Chapter 1231: large moon base

"Yes, this is a good idea!" The atmosphere at the scene became intense, and another scientist spoke: "In this way, we can use our current nuclear-powered rocket engine as the power of this spacecraft, which will allow us to land on the moon. The spaceship has enough energy to complete multiple round-trip flights!"

Landing on the moon is quite difficult. The U.S. lunar module is divided into a descending section and an ascending section. When taking off, the second half remains on the moon, and the first half flies into space, which is different from the lunar orbit. The command module on the meeting.

And now, if you use nuclear powered engines, it doesn't have to be so complicated! Moreover, the outer space and the lunar surface are both vacuum, and the radiation problem of the nuclear power engine is no longer a problem. After all, if astronauts want to act on the lunar surface, they must wear a full set of space suits!

"I suggest that our lunar landing spacecraft should be handed over to the Lightning Design Bureau." Chelomian said: "It can be launched by the Blizzard at the beginning, and then it will go back and forth between the Mir space station and the lunar surface. We will be in charge of the base on the base. General Secretary Andre, how big is our base?"

The idea of ​​a base on the moon sounds crazy! Now, how big does this base need to be? This is what everyone cares about the most.

"Then let me talk about the long-term plan first." Andrei said: "Within ten years, we plan to build a city on the surface of the moon that can accommodate about a thousand people. In this plan, we plan to invest about 100 billion rubles. "

Go back to the moon and build a massive base there! In fact, in later generations, many countries are planning, of course, just planning.

The United States, Russia, China, and even India are planning to colonize the moon.

However, these plans are always just plans, because to carry out such plans, first of all, a strong country is needed! Even in later generations, the United States is already strong enough to unipolarly dominate the world, and there is no practical action.

Because this requires a lot of initial investment, except when the United States can invest enough funds to compete with the Soviet Union for hegemony, in later generations, the United States controlled by capitalists has no need to continue to dig deep into space. Even after the retirement of the space shuttle, NASA didn't even have a means of transport to go deep into space. What's even more funny is that Americans plan to rely on commercial companies to help them build spaceships.

But now, for the Soviet Union, everything is available. The Soviet Union, a huge country, can easily accumulate huge amounts of money. At the same time, the Soviet Union also has a leader who values ​​space very much!

Leaders are very important, such as Khrushchev, who loves nuclear bombs very much. Therefore, during Khrushchev's period, nuclear bombs have been greatly developed, and the navy, too embarrassed, dare not even mention an aircraft carrier. What comes out can only be called a cruiser, a Moscow-class aircraft carrier, or **** for nuclear submarines.

Now, Andre is very interested in space, so Andre has been supporting space technology! Therefore, only now can the Soviet space technology develop to such a perverted level.

If Andre said he wanted to build a moon base, he would definitely be able to do it!

The European Union of later generations, just to build a Galileo satellite navigation system, will continue to argue with each other, and even if it invests billions of euros, it will not be able to get it. It can be seen how important a strong country is!

It is a great plan to finally build a lunar base that can accommodate a thousand people!

The same plan exists in the world.

For example, after the end of the Cold War, the United States, which has greatly increased its confidence, decided to return to the moon. They formulated a huge plan to build a temporary lunar space city at a cost of 100 billion US dollars. This

This plan will be carried out in stages. Initially, a temporary base was established, and the number of people gradually increased from a dozen to dozens. They will conduct mineral mining and smelting experiments on the moon and prepare for the construction of a permanent base. After that, a small and medium-sized permanent base was built around 2007, the number of people increased to more than 100, and a complete production system from mining, smelting and transportation was gradually formed. Finally, a lunar city that can accommodate thousands of people will be built on the moon. Various types of production, living, and entertainment facilities are becoming more and more complete. The materials are more than self-sufficient, and they can also be "exported" to the earth.

This is a grand blueprint. This lunar base, which is planned to cover an area of ​​8,000 square meters, is a circular 3-story building with a diameter of 64 meters and a height of 4.5 meters per floor. The roof is constructed of concrete and covered with lunar soil, 0.7 to 2.5 meters thick. The wall is divided into two parts, the outer wall is 6 layers, 1.4 meters thick, the inner wall is 2.5 meters thick, and 0.7 meters thick lunar soil is sandwiched between the inner and outer walls. It is mainly used to prevent cosmic rays, solar wind, and meteorite impacts. In addition, there is a circular air-raid shelter in the middle of the building Once the building is damaged and the atmosphere leaks, people can take refuge in it.

This plan can be said to be quite huge, but unfortunately, let alone 2007, in 2017, there is still no shadow.

Even the island countries are not far behind, and established the "Lunar Base and Lunar Resources Development Research Association", and decided to build a base with a diameter of 6 meters and a length of 11 meters for 6 to 8 people starting in 2004. It is possible to work here irregularly, from a few days to a few weeks. After 2030, expand the base to a few hundred people and become the first true space settlement outside Earth established by a fully self-sufficient human being.

Unfortunately, these are all plans, only the Soviets have the strength to make it a reality!

What are the benefits of developing the moon? From a short-term perspective, the investment is huge and the gain is small.

On the moon, the most important thing is helium-3, which is a clean nuclear material. However, the stock on the earth is very small, but on the moon, it is a huge stock.

At present, the nuclear raw material that humans can use is uranium, fission reactors, and fusion is still under research. Helium is quite suitable for fusion fuel, especially helium-3. 100 tons of helium-3 can provide the world The total amount of energy used for one year. However, on Earth, only about 500 kilograms of helium-3 can be mined globally.

On the moon, however, there are millions of tons of helium-3 in just the shallow layers. Such abundant nuclear fuel is enough for Earth's people to use for tens of thousands of years!

It can be said that the lunar base can first be built into a mining area to extract the helium-3 from the moon and transport it back to the earth for use. The nuclear reaction of helium-3 is not radioactive and will not bring any environmental threat. clean energy.