Chapter 1208: Soviet demands

When he came to the capital, Andre received a high-standard reception, which was exactly the standard for receiving the general secretary of the Soviet Union. In the Great Hall, the chairs of Andre and Deng Gong were only more than one meter apart. There is a translator.

Although Andre has the memory of the previous life, there is no need to rely on translation at all, but in this formal occasion, Andre still has to put on the momentum of a national leader. Moreover, the current Andre is still a global leader. The leader of the largest empire!

"Marshal Andre, we, China and the Soviet Union, share the same beliefs. We are now cooperating with each other continuously. I really hope we can further deepen our cooperation and achieve a win-win situation," said Deng Gong.

Cooperation and win-win, this is the card that Huaxia is playing now. Now, with the development of Huaxia, it is constantly using economic means to win over neighboring countries and achieve win-win through cooperation. The products produced by Huaxia are even more loved by neighboring countries.

"Yes, only cooperation can achieve a win-win situation." Andre said: "Our two countries should continue to deepen the relationship between us. At the same time, we should also see that now, the situation in the world is undergoing tremendous changes. Variety."

Because of Andre, the world has changed a lot! The free world has come to the time of life and death, and it seems that they have no chance to turn around, and the Soviet Union continues to kill people.

Duke Deng nodded: "Yes, there will be more and more people who believe in gcism, and our gcism will surely defeat capitalism."

For Duke Deng, the answer is very wise. After all, the changes in the world situation were created by the Soviet Union. A huge Soviet empire is actually a certain threat to China. However, the current Soviet Union has always been posing. With a very friendly face, the only explanation can only be the same belief.

Andre shook his head: "No, this is strength. When your strength is achieved, you will naturally be able to do what you want to do. Now, it is also a very critical period for Huaxia. Don't you have any? Any ideas?"

Hearing this, Duke Deng was stunned for a moment. This is a critical period. What are your thoughts? Could it be that the Soviet Union wanted Huaxia to join the Soviet Union? That is absolutely impossible, China is definitely different from Iraq and other countries!

"I mean, now is your chance to unify the country." Andre said, he saw Duke Deng's face and knew that the other party was wrong, thinking that he, like Stalin at the time, wanted to establish a joint fleet with Huaxia. What, so, Andre didn't give a shit: "If you have an idea, we, the Soviet Union, are quite supportive."

Now, this opportunity is quite good. The treasure island in the east of China has the largest backstage in the United States, and now, the United States is unable to protect itself, how can it take into account the treasure island!

For Huaxia, taking advantage of this time to recover the treasure island is a good opportunity!

Recover the treasure island and complete the reunification of the motherland! This is what many leaders are looking forward to, especially people like Deng Gong who have come from the era of the Anti-Japanese War, and hope that this matter will become a reality in their own hands!

However, now, Huaxia is still carrying out economic reforms. Everything in Huaxia is based on economic construction. If the war mode is turned on, then Huaxia's economy will be greatly affected. It can be said that time is not yet!

Moreover, when landing across the sea, Huaxia doesn't have any tools at hand. It is a joke to rely on fishing boats to land on the treasure island!

Relying on the J-82 fleet, Huaxia can seize air dominance, but Huaxia still does not have the ability to land across the sea!

"If you have an idea, our Soviets can provide some help. For example, our ground effect aircraft can help you transport the first batch of landing troops." Andre said: "After capturing an important port, you The follow-up transportation is very convenient.”

With the memory of his previous life, Andre certainly knew of Huaxia's plan to recover the treasure island. First of all, the missile sea, short-range ballistic missiles, would be enough to destroy all the military bases on the treasure island! In this kind of battle, there is no need to declare war at all, only the country and the country declare war! He Wanwan, make a fart, it must be a sudden blow!

The only thing that Huaxia lacks is the equipment for cross-sea landing. Fortunately, the Soviet Union has it, not to mention landing from the mainland across the strait, even from the northeast, can directly transport troops there!

Hearing this, Duke Deng's eyes lit up. It takes money to fight a war. However, if you get a treasure island, you will gain a lot. Baodao now has a very developed industry, especially the electronics industry!

The development of the Soviet Union is obtained through war, and it can also be on its own side!

"So, what do you need us to do?" Duke Deng asked.

"On Treasure Island completely ban Freemasonry." Andre said: "Kill their members mercilessly!"

This is also the main purpose of Andre's visit this time!

When Queen Elizabeth II was subdued, Britain began to set off a nationwide anti-Semitic storm, and the Pearl of the East in southeastern China, which is now a British colony, was also setting off such a storm. As a result, the KGB found that , This group of people, all went to the treasure island!

Freemasonry exists not only in Europe, but also in the United States and in the eastern countries!

It was quite embarrassing for the Soviet Union to intervene directly. For some reason, Andre didn't want to use Huaxia for surgery, so he could only change it.

Directly support Huaxia and bring the treasure island over, and the other Soviet Union will not care. In short, all Freemasonry on the treasure island must be banned!

Freemasonry, this secret organization, is quite strict, with strict internal hierarchy, high-level people are all white people, and yellow people can only be the most basic, even so, they cannot be allowed to continue to exist!

"Masons are a tumor in the world and an organization under the conspiracy of the Jews." Andre continued: "We Soviets have always regarded Freemasonry as an enemy, and we will never show mercy to our enemies. Moreover, we also hope that if you follow the clues and catch some people in Huaxia, we hope that you will cooperate."

That's what Andrei asked for! high? Not high! Huaxia can do it, and doing so is good for Huaxia!

Freemasonry is the cancer of the whole world, and their hands once stretched directly to the highest level of the Soviets! Andrei spared no effort in eradicating Freemasonry!

If Huaxia does not agree, then the Soviets have other ways. In short, there is nothing that the Soviets can't do!