“What the— What’s wrong?”

With a worried gaze, Baron Allen tried to support Morgan as he stumbled, but he couldn’t properly prop up his son due to him being of a much larger physique than himself. The moment Morgan was about to fall, Dad held him up.

Mom hurriedly turned to the butler.

“Call the doctor!”

Dad trudged back to the mansion with Morgan on his back, heading to one of the guest bedrooms and laying him down on the bed.

Not knowing what to do, Baron Allen paced back and forth, then as though he remembered it belatedly, he spoke to Mom.

“You don’t have to call the doctor.”

“Pardon? But…”

“Various doctors have already examined him before, but not a single one of them could diagnose him. Still, fortunately, he’ll come out of it fine after some time. So please allow us to stay overnight.”

“Of course, that’s not a difficult thing to do.”

Mom worriedly glanced at Morgan, who was shivering as though he had succumbed to a fit.

This confirms it.

Morgan’s an Esper.

Besides that, he’s a physical Esper that had just recently manifested.

However, it’s so different from what I had read in the novel.

In the novel, the only Espers were the crown prince and Ciel. And, the only Guide was the saintess. But then, I had already manifested as a Guide, and now another Esper had emerged.

What in the world am I supposed to think now?

My thoughts became more and more tangled, however I recognized that the first thing I needed to do was to help this Esper, who was suffering from a lack of guiding.

Mom, Dad and Baron Allen seemed to be carefully thinking about who to keep by Morgan’s side. Perhaps Baron Allen also wanted to hide from others that Morgan was suffering from an illness.

“I’ll nurse him. I think that’ll be for the best.”

With his expression lighting up at once, Baron Allen replied to me.

“Will you? I’ll just check the products with your father and quickly return.”

“Dear, you must have been surprised though. Will you be alright?”

Though worried about me, it didn’t seem like he was opposed to the idea. Unlike how he was with Ciel, it seemed like he had more trust in Morgan. Even Mom was willingly allowing my suggestion.

I couldn’t help but feel a bit puzzled, but this was an urgent situation. I nodded in response.

“Then, Rin, I’ll have some towels and a basin of water sent up first. But if you need anything else, talk to the butler so he can tell me. Since we have guests, I should have dinner prepared soon.”

“Yes, Mom. Don’t worry.”

Though their eyes still evidently showed their concern for Morgan, they had to go out through the door and leave the room. It was best to finish their work for the day before sunset.

Now left alone with Morgan in this quiet space, I approached Morgan. I immediately sympathized with him as he looked like he was in pain, and I took out a handkerchief to wipe away his sweat.

And, without further delay, I took his hand. I felt his tangled-up energy, and I unraveled it little by little as though they were individual threads. It was quite serious. He’s been using his power thoughtlessly until now because he couldn’t control it.

There’s a limit to guiding with only our hands being in contact, but some way or another, I was able to let a part of his energy flow better.


As I finished guiding him, I let out a brief exhale. It seemed like my match rate with Morgan wasn’t very good. I had to exert more effort into guiding him compared to when I had guided Ciel.

Then, I finally confirmed that he was breathing evenly again. By then, I heard someone knocking on the door, and I let them in right away. The head butler brought in the things needed to take care of Morgan.

“Milady, if you’re having a hard time, please allow me to nurse the Young Lord.”

“It hasn’t been more than a few minutes.”

“But Milady, you’ve never nursed someone before, yes?”

Caring for an Esper was something practically ingrained in her. In the past, whenever Ciel got home just before he’d fall unconscious, everything was up to her to nurse him back to health.

“I’ve been feeling a lot better compared to before though. Give it here. I’m sure you also have a lot of things to do,” I told the butler.

We had a lower number of employees in our residence than other noble households’ mansions. In particular, the only employees with high positions here were the head butler and head maid.


“It’s alright. Go help Mom and Dad. All I’ll do is wipe his sweat anyway.”

“…In that case, I understand. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you ever need me.”

Even when I was younger, the head butler exuded the air of a middle-aged man, but now, he was old enough to have wisps of white hair here and there.

After he left, I soaked the towel in the water basin and squeezed it, then I wiped Morgan’s face and neck.

Just a while ago, his face was so red that it looked like he’s about to burst, but he seemed to be more comfortable now.

“Phew, what a relief.”

Of all places, it’s fortunate that he collapsed here at my family’s house.

If it weren’t for this happenstance, he might have broken out into a rampage somewhere I didn’t know.

Looking down at Morgan, who almost disappeared from this world, I was about to let go of the hand I was holding, thinking that he was asleep.

If only he hadn’t grasped my hand tighter.