forward to it.

Oh. Hey, can I have a do-over?

No, you may not.


As they turned to leave, I suddenly remembered something important and shouted, Hey! Hold on! You were supposed to give the sword back too, remember?

Of course, I do. But since you never specified when it had to be returned, that will happen when I decide. The devils always in the details, human. Farewell for now."

Just as the sun began to rise, an ebon gate appeared out of nowhere. It was a door that looked like it had been forged from a shadow. Charity entered it first without a backward's glance.

Clarity followed her, but first took a moment to raise a middle finger in my direction.

Classy. I think I liked that little idiot.


Hey! I called out to the caravan. Hey! Your Knight is laying comatose over here. The bad guys are gone, come get her.

Not all of them, said one of the defenders. I saw you, stranger. You wielded some form of dark magic against the vampire! And look at you! By the gods, you should be dead by now. But here you stand without so much as a bruise! Youre as much a demon as they!

What?" I asked him. " Are you stupid or something? Didnt you see that beating I just took on your behalf? It wasn't very enjoyable; I'll tell you that much!

We didnt ask for your help!" the guy said. "Were still the people of the golden kingdom; were still the proud citizens of Paladia! If the price of salvation is being beholden to a monster, then we reject it! Begone! Well take care of Dame Rachel ourselves.

Others began echoing his sentiments. Someone even threw a rotting piece of fruit at me!

Nope. Nope, no good. Not acceptable. Nope, nope, nope!

I cast [Dominate Minion] on every ungrateful one of those pedantic Pal-dians.

After making certain I'd gotten every last one of them, I said:

I fought the vampire off skillfully, you didnt see me use any strange abilities, Im leaving Rachel in your care, and all your hearts are sooooo filled with gratitude towards me that you're desperate for me to stay with you.

Sir! Wont you please stay with us! begged that defender, now singing an entirely different tune. Ive never seen skills such as yours, before! I beg you, come with us to our new homeland! Let us shower you in the honors you so richly deserve!"

Im sorry, friend, I told him. But those vampires could return at any time. Someone must be here to face them, should they give into their dark desires and break their promises! If I survive, Ill send word to you."

Youre a rare breed, stranger," the defender said sadly. "You're so talented, so mysterious, so poetic and insightful. You're also comfortable with your masculinity, and yet not afraid to show the core of tenderness that lays beneath your strong exterior! Youre an example for all true warriors, and we'll never forget you!

Nor I, you, I replied, before clasping the other mans hand in friendship. Fare you well.

And you, Ser. And you.

Now that was more like it!

After Rachel was brought back to the caravan, we parted ways. They slowly drew away from me, while I sat beneath a tree and watched them go. Soon they were dots in the distance, leaving me all by myself.

What a night this had been!

I agree.

So, Libby? Are we going to talk now about what the hell your problem has been?

Yes. Yes, I think we should.

Good! Because frankly, you were a handful today! And thats not something I ever thought Id say about you. Whats going on?

Maxthis is very difficult for me to say. But its a sentiment thats been growing within me for some time.


Its the way I feel about you, Max. Its been gradually changing. Growing more intense with every passing moment that we spend together.

Youyou feel something for me?

I do.

W-whatwhat do you mean?

Max, I... I.

Say it, Libby. Go on, say it!

MaxII feel

You feel what, Libby? What do you feel?

Max, I feel like we both should just die.
