Chapter 1109: blood on the bridge

Of course, saturation attack is not a large number of missiles flying randomly. How to effectively guide the missiles while launching a large number of missiles is also a key. Among them, the bandwidth problem will be quite significant.

For example, in later generations, the United States already has a large number of advanced drones, and these drones can transmit video signals. So, does that mean that the US military can monitor the situation on the battlefield in real time?

Of course not, because the bandwidth of the satellites they transmit signals is seriously insufficient, and they can only transmit a few channels of video signals, so they can only switch back and forth, depending on which one focuses.

Although technology can be used to continuously increase the capacity of the transmission system, there are still limitations.

To give a simple example, such as mobile phone signal, experienced the era of 2g, 3g, 4g, what do these mean? In the 2G era, the transmission bandwidth was the lowest, and only Sora Aoi.txt can be viewed. In the 3G era, the transmission capacity has been improved, and you can watch Sora Aoi.jpeg. In the era of 4G, you can view Sora Aoi.avi smoothly.

Now, if dozens of missiles receive guidance from satellites at the same time, the satellite capacity is limited and it is impossible to guide them all. Therefore, these saturated missiles will use another tactic and fly in formation!

Formation flight!

The 32 p-500 missiles that were fired were divided into four formations, each with eight missiles forming a formation.

From the outside, this formation is also quite peculiar. The 7 missiles, at a low altitude of 30 meters, keep the radio silent, do not turn on the seeker, and only rely on the data link to fly.

The other missile jumped up to an altitude of 6,000 meters!

This 11.7-meter-long, 4.8-ton missile is like a small fighter jet with a diameter of 880 mm. At the warhead, it is equipped with the latest sea search radar, which radiates electromagnetic waves by relying on a flat slot radar antenna. , very efficient, it is enough to find the target 300 kilometers away!

Therefore, as long as the data link of the satellite and the early warning aircraft provides the guidance data for the first 200 kilometers!

The four formations are flying fast in the direction of the US aircraft carrier. Now it is the cruise phase. All the missiles, throw away the boosters, and ignite the ramjets of the rocket thrust! The continuous air was sucked in, mixed with the fuel and burned, and a fiery flame was ejected from the tail, sprinting to Mach 1.7!

550 kilometers in just 1000 seconds! The defense time left for the U.S. Navy is fifteen minutes!

Immediately after the missiles were launched here, the e-2 early warning aircraft discovered the traces of these missiles. In an instant, a sharp alarm sounded throughout the entire aircraft carrier formation.

The Soviets, launched a saturation attack with supersonic anti-ship missiles!

Dozens of missiles are coming to the aircraft carriers Eisenhower and Constellation!

Sitting in a chair, Colonel Mark's face was full of anger. These were all made by Ackerman!

"A-7 attack aircraft, mount Harpoon missiles, prepare to counterattack!" Ackerman has taken over as Captain Mark, and now he is in command of the entire fleet and the carrier air wing.

The Tomcats and F-18 fighters were ejected just now. Now, we still have more than a dozen A-7 attack aircraft, which have not been ejected. In the case of the Soviets attacking us, we must of course make a counterattack.

"You stupid Jew! Now, the most important thing for us is to protect our warships!" Mark couldn't bear it anymore: "This aircraft carrier was built with the money of our taxpayers! We can't let it be destroyed!"

Up to now, Ackerman is still thinking about attacking the Soviets, thinking about continuing to provoke conflict, and doesn't care about the safety of this aircraft carrier!

"Mark, you have been in the Navy for so many years, don't you know that the anti-ship missiles of the Soviet fleet have a range of only 500 kilometers? These Soviet missiles are not a threat to us at all, they are bluffing! Also, you've been fired. By order from the White House..." Ackerman was about to continue when he saw Mark draw a gun and point it at his head.

"Fuck off, the order of the White House, that group of politicians, that group of Jews, how can they care about the interests of our US Navy!" Mark said: "Now, I tell you, your mission is over!"

"If you dare to shoot, you are a sinner of the US military. You violate the military order and wait for a court-martial!" Ackerman said.

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded, and a large hole appeared in the back of Ackerman's head in an instant. The bullet opened his skull, and the white brains and red blood splashed everywhere.

"I want to save our warships, all the soldiers are my children." Mark said: "I won't watch them die! Who said the Soviet anti-ship missiles only have a range of 500 kilometers? They Since it is launched, it must be sure!"

If Mark did this and went to a military court, he would really be sentenced to death. However, Mark has no fear. What he has to do now is to save all the personnel! As the supreme commander of the fleet, this is his mission!

"Captain, we obey your orders!" The other people on the bridge looked at Mark with the same loyalty, and they were equally angry with Ackerman!

"Assign interception targets to each warship, all Tomcats and F-18s in the air, the offensive mission is cancelled, and immediately intercept those **** missiles!" Mark said.

Intercept missiles!

In the case of the opponent's anti-ship missiles flying the US Navy's carrier aircraft actually disregarded the life and death of its own formation, but also went to perform the task of the White House, doing what to simulate the attack on the aircraft carrier formation of the Soviets!

From start to finish, this is a nonsense mission! The only possibility is that the Jews want a complete war between the United States and the Soviet Union!

Only in this way can Israel have a chance to breathe!

For their one nation, pull the entire United States!

The flight formation in the air, after hearing the order, the answer is incomparably straightforward, understand!

They are also very disgusted with the order just now, and now, they want to protect their aircraft carrier!

Block, block!

Push the joystick, face the missiles flying from the opposite side, the onboard radar of the Tomcat fighter, and quickly lock the target!

The p-500 missile is the second-generation long-range supersonic anti-ship missile of the Soviet Union. It has a huge body and a powerful attack. However, it also has a significant disadvantage, the attack ballistic is rigid!

Due to the lack of control ability, this missile will not predict that it will be locked by the opponent's radar and then maneuver to avoid it. Its only advantage is speed!

It can be said that if there are precautions, this thing is just a supersonic target drone! Even at the end of the attack, he wouldn't do any snake-like maneuvers to get rid of it, he would just rush forward!

The radar of the Tomcat fighter quickly locked the target, and the radar operator in the back seat pressed the launch button while suppressing his fear.

Two, one target!

Phoenix missiles, to deal with such large and rigid missiles, are simply a perfect match! Moreover, there is only one chance to intercept! In order to ensure the success rate of interception, they launched two missiles at the same time, hoping to completely intercept the target!

Damn horrible Soviets!