Chapter 1102: shit command

"What on earth is the White House thinking? This is simply killing our army!" Mark couldn't believe the order just sent. At the same time, it also confirmed one more thing, between the interests of the United States and the interests of the Jewish people. , the US government has gradually tilted towards Jewish interests!

Those Jews who flew fighter jets have left the continental United States, passed through Europe, and now, have flown to the air base in Sicily.

Think of Sicily, they are refueling, ready to continue their flight, and return to Israel to participate in this battle to defend Israel!

If this is all, then Mark can still accept it. After all, this kind of thing has already been done in the first Middle East war. At that time, Israel was about to be destroyed, and the participation of these Jewish pilots saved it. war situation.

But now, the order from the White House is to let the aircraft carrier formation help!

Unlike before, when the Soviet naval formations sailed in the Mediterranean Sea, Israel's western airspace has also been blocked!

In this case, if these fighter planes flew directly from Sicily, they would definitely be intercepted by the Soviet naval aviation, and these Jewish pilots who have been flying for more than ten hours, even if they muster the courage to fight, I am afraid they have no chance of winning. big.

In order for these planes to be able to fly back to Israel, the order from the White House was to have their own aircraft carrier formation take off all fighter planes and put on an attacking posture. In this way, the Soviet aircraft carrier formation would also take them away. The fighter jets, all ejected into the sky! After an hour, their fighter planes will return due to lack of fuel and lack the ability to be dispatched again!

At the same time, the planes driven by Jews will also circle in a circle, cross the airspace of Greece and Turkey, and return to Israel!

This is just bullshit! Now, the Soviets are aggressive, they are just monitoring here, and the Soviets want to attack themselves! And now, if we take off a large number of fighter planes and put on an offensive posture, the Soviet Navy will definitely project all anti-ship missiles with a range of more than 500 kilometers!

The US was originally sunk by the Sunburn missiles with a range of more than 100 kilometers. Now those big guys in the Soviet Navy are more than ten times more powerful than the Sunburn missiles!

What about Congress? Will Congress approve of these guys messing around? Mark couldn't help but think in his heart.

The U.S. military is the last hope of the United States. If the military is consumed, then the United States will be even more chaotic! Relying on the National Guard, how could it be possible to maintain the security of the United States!

Mark hesitated.

Ackerman, who is on the side, is waiting. In his hand, there is a new order. If Mark does not implement the order of the White House, then according to the laws of the US military, Mark will be dismissed! Then Ackerman, it is logical to command this warship! Command the entire aircraft carrier formation!

Looking at the magnificent sea outside, Mark felt tired for the first time in his life.

"Since it is the order of the White House, as a soldier, I will obey the order." Mark said: "Order the formation, prepare a large number of catapult carrier aircraft, pay attention, air defense mount!"

"Captain Mark, the White House's order is to look like an attack." Ackerman said: "I suggest that it is better to mount the attack on the ship."

On an aircraft carrier, the captain and the flight wing commander have the same rank, and their powers do not overlap.

If from this point of view, what is mounted on the aircraft should be determined by the wing commander. However, now Ackerman's qualifications are too shallow, and Colonel Mark is a veteran carrier-based aircraft pilot, and, at this time, his orders are more weighty.

"Ship-to-ship attack mount?" Mark's eyes looked at Ackerman, and he said word by word: "Our air-to-ship anti-ship missiles only have Harpoons, with a range of 120 kilometers, and the Soviets' air defense The Rif-m air defense missile on the ship has a range of 150 kilometers! We have mounted anti-ship missiles, is there any possibility of attack? Don't think about ultra-low altitude! The Soviet Yak-44 early warning aircraft has a higher detection accuracy than Our e-2 is even higher! Attacking the ship is courting death!"

"Moreover, we must always be prepared for the Soviets to launch a large number of missiles at our warships! The air mount is not to intercept the Soviet fighters. Their more important mission is to intercept possible anti-ship missiles!" Mark said : "I don't know that this is a **** order from the guy in the White House whose head was kicked by a donkey. In short, now, my task is to protect our entire aircraft carrier formation first!"

Ackerman sneered, wanting to ridicule, as the commander of a powerful aircraft carrier fleet, how can he be so timid! However, when he saw that everyone else was casting doubts on him, Ackerman could only swallow his words back.

Very few Jews join the army. If you want to control the army, you still have to get the support of other people. Now as long as it is launched, the Soviets have always been aggressive. The opponent will definitely take the initiative to attack!

At that time, the war will break out!

And as the order was issued, the huge war machine began to operate!

On the USS Eisenhower, the fighter jets were lifted from the hangar, and the warship was running at full power, sailing against the wind, preparing to catapult the carrier-based aircraft.

The huge Tomcat fighter plane, covered with heavy missiles, lifted off in the white smoke of the catapult!

More than a dozen Tomcats were ejected at full power, and the speed of the aircraft carrier began to drop. Then, the medium-sized f-18 fighter was towed to the runway. Compared with the Tomcat, which required full-power ejection, it only needed medium-power catapults. , it can be ejected into the air!

Because the Tomcat fighter is too expensive and the maintenance cost of operation is also high, the U.S. Navy with deep pockets needs a fighter with low maintenance cost. Selected by the Navy, after continuous development, it has become an excellent naval fighter.

It has the role of a generalist, capable of both air combat and attack. Moreover, the maintenance cost is low. At the moment when the US military budget is reduced, the US Navy continues to retire the F-14 and make up for it by increasing the number of F-18.

Mark stood on the bridge and watched the planes take off. His heart was apprehensive. The US Navy is no longer the navy in history. Its strength is weakening, while the strength of the Soviet Union is increasing!

The technical gap cannot be filled with quantity!

Suddenly, Mark's eyes widened. The carrier-based aircraft that had just ejected and took off had a big guy on the inside pylon of the wing. It was definitely not an air-to-air missile!

Harpoon anti-ship missile!