Chapter 1182: please shoot

Rush, rush in, grab Bush and ask, what the **** is he doing!

When the people are angry, they can do anything!

And when they came over, the guards guarding the White House were immediately dumbfounded, Nima, what's the situation?

In the United States, there are frequent demonstrations, and there are quite a few demonstrations in front of the White House. However, many times, the demonstrations are legal, and they shout there, while the White House guards continue to stand guard in front of the White House.

And now, because the Jews are so abhorrent, even some guards standing guard at the White House, after finishing their duty, took off their clothes and directly mixed into the crowd of demonstrations, shouting a few times, and drinking water, There is bread to eat!

However, the crowd of demonstrators has always been very disciplined. At most, they just burned something on the street. There is no such thing as a direct charge like now!

What is this for?

Wait, what about those cops?

Because there are parades here every day, the Washington Police Department has always dispatched a part of the police force to come here to maintain order. And now, when the parade is hitting the White House, what are the police doing?

The members of the White House Guard looked at the crowd of demonstrators, and the police seemed to have no sign of blocking it at all!

What people want!

The police, the American police! Jews are rich, and American Jews are even richer. Therefore, they are keen on politics, but not in the army. In the US military, the proportion of Jews is very low, especially in the police force.

Being a policeman is life-threatening. In the United States, where all people have guns, being a policeman has a high possibility of sacrifice. Jews, as long as they can solve problems with money, are civilized people, why bother.

Therefore, the police officers on duty here are all ordinary Americans. They are quite sympathetic to the demonstration team, and they are full of anger towards the current Bush administration.

The Bush administration, the traitorous government, and the lackeys of the Jews, sacrificed the navy and Alaska for the sake of the Jews! They should have stepped down long ago! However, in Congress, even the proposal to impeach the president could not be passed!

This makes it more clear to ordinary people that the United States is no longer American, but Jewish!

Jews have strict control over newspapers and news. Almost all of these public opinion organizations are controlled by Jews, but now, the Internet is free, so it is no secret that Jews control high-level American officials.

Moreover, there are also a group of patriotic capitalists who are opposing Jewish capital! Just like Trump, it deeply reveals the Jewish conspiracy!

American police, do nothing!

"President, President, it's not good, the parade outside rushed in toward the White House!" The door of the Oval Meeting Room was pushed open, and the White House Chief of Staff hurried in and said to Bush.

Outside, the parade team dared to attack the White House!

Hearing this, in an instant, everyone's face turned pale. How to do? At this time, some people even thought of using Air Force One!

"Immediately block all the exits of the White House. The guards are armed with live ammunition. As long as anyone gets close to the White House cordon, they will kill them on the spot!" At this time, as a World War II veteran, Bush was the first to react.

How can it be so easy to hit the White House! As the place where the head of government of the United States lives, the defense of the White House is very strict.

The entire White House implements a defense-in-depth system, which is divided into three levels. Generally, 500 special agents are deployed in the outer circle wearing police uniforms, guarding all possible entrances and exits to the White House.

In the image, the middle-level security circle is located near the main buildings in the palace, and is on duty 24 hours a day.

The innermost security circle is located at the door of the President's office and the room where he is staying, and the secret agents on duty wear civilian clothes.

At the same time, all the personnel are carrying automatic weapons. Although the innermost people only put pistols close to their bodies, there are automatic rifles and submachine guns in special places nearby. Event!

At the same time, after the attack, the White House can get in touch with the Pentagon at any time.

The impregnable White House actually has many loopholes. For example, on the day Reagan was inaugurated, the 45-year-old Dana swept through the White House defense net, first mixed into the ranks of the Marine Corps band, and then joined military officials. to the second floor. He wandered alone again, even wandering for a while in the restaurant reserved for the President's family. A quarter of an hour later, it was discovered.

And now, after receiving the order, the White House Guards immediately moved into action. They were carrying light m16 carbine guns, and some carried their own pistols because they were too late to get their guns. They stood guard at every exit, watching The people coming up ahead.

If those people come up and cross the cordon, do you really want to shoot yourself ? Sweat seeped down on everyone's head, of course they knew the consequences of doing so, it was killing their own people! After this incident, even if they are not punished by the law, their conscience will be disturbed!

Because their hearts are also on the side of the parade! Their duty, however, is to protect the White House, which is contradictory!

"Please don't come any closer, or we'll shoot!" Captain John, the person in charge, shouted when he saw the crowd approaching.

"Go on, you shot!" Clinton's voice had already sounded from behind: "Use the guns in your hands to be the accomplices of the Jews and shoot our people! Now, in the White House, there is a group of Jews. Assholes! They stole the power of our country, they controlled our parliament, and they tried to take us America and give them Jewish burial!"

Clinton had long expected the response of the White House Guard, but Clinton was also confident that these people would not dare to shoot!

"Let's see what's going on with the armed forces raised with our taxpayers' money! They didn't have the seeds to wipe out a single Soviet, they even humiliated the country and took Alaska! Now, our military, will only The guns are pointed at us!" Clinton's voice continued to sound: "Now, let's stand up and meet the bullets! Back then, at the edge of Lexington Village, our militiamen held their bodies high to welcome the power. From that time, freedom and democracy have been our American creeds. For these beliefs, we will fight bravely! People on the other side, if you still believe in democracy and freedom, then please support us, if you If you're willing to be a jewish dog, then please shoot!"